Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is pleased to present your Free Weekly Horoscope for August 17 — August 23, 2014
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
The Last Quarter Moon in Taurus on Sunday focuses the general course of our moods on creating some sense of order in our financial situations, and encourages the need for creature comforts and esthetically pleasing or luxurious surroundings. There is often a focus on cleaning up and/or selling various useful artifacts that have collected in our lives, frequently inspiring the activities of yard sales, auctions and flea markets. This is a good time to transform one’s atmosphere into a more useful and practical working order. Letting go of attachment to material things that have bogged one down with too much maintenance or disruptive costs may very well be the best move. Certain kinds of sacrifice produce some very remedial freedom.
Monday, Venus in Leo conjunct Jupiter in Leo (August 18 –August 29) blends and melds the influence of beauty, love and attraction (Venus) with the powers of production, expansion and prosperity (Jupiter). In the sign of Leo these two highly regarded planets are stirring up an awareness and experience that are very self gratifying or indulgent, as well as entertaining, outgoing and fun loving, and for some, quite fulfilling. This is a time to enhance love relationships and realize the precious value of love in its most limitless sense, since the influence of Jupiter reminds us the resources of love in the universe are inexhaustible and love’s great bounty is designed to be shared. The more love that is spread around, the more there is to partake of and expound on. This is a time when the love of such Leo related things such as family gatherings and feasting, travel and getaways with a loved one, sporting and showing off proud achievements, theater and showmanship are all greatly admired and highlighted.
Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (August 21 –August 25) brings the message of hope. Mercury in Virgo gives a very methodical, discriminating and meticulous expression to our methods of communication. Mercury trine Pluto brings greater definition to the meaning of fate, and allows us to more easily communicate about the power struggles occurring collectively around the world. Mercury is the communications tower that transmits information. Pluto’s disruptive energy is focusing our attention on painful realities. This is a good time to express encouraging words and reinforce the troubled people of our world with a sense of hope.
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
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Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: Venus and Jupiter invite you to dance your way through the week by not taking anything too seriously. Instead, focus on the things that make you glad to be alive. You will benefit from immersing yourself in art and creativity, being in the company of children and animals, enjoying a romantic interlude, and possibly taking a risk or two if you feel it might be good for your spirits. This is certainly not a week to play it safe or bury yourself in work and duties. It’s a week to laugh as often as you can and seek the company of those who lighten your spirits. That’s not to say that the week won’t be without its challenges. As Mars nudges closer to serious Saturn, you may be forgiven for thinking that there’s simply too much to do, or you could fall prey to allowing an interior shadow to color your days. Dig around in your psychological basement and unearth as much as you can. Just remember to see the funny side whenever the chance presents itself.
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Taurus: Your personal life becomes the focal point this week, and it’s rather a mixed bag. On the one hand, you have a glorious alignment of Venus and Jupiter in your home and family area, suggesting plenty of reasons to be cheerful. There’s probably little that you need to do right now, and focusing on what you’ve got should help offset any more stressful situations with others. Mars and Saturn in your relationship zone suggest that all may not run smoothly this week where other people are concerned, and you will need to be open and loving as opposed to defensive and critical if you want to improve matters. However, Mars and Saturn will help you to make constructive changes to any relationship in need of improvement while business partnerships could flourish at this time as you become more focused and disciplined.
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Gemini: People who are at home within themselves will feel at home anywhere in the world. Conversely, a restless or discontented soul will find it hard to settle, even in the loveliest of places. If you are quite happy doing what you’re doing and being where you are with the people you’re with, you can stop reading now. However, if you have a vague sense of discontent or restlessness with any aspect of your life, it may be time to turn within and seek to identify and illuminate the inner grumble. Perhaps when you know what it is, you’ll be able to negotiate with it or help it to feel a little less gloomy. Mars and Saturn in your day-to-day life may currently be activating a certain level of discontent, and although turning your back on it and going in search of something new may sound appealing, a more successful approach may be to dig deep, sit tight, and make the most of what you’ve got. In time and with the right attitude, you may discover that what you have is actually quite all right.
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Cancer: There’s an abundant feel to life this week, and no matter what your current financial state is, it will help enormously to concentrate on and give thanks for what you have rather than what you haven’t. With a Venus-Jupiter conjunction in your money zone, it should be much easier than normal to notice where you are already rich and to enjoy the feeling of all that you have. This, in turn, is likely to draw more good things to you, and if you’re able to do this, you’re likely to have a lucky experience. Your chances are greater than what they normally are, and the more that you give, join in, and participate in life, the more likely you are to be on the receiving end of some surprising goodies. To really make the most of this most auspicious alignment, you need to identify and make greater use of your talents while simultaneously working on raising your self-esteem. This can be done quite simply by engaging in things that make you feel good about yourself.
