Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is pleased to present your Free Weekly Horoscope for January 25 — January 31, 2015
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Venus, the planet of magnetism and love, enters Pisces on Tuesday (January 27 –February 20) and will be focusing our attraction on Pisces related subjects. Music, poetry, the arts, psychic phenomena and spiritual and religious practices will all be endearing and lively pursuits. Venus is the feminine planet of love, and Pisces is an extremely feminine, dreamy and spiritual placement for the love force of Venus. Matters of the heart will emphasize passivity, tenderness, sensitivity and the need for a gentle approach towards love’s expression.
January 27 First Quarter Moon in Taurus brings the pressure to take care of essential needs. Taurus is the fixed earth sign, and the nature of Taurus Moon leads many folks to watch their pocketbook and make sure they’re getting the most value possible out of all expenditures. There is also a need to let the beauty of our surroundings be accented and appreciated. Somewhere in between the processes of earning and reaping rewards, a happy medium is struck. The Moon is exalted in the place of Taurus, and positive harmony brings satisfaction.
Friday (January 30 –February 21) Venus in Pisces is square to Saturn in Sagittarius. It may be difficult to engage in romance, particularly when communicating, as it might seem that something is always getting in the way of basic pleasures. It is best not to get bent out of shape over some people’s need to create restrictions in order to protect their own sense of security while love related troubles are being worked out. No matter how much one prioritizes a focus on love, it is still likely to be misinterpreted on some level during Venus square Saturn. Give it your best, keep singing the praises of love and applying the law of attraction, but expect some challenges and limitations nonetheless.
Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (January 30 –February 7) presents a superb time to reconcile differences. Those who are not in accordance with others at this time are likely to stand out –quite obviously. This may be a beneficial aspect for our personal lives, the area where we activate our will, strength and vitality. This may also be a beneficial aspect for successfully recuperating from an illness. Mars represents the masculine push of our personal lives, the area where we activate our will, strength and vitality; this brings opportunity, optimism and the added boost to face otherwise tense situations and predicaments. The activities of Mars sextile Pluto will teach us about hardships and what we can learn from other generations. Some will make breakthroughs during this time and others may be able to turn their backs on the destructive behaviors of previous generations. All around, tender care is advised in your efforts to create peace.
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
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Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: This week is full of possibility for you. The question is: Will you make the most of it? Break free from your limiting patterns and follow the path of joy. If there’s something you’ve always wanted to do, now is the time. Don’t limit yourself with should, shouldn’t and practical considerations such as time, money and responsibilities. We tend to think we have to get from A to Z immediately, but that’s not how it works. Small steps lead to big results and as Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen” so make your decision and invite the universe to help you bring it into being.
New Age Natal Report is designed as a guide for your growth and personal evolution in the New Age.
Taurus: Try not to let your fears and insecurities get the better of you this week. Otherwise, you may find progress hard to make. Instead, try to accept social invitations and press on with your goals because success is available now but things in your private world could throw a monkey wrench into the works. See any emotional or financial issues as an opportunity to find your place in the world and to discover where you truly belong. Don’t rest on your laurels but keep moving onward and upward. As you do that, everything else should settle down around you.
Merlin Report could be beneficial in self-help and self-transformation.
Gemini: Mercury retrograde is an invitation to deepen and raise your consciousness. By making time for spiritual contemplation and by trying to find your own answers to life’s big questions, you may emerge at the end of this week with a stronger sense of where you’re going and what life’s all about. Don’t feel that you need to make progress in the outside world or accomplish a variety of tasks. Your greatest opportunity now is to delve within and determine your own answers. Giving yourself permission to go at a slower pace and to enjoy your own company is a much better option than trying to keep up with life’s demands. Therefore, this is a perfect week to go on a retreat, engage in meditation or to attend a workshop that can take your mind to a new level.
Cancer: Life flows better when we ourselves are functioning in a harmonious and integrated fashion. When we are chaotic, our lives become chaotic, so if you would like an easier, smoother life, you may need to become more organized. Look at all the different aspects of your life: work, health, relationships, home, family, money, personal time, creativity and so on. Try to determine where the imbalance lies. Do you spend more time than you’d like working? Do you need to pay more attention to your health and wellbeing? Or maybe it’s your inner self that needs to be better integrated. We all lose bits of ourselves during the course of our lives that we need to reclaim if we are to be healthy and happy. Shamans call it soul retrieval and this is something you might like to look into now. Analyzing your dreams or engaging in some kind of therapy that helps you to unearth any painful issues would be beneficial now. Be bold and venture down into your depths; you just might emerge with a gold nugget of wisdom.
