Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is pleased to present
your Free Weekly Horoscope for May 31 — June 6, 2015
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
June 2 Full Moon in Sagittarius brings fulfilling insights about life and emotional energy runs very high. For many, there is a tendency to go way out beyond the usual bounds and discover new territory as a matter of circumstance. How we chose to perceive and develop our understanding of this new territory has a lot to do with what stage in our life we have come to, and what kind of philosophy best suits our own individual needs.
On Friday Venus enters Leo (June 5 –July 18) bringing out the more playful side of love. It also brings out the desire for more sophisticated and elaborate types of art and aesthetics. Venus represents the expression of love and affection; it is the influence of magnetism, beauty and of feminine refinement. In the sign of Leo, Venus brings out desires and needs for personal attention. Magnetism is one of Leo’s most endearing traits and it is this magnetism that brings what Leos want most: loving attention. Leos will be more aware of their need for love. The love of looking good, having the best and being the best is alluring to the ego. Wild lust will abound and the love of fantasies will be enhanced. Leo demands a lot of affection and, when Venus comes into play, the need for attention sometimes outweighs the need to reciprocate that attention. It is always wise not to have expectations in love matters and to be sure that the joys of exchanging love are balanced.
Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Leo (June 5 –June 16) brings the opportunity for action to be endowed with reward. Those who act on specific urges and impulses to achieve their heart’s desire are more likely to make a breakthrough during this aspect. This is a time to make true efforts to promote career skills or to enhance a career move. Remember – action is required; mere good intentions will get you nothing while this aspect is in full force. This is a good time to go adventuring and exploring while Mars sextile Jupiter promotes opportunities.
Venus in Leo trine Saturn in Sagittarius (June 6 –June 14) brings a very timely quality to relationships and raises the question of commitment and devotion with regard to our active love connections. Fortunately, the trine aspect brings probabilities that are more positive in nature when it comes to the law of attraction. Venus trine Saturn implies that there is a good possibility here for a happy ending.
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
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Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: There are opportunities available to you this week as the Full Moon on Tuesday illuminates an area of your mind that may not have previously done you any favors. Whether you believe something is impossible or that a change will be hard or whether you feel inadequate or concerned about a situation, the Full Moon will help you see that your fears and worries are actually unfounded. By adopting a positive can-do spirit, all kinds of possibilities begin to emerge where previously you saw only closed doors.
Taurus: The Full Moon on June 2 is liable to shine a light onto a financial or material matter, which could be quite illuminating and should at least help reduce any confusion and uncertainty surrounding work, money, possessions, and so on. With Mercury retrograde, it seems you may have a little bit of thinking to do, but with Mars and the Sun helping you out, this is the ideal time to pursue your desires and to ask for what you’re worth.
New Age Natal Report is designed as a guide for your growth and personal evolution in the New Age.
Gemini: This week’s Full Moon has the potential to illuminate a relationship matter, and what happens around June 2 may have a sense of completion about it. Remember, though, that your ruler, Mercury is retrograde, so don’t be in a rush to move things forward. Focus on your relationships and your direction in life and how all of this fits in with your own needs, and strive to create harmony in your world by taking time to adopt a slower pace –difficult for Geminis, but give it a try! You might receive insights you’d otherwise miss.
Merlin Report could be beneficial in self-help and self-transformation.
Cancer: As the planets gather in your zone of rest and quiet repose, don’t force energy that isn’t there. This is more a time of tuning into your inner landscape and enjoying more feminine pursuits that are mystical and creative rather than the masculine mindset of being active and busy-busy that we in the Western world tend to fill our days with. The cosmos is giving you permission to slow down and rest, to stock up on sleep if you’re tired, and to invite inner peace into your world. This is a great time to pay attention to your dreams, to listen to the whispers of your soul, and to get quiet enough to hear your inner voice. All of this will put you in a prime position to move forward in a few weeks. For now, though, it’s time to rest.
Leo: The Full Moon on June 2 invites you to create a new vision of your life, particularly if you feel there’s room for improvement. Remember also that with Jupiter in your sign, this is your once-in-a-twelve-year opportunity to make some big changes and potentially begin a new phase of life, so imagine that you are the artist of your life: what will you create? This is the time to be bold and adventurous, so make the design of your life bright and colorful. This is a week to begin sowing your energies into your future, knowing that you can make it into something wonderful.
Virgo: As the planets gather at the top of your chart, the emphasis is on success, achievement and purpose. However, the Full Moon at the base of your chart reminds you of the importance of balancing your goals and ambitions with your home life or your private inner world. And with Mercury still retrograde, you may not be able to make as much progress with your mission as you’d like. Still, Full Moons are all about illumination, so perhaps this week you’ll come to an important realization about where you’re going and what you want from life. You might even come to realize that everything will unfold in its own good time and the most important thing is to enjoy the process.
Libra: Sometimes we need to believe in the impossible to achieve big things. We also have to ensure that we are not secretly sabotaging ourselves through doubt, fear or insecurities. Be with yourself as you would be with a vulnerable friend. Tell yourself that you can do it, treat yourself kindly and lovingly, and adopt faith and courage as your guides. The more you believe that you can do something, the more possible it becomes.
Scorpio: The Full Moon on June 2 highlights financial matters, so you can expect to be illuminated on a confusing issue. With Mercury retrograde too, this is a rather serious time when you may need to look at your priorities and determine what stays and what goes. The current cluster of planets in your most private zone doesn’t just bring up financial concerns; it may also bring you fact-to-face with one of your most private fears. This is, however, a good time to confront any personal demons so that you can begin to move on unhindered.
Sagittarius: Don’t allow yourself to become upset or derailed from your path by conflict. The Full Moon is likely to raise the heat with those close to you, and you may find yourself needing to count to ten before reacting emotionally. The best course of action is to be assertive, to clearly and reasonably state your case, and to seek to clear the air so that you and others can make progress. This is a good time for communicating your needs –just don’t let emotions get the better of you. In the main, though, you’d be better off avoiding conflict; instead, keep your eyes fixed on where you’re going and what you’re trying to manifest in your life.
Capricorn: Work and health are the key areas this week as the Full Moon brings your attention to the possible need for improvement within these areas. If, for example, you’ve been overdoing it, you may need to rest more and pay attention to your physical body. The Full Moon may also bring the realization that you need to move on by letting go of something in particular – perhaps something from the past or a harmful belief or perception. Be open to changing and transforming whatever isn’t working in your world, and put your focus firmly on your daily life and what it needs to function better, including more rest, organization or efficiency.
Aquarius: Time spent with creative projects, fun, children, romance and enjoyable pursuits is the order of the day, but with Mercury retrograde and a Full Moon to contend with, not all may work. For example, you may find yourself held back by confusion or insecurity around your resources or fears of putting what you have to offer out into the world. It may help to remember that we were born to be creative beings, and we were also born to love and to enjoy life. By reminding yourself of these simple facts and thereby trusting in a higher power to guide you, your fears or confusion may begin to lessen.
Karmic Past Life Report examines possible past life connections using astrological methods.
Pisces: It looks as though there is an element of confusion, uncertainty, or lack of direction and purpose in your life at present, and you may find you can’t move forward until you’ve resolved something close to home. This could be a family or domestic matter, or it could be an emotional issue that has its roots in the past. Either way, something is holding you back, and you need to look deep within to resolve it. Once you’ve done that, the picture becomes brighter and the path ahead clearer.
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Astrology Reports for Couples!