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Leo: A glorious alignment of Venus and Jupiter in your sign makes this the ideal week to let your hair down and focus on enjoyment. Self-discipline is likely to be at an all time low while the tendency toward excess and overindulgence is extremely high, making this a good week to forget about the chores and enjoy celebrations. You won’t need much of an excuse to enjoy yourself, and since laughter is the best medicine, you’re in quite an enviable position. However, you cannot simply do whatever you feel like, as Mars and Saturn will, at some point, require you to deal with matters close to home, whether it’s domestic jobs or family relations. What’s needed in your relationships is honesty and authenticity so that everyone is relating in a genuine way, but try not to let any challenges here spoil an otherwise terrific outlook.
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Virgo: "When you shoot an arrow of truth dip its point in honey." This applies as much to how you speak to yourself as it does to your communications with others, and as Saturn and Mars get together in your mind and speech zone, you will need to keep a careful eye on what you say to yourself if you’re to avoid going on a downward spiral. Constructive criticism is one thing, but telling yourself that you’re useless is very harsh and only likely to result in failure. Learn to be your best supporter and encourage the support of your guides and angels. The Venus-Jupiter conjunction in your spiritual zone is wonderful in terms of spiritual guidance and all you have to do to receive it is ask and then await what comes. There is a lot of benevolent help and support behind the scenes right now, and if you rush through your days, you might miss it. Allow for some space and see what messages appear from the universe.
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Libra: This week’s beautiful Venus-Jupiter conjunction is fantastic news for you on two accounts. Firstly, it will effectively wave a magic wand over your social life, bringing opportunities and invitations for plenty of social fun. It’s ideal for spending time with friends and for making new contacts which could be very beneficial for you. The second positive feature can be summed up in the word "possibilities." It’s as if all previous limitations are being removed so that you can become, do, or be anything you wish. Where as you might have seen blocks and limitations, now you’re beginning to see what’s possible. This week’s planetary alignment is, for you, very much akin to the Sun rising over the horizon. What will you do with this brand new day?
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Scorpio: If you want to make constructive change in your life, you need to be focused and disciplined. Mars and Saturn in your sign suggest that you can move mountains now, so long as you are channeling your energy correctly. Don’t allow yourself to get distracted or change course. No matter whether your goal is to clear out your clutter or write a book, the process is the same. Take one step at a time and stay present and focused in the now. If you take care of the details, the universe will oversee the proceedings, opening doors and smoothing the path ahead. "Discipline" is your keyword for the week.
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Sagittarius: We all start out with dreams. For many people though, by the time midlife appears, those dreams are becoming distant memories. The more time ticks on, the harder it is to realize your dreams. It would seem that the planets don’t want you to forget about the reason you came here, and it isn’t too late –whatever your age –to begin creating a new vision of your life with your dream at the helm. All that’s needed is self belief, discipline, perseverance and faith. If you can harness these four qualities, you may soon find yourself moving mountains.
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Capricorn: Success means different things to different people. For some, it’s the conventional definition of recognition and financial reward for one’s efforts and achievements. For others, it’s living one’s dream. Some people see success as having overcome adversity. For others, it’s about making good use of the skills and talents they were born with. Some might see success as leaving the world a slightly better place than how you found it, but for some, it’s about living well and making the most of life. As Mars and Saturn align in your future zone, success is very definitely an option for you now; perhaps not the sort of success in which you’re catapulted to fame or fortune, but the kind of success that brings contentment from knowing you did the best you could. By applying discipline and effort in all that you do, you will slowly but surely build your life into a state of success.
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Aquarius: A glorious Venus-Jupiter conjunction in your relationship zone makes this an ideal time to create peace and goodwill in all your one-to-one interactions, so if there’s someone with whom you could be on better terms, the chances are high that this person will be open to your willingness to improve things. This planetary alignment also signals a bright new era in your personal life. Perhaps you’ll meet someone who will have a positive impact on your life. Maybe an existing relationship is about to turn a corner. Or maybe you’ll be on the receiving end of increasing love and affection. Whatever the case may be, you look set to enter a new phase of romantic and personal joy, and all you need to do right now is be receptive to the happiness that others can bring.
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Pisces: The chances of a breakthrough are good this week, especially around August 18 when Neptune aligns with Mercury and the Moon, making this a great day for communicating your feelings. Whenever we withhold our emotions, whether it’s from yesterday or twenty years ago, we create a block within. By allowing your feelings to flow, you can now begin to release any blocks that have been holding you back. This is also a wonderful week to give thanks for each day, really putting your heart into it. This is not easy to do, but as the planets gather in your daily life area, their message is clear: do whatever you can to find happiness in the now. Everything else will take care of itself.
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