Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is
pleased to present
your Free Weekly Horoscope
for August 18, 2013 — August 25, 2013
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
The Full Moon in Aquarius on Wednesday enlivens our senses and we feel the need to apply clarity and definition. The day is likely to be blanketed by bizarre ad unusual occurrences. People may seem idealistic and generous in some respects and out of control or downright unrealistic in other respects. Although nothing especially enlightened will be occurring, a high regard for the intelligent approach is still being celebrated. Sometimes we just have to live and learn through trial and error.
Mercury enters Virgo on Friday (8/23 –9/9). Virgo is a most advantageous place for Mercury –the place where it both rules and is exalted. Mercury in Virgo brings clarity to our plan for the coming events of autumn. It also brings out the skeptical and analytical side of every argument and topic of discussion, keeping us on our toes. Overall, this is a great time for communicating, research and strategic planning.
Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn on Saturday until August 31. The diplomatic, peaceable, cooperative and naturally harmonious side of our affections (Venus in Libra) is likely to take a pretty good beating, while a seemingly major transformation is occurring on a physical level (Pluto in Capricorn). Often with this aspect, something valuable and pure is being corrupted or trample on by another generation’s way of thinking and behaving. Venus square Pluto can involve difficulties such as loss or death of a loved one and challenges our attachments to many things in life that we hold dear. If something of this nature is occurring for you, it is best to recognize that love will triumph in every dimension despite the pain that life inevitably brings. Denying these processes of life is to prolong pain and delay the necessary transformations we must make. As with any hardship, acceptance comes with time and denial only further complicates your life. Let the obstacles of love’s pain become building blocks towards a better outlook; stronger love will supersede the current trials of the heart.
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
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Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: How do you know for sure that what you’re thinking of will work out? Well, you can’t know for sure whether it will work out. There are no guarantees in life, so what’s needed is courage –courage to change a situation; courage to go for what you want, even if it might upset an apple cart or two; courage to believe in yourself; and courage to bring an end to a restrictive situation. Your personal, domestic, and professional lives are all entangled in a way that’s complicated, restrictive or both. It’s time now to stand up and begin the untangling process so that these areas of your life can function in a way that supports and encourages you.
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Taurus: Few things of any value are achieved without effort, courage and persistence. We are often tested with adversity at least once when we are on our path to creating what we want and believe in. This week’s Full Moon suggests that if there’s something you want to achieve or acquire, you will first have to apply some courage. Be bold in your thoughts and actions, and make yourself immune to the negativity, doubts, fears and criticisms of others. Success will be yours if you can keep your sights fixed on where you want to be.
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Gemini: Change your thoughts and change your future. That’s the message of this week’s Full Moon. We are largely creatures of habit, and many of our responses are habitual, based on the programming that took place when we were very small. What’s needed from you now is the courage to change these patterns which in turn will lead to a different set of thoughts and ultimately leading to a different set of circumstances. Whether your gripes are large or small, remember that your thoughts are the key and by focusing on those gripes, you’re very likely to get more of the same. Sometimes the best way to change our thinking and general life patterns is to change our routine. Sleep on the other side of the bed, walk to work instead of driving, or catch the bus if it’s too far. If you always have coffee in the morning, try having an herbal tea instead. The more of your entrenched habits you can shake up, the more likely you are to feel a greater sense of possibility and realize that things don’t have to carry on the way they are.
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Cancer: This week’s Full Moon falls in your zone of transformation, showing that a rebirth is on its way. Although not every birth is difficult, they all possess a degree of intensity and are usually accompanied by an element of pain or discomfort, so go easy on yourself as you are moving from one state of being to another. Perhaps part of your rebirth involves looking at your life and deciding what you need to make you happy. If the current division of duties, responsibilities, pleasure and enjoyment is not as you would like it, spend a little time thinking about the various components of your life: work, money, achievement, relating, family, pleasure, creativity, hobbies, responsibilities, duties, health and well-being. Then ask yourself whether your energy and focus need to be redirected in order to create greater balance. Full Moons always bring matters to a head, and you’re about to see what really needs to change. You’ll also realize you are more than capable of making these changes.