Leo: With Mercury retrograde in your relationship zone, this is a great time to iron out any wrinkles with others. It would be helpful to try to avoid seeing things in a good or bad kind of a way that can lead to separation. Instead, allow others to make their own mistakes while still loving them. Making the effort to be less judgmental and more compassionate would help your relations with others improve significantly, and you’d feel better too. Mercury retrograde favors time out from the usual way of relating, which could mean engaging in some couple’s therapy either on a professional level or just the two of you taking time to sit and talk about where the relationship is going and what you want and need as individuals within it. Going away together and having some quality time with no intrusions from children, work or family would also be an excellent use of this transit.
Virgo: As your ruler (Mercury) moves backward through the sky, you might feel as if you’re getting nowhere fast. Perhaps then it’s time to slow down. You could benefit enormously from a little time out, if that’s possible (even if it’s just an hour here and an hour there) to give yourself space to contemplate. After all, this is a time of reviewing, revisiting, revising and remembering. A little time on your own to determine what is next will stand you in good stead for future developments. As far as your work is concerned, tending to any jobs that have been building up, such as reorganizing filing systems, sorting out paperwork, restructuring accounts and general tidying, will have positive effects at this time, as will a patient attitude with colleagues and technology if there are delays or hiccups at work.
Libra: Often, we look outside of ourselves for answers. The current Mercury retrograde transit reminds you that everything you need is within yourself. All you have to do is recognize your own power, and then step into it. Incorporated within this is your ability to create. This is an important time to consider whether you’re making the most of your creative abilities and also whether, as the artist of your life, you’re creating the existence that you want. Ask yourself the question, “How much fun and joy am I experiencing?” Life is for enjoying and now is the ideal time to sit down and figure out what you love doing. Then make sure you go and do it. Remember, there are no rules, only the ones you set yourself.
Scorpio: The focus this week is on your home and family and fun, along with creativity and enjoyment, so maybe you could blend the two by inviting people over for a social gathering or getting creative with children. On a more serious level, you may experience some sort of loneliness or isolation, but that shouldn’t be feared or avoided since you can learn a lot from a little time on your own. Therefore, turning within would be good advice this week so that you can access your own answers.
Sagittarius: As Mercury backtracks through the area of your mind, you might find it difficult to maintain your normal busy pace. It seems something is asking you to slow down, pause for a moment, and check your compass. This is a good opportunity to check in with yourself to decide whether you’re in the right place doing the right thing or whether there needs to be one or two changes put into action. Ultimately, the purpose of this Mercury retrograde transit is to help you find your place in the world and to feel comfortable with that so that no matter what crazy things are going on around you, you will be centered and calm, like the eye of a storm.
Capricorn: The monetary theme continues as the Sun and Mercury align in your financial zone. If there is any room for improvement in this area of your life, you should at least find that you have the energy, optimism, and ideas to turn things around. Do you need to apply a little courage? Perhaps believe in yourself a bit more? Maybe ask for what you want or become clear within yourself about what you feel you deserve? It’s important to know your own worth before you can expect it to be recognized by others, so be clear in your intent, and send it out into the world.
Karmic Past Life Report examines possible past life connections using astrological methods.
Aquarius: If you’re not happy where you are, it may be because you’re not doing what you’re meant to be doing. With Mercury retrograde along with the Sun in your sign and Pluto squaring your ruler Saturn, you can be forgiven for feeling a little out of sorts or uncertain of what you should be doing. These transits are partly about how you relate to the world and where in the world you feel comfortable. Therefore, this week is ideal for contemplating your place in the world and what, if any, changes you’d like to make to your life. It could be time for some big changes or a few minor tweaks might do the job. Either way, you must give yourself some time to contemplate what is more important to you now.
Pisces: A cluster of planets in your own sign gives you permission to focus on your own needs and desires. Venus urges you to embrace femininity, abundance, pleasure and enjoyment. Mars on the other hand enables you to focus on what you want and to go after it without guilt or embarrassment. With both of the archetypal lovers in your sign, this could be a good time to contemplate love and relationships and how you relate in this sphere. Certainly, this combination would suggest it’s good and healthy to ask for what you want. Meanwhile, Mercury is retrograde in your zone of endings and quiet contemplation, making this a good time to further explore the spiritual dimensions of life, so a spot of meditation, spiritual healing or quiet contemplation would be most suitable now. This is definitely a time for retreating, so make some space and time to unwind and reflect on all that has been and gone. This could give rise to some sadness and nostalgia, but ultimately, this is a time to acknowledge and then say goodbye to the past.
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