Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is pleased to present your Free Weekly Horoscope for April 6 — April 12, 2014
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Mercury enters Aries (April 7 –April 22) bringing out a communicative focus on selfhood, initiation, new projects and new ways of seeing and experiencing life. We are all constantly in the process of being initiated into some aspect of selfhood, particularly given that we are constantly learning, acquiring new skills, growing and aging. Mercury in Aries helps us to discuss a focus on the newness in our lives and our personal ways of reacting and emerging through new experience. Mercury in Aries also brings news on the war activities of the world since Aries is ruled by the god of war, Mars. Wherever there is action, there is also a great deal of talk with Mercury in Aries through April 22nd.
First Quarter Moon in Cancer on April 7 tends to magnify the emotional current. Treating ourselves and others in a nurturing way becomes the key to enhancing or cleansing our emotional perspective. Be careful not to push the buttons of sensitive people –use words wisely while considering the feelings of yourself and others.
Venus and Neptune are conjunct in Pisces (April 12 – April 20). These two very feminine planets are aligned as a higher and lower octave of each other, creating a very fluid and open expression of femininity. Venus represents love, magnetism and attraction, while Neptune (the higher octave of Venus) represents spiritual love and the melding of spiritual energies. Venus conjunct Neptune can be utilized to reach a higher vibration of feminine spiritual love. This aspect allows beauty, femininity and personal attraction to be connected with the higher spiritual vibrations of the universe. This is an ideal time to connect with one’s own guardian angel and spirit guide. Venus conjunct Neptune, if utilized, will bring great wisdom.
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
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Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: This week, notice your feelings and allow them some form of expression before you find yourself exploding or breaking down. Your feelings will point you in the right direction by letting you know what is or isn’t acceptable anymore. Although you may feel all manner of things this week, the planets are offering you peace and solace if you can spend some time alone engaging in artistic or creating activities, writing in a journal or simply being with any sorrow that comes up. The more you can release your emotions, the easier life will be over the next few weeks when change will be knocking at your door. With Mercury in your sign from the 7th to the 23rd, you’re on a roll, Aries. You’re filled with ideas and your mind is restless, inventive and entrepreneurial. Take risks and expect them to pay off!
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Taurus: Are you telling yourself you can’t do something? That if you try you might fail? Or are you thinking, "What’s the point?" Actually, you’re likely to be thinking more positively than normal as Jupiter journeys through your mental zone, which is why you need to be extra vigilant of any negativity that might creep in to sabotage your newfound optimism. This is a great opportunity to liberate yourself from limiting beliefs so that you can go on to be whatever you want to be. And, as Venus transits Pisces, your eleventh house, a romance with someone you already know as a friend or with someone you meet through friends is a definite possibility. Your social life should be quite active and busy during this transit that lasts to May 2nd.
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Gemini: Sometimes when we can’t see how to do something, it stops us in our track. Right now, you might have a vision of a happier life, but you can’t see the way forward. Well, all that’s about to change. When you see that door beginning to open you must run to it, for it won’t stay open for long. Mars’s opposition to Uranus suggests that it’s time to march to your own drumbeat, and the universe will support you in your endeavors. Venus transits your career area this week until May 2, making a super period for you professionally. Bosses and coworkers are receptive to you and your ideas and your popularity in the office increases. If you’re self-employed, clients seek you out. In terms of romance, this transit could bring about an intuitive connection that blossoms into something beautiful.
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Cancer: If you are confused about your direction, you may need to call on higher guidance to help you determine your next steps. You already know the answers deep within, but sometimes we need a bit of help accessing them, so use whatever method you know works to help yourself determine what you need to know. If you get really stuck, always remember that one of your greatest gifts is your intuition, so really all you need to do is feel your way forward. This week Mercury transits your career area. Talk and write about your own projects and endeavors. If you need approval to move forward with an endeavor, you should be able to get it. Your professional skills are extra sharp during this transit.
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Leo: Whether you’ve already had a journey into the underworld perhaps through illness, loss or relationship breakdown, and you feel that you’re slipping back or you feel like you’re just beginning, the best advice is to surrender and allow the darkness to wrap itself around you. This may, in time, begin to feel like less of a threat and more of a comfort. The breath of fresh air that you so desperately seek is within reach, but there is still something to learn from being in the void, and your transformation will be complete once you fully surrender to this process.