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Leo: Are you expressing yourself in the right way? Are you making yourself clear? Are you letting others know how you feel and what matters to you? The Full Moon on August 21 will make it difficult to keep the lid on your feelings and you should take every opportunity to communicate whatever’s going on inside you. By letting others know how you’re feeling and what you’re thinking, you increase the possibilities of bringing about the changes you want. Something else for you to consider this week is whether or not you’ve been coasting along. If you haven’t been making full use of your talents, gifts and abilities, then now is the time to ignite your passion and start heading in the direction that calls to your heart.
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Virgo: Our health is our most precious commodity; we take it for granted when it’s there and find ourselves powerless when it’s gone. Under this week’s Full Moon, your health may be a feature along with the realization that it might be time to take better care of yourself. It may be worth bearing in mind that the state of our health is often a reflection of the condition of our lives, and a physical imbalance is often reflective of something in our lives that we need to look at and address. Our bodies are always trying to communicate with us and send messages about where we might be going off track. When our lives are in balance with satisfying work, fulfilling family ties, rest, hobbies, friends, pleasure and purpose, our health reflects that via a state of well-being. In short, the happier you are, the healthier you will become.
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Libra: Venus mores into your sign this week which is sure to put a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eye. Since Venus governs all things pleasurable, now would be a suitable point at which to stop and question whether your senses are in need of activation. The older we get, the easier it becomes to shut down our senses and take the wonders of the world around us for granted so here are a few suggestions to activate your Venus: Bring your favorite flowers into your home. Get a massage. Light the oil burner, and put a few drops of your favorite aromas in it. Good choices to invoke a sensual atmosphere are rose, jasmine and ylang ylang. Listen to music, or even better, play a few chords yourself. Throw out your old clothes and treat yourself to something new. Refresh your image. Treat yourself to a box of fine-quality chocolates or luxurious bath oil. Then when you’re feeling on top of the world, you’ll be much better able to meet the challenge of this week’s Full Moon that asks you to be courageous in creating that which is important to you.
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Scorpio: Sometimes we have to roar like a lion to make people sit up and take notice. Sometimes we have to rattle our chains and demand to be set free. And every now and again, we have to let out the rebel and go our own sweet way. The Full Moon on August 21 is your clarion call to freedom and asks you to consider what you need for your growth and happiness. The grand cross with Pluto squaring Uranus and opposing Jupiter also suggests that something has to change, that things can’t go on as they are, and that you desperately need to free up a limiting, restrictive situation. Aim to be true to yourself and your needs while not needlessly rejecting or destroying the structures that give your life value and meaning.
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Sagittarius: This week be wary of the tendency to rush something before it is ready. In your life right now is something that is just about ripe and ready for plucking, but your challenge lies in identifying the ripe fruit from that which should be left on the vine a little longer. Be mindful of what you choose to do this week, asking yourself, "Am I ready for this?"
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Capricorn: If your personal life has been a bone of contention recently, you can soon look forward to lighter times. Mars is preparing to leave your relationship zone, which indicates a smoother and more pleasant road ahead, especially in your dealings with others. And the grand cross will soon bring to a head a domestic situation while the Full Moon will bring clarity with finances and important relationship affairs. Once all this is sorted, you will be able to turn your attention to lighter, more jovial matters, and as the Sun approaches your zone of travel, expansion and adventure, the end of this week would be a suitable point at which to think about how you can embrace a new experience and move beyond your comfort zone.
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Aquarius: This week’s Full Moon emphasizes that you must be as authentic as possible in your dealing with others. However, it seems likely that someone else will not be playing fair, perhaps hiding behind a smiling façade and not declaring his or her true intent. Be on your guard for this and refuse to allow anyone to manipulate you into doing what you don’t want to do. If you’re honest, you will probably be able to see that there is one relationship in particular what would benefit from a more authentic flow of communication, and August 21 is the day to bring clarity and honesty into proceedings.
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Pisces: Are you feeling the need to break free, stretch your wings and explore new possibilities? Perhaps the underlying cause of any malaise, illness or frustration relates to your need for change and inspiration. Perhaps you need an adventure or more play time to explore your creative potential. Even though you might be in agreement with this, will you find excuses as to why you can’t? Quite often we’re only stuck because we’re operating from old paradigms and simply need to switch our thinking and challenge our old beliefs. What makes you think you can’t change your situation? Are you really so powerless? The grand cross that’s forming in the sky is about to reveal that you’re much more powerful than you realize.
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