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Virgo: Much healing can take place in your relationships now if you wish it to be so. Your other theme for this week is money and material matters. This looks less comforting, containing an element of friction, but there is at least the potential to create change. Your best approach would be one of empowered motivation along with a willingness to do things differently. What you need to watch out for is frustration and impatience, which lead to impulsive actions or hasty decisions on your part. Take your time, be calm, and all will be well. Between April 7 and 23, Mercury transits your solar eighth house. During this period you may be discussing joint finances with your partner, kids, parents. This transit isn’t particularly comfortable to you but it has its place in that it prompts you to look at things differently. Your perceptions change and you’re more daring.
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Libra: Mercury is transiting Aries, your opposite sign. During this period you can expect discussions with business and romantic partners. You may be redefining expectations, goals and strategies. Your conscious mind will be edgy, seeking new venues for self-expression. Your ruler Venus highlights your daily work routine and schedule and the way you maintain your health. You may go for a whole new work look –new clothes, new hairstyle, a new you. Or you may experiment with a different nutritional program or try alternative treatments for an ailment. Whatever transpires, there is a need for you to adapt to the changes taking place within you and around you and to allow others the freedom to be who they are as well.
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Scorpio: It would be unreasonable to expect you not to be busy under the current alignments, but so long as you find some space for yourself, you will be right where you need to be. Mercury moves through your solar sixth house and you now explore new areas in your daily work routine. You may alter the way you do things, could change your work schedule or perhaps try doing something new with your daily work. Perhaps you’re trying to add some excitement to what you do each day. Follow your instincts and don’t hesitate to branch out. This week you may experience one of the most romantic and creative periods for you all year. Why? Venus transits your fifth house, that area of your chart that rules romance, love, creativity, children and everything you do for fun and pleasure. Do whatever brings you enjoyment and take pleasure in loving those you’re with.
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Sagittarius: Throughout April, Mars continues its retrograde motion through Libra. Even though your social life may not be as active as you like, you’ve got plenty to keep you busy. You’re essentially planning and strategizing, figuring the angles as only a Sage can do, and are preparing to implement things when the time is right. If there’s an itch you’re desperate to scratch or a restriction you’re desperate to break free from, try just to hold back for a moment longer and think carefully about the consequences of any actions. There’s an opportunity that is ripe for the taking, but the danger is that you could miss the healthy chance for creative change by acting impulsively in a bid for a quick fix. Add a modicum of restraint while being open to new adventures, creative change and positive growth in your relationships.
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Capricorn: You may benefit from turning within and spending some time alone in order to create the sense of order and security that may be absent in your actual life. Venus transits your communication zone at the beginning of the week, so if people around you are at sixes and sevens, you are well placed to become the mediator, as your words will be blessed with a greater soothing power than normal. Venus then moves into your solar third house. This transit may prompt you to check out various neighborhoods in anticipation of a move, but Mars continues its retrograde journey and it can be frustrating when life doesn’t move along at the pace you would like. Take the time to get your priorities in order and prepare for when Mars turns direct next month.
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Aquarius: Compared to March, April is a breeze, Aquarius. There’s not too much to drive you crazy. Mercury transits your solar third house (communications), a beneficial period for you. Your conscious mind is active, you take intellectual risks, and you’re eager to forge ahead in all your creative endeavors. You may be impatient with others, however, so guard against that. The more you can break your mental patterns and routines by thinking outside the box or trying out new positive beliefs and concepts, the more likely you are to navigate your way with ease through any choppy waters ahead. Your current situation might be encapsulated in the following quote: "The realist sees reality as concrete; the optimist sees reality as clay."
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Pisces: Turn your attention this week toward pleasurable, enjoyable activities. The more you can focus on creativity and your own enjoyment, the easier this week –and the whole month –will be. Venus is transiting your sign. What a glorious period this is with other people seeking out your company and being more receptive to your ideas. Your muse is in full attendance too, whispering in your ear, urging you to get moving with your creative endeavors. Your love life should be enormously pleasing now with your partner attentive and loving. If you’re not involved right now, you may be by the time the Venus transit ends. This is one of the most romantic and creative times for you all year, Pisces.
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