Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is pleased to present
your Free Weekly Horoscope for June 14 — June 20, 2015
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Monday Saturn enters Scorpio (June 15 – September 18). Saturn in Scorpio demands expedient and instinctual measures with regard to setting up perimeters and implementing rules. During this period of Saturn’s travels we must not be shy of arduous or unsavory tasks and we are likely to find that the drama of handling grotesque matters will require courage, vigor and passionate resolve to get messy jobs down.
The New Moon in Gemini on Tuesday allows for new thoughts, ideas and feelings to flow. New Moons are like clean slates. It’s a time to begin a process of strengthening and celebrating your energy, and plan new vistas for growth, particularly mental growth. This represents a time for paying attention to those newer thoughts, ideas and caprices in the wind and would be a good time to initiate a new round of creative writing.
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
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Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: "A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change." Earl Nightingale sums up your theme for the New Moon on Jun 16 as the planets gather in your zone of the mind and communication. Here is your opportunity to make things happen through the positive power of your mind. It also grants you an opportunity to turn over a new leaf with your thinking, which could result in a different outcome than you’ve become use to. With Mars involved, you may need to be courageous, but since you were born under the sign that doesn’t fear challenge and adversity, this shouldn’t be a problem.
Taurus: As the planets gather in your money zone, your ability to ask for what you want becomes more powerful, and you would benefit strongly from being more assertive in pursuing your desires. Taureans are often too placid, which doesn’t always get you where you want to be. If you feel you deserve better, then now is the time to let it be known, because the New Moon on June 16 is a perfect opportunity to turn over a new leaf where money and material matters are concerned.
New Age Natal Report is designed as a guide for your growth and personal evolution in the New Age.
Gemini: The New Moon on June 16 occurs in your sign. This is your cue to put the past behind you and to step forward into a brighter world. To do this, however, you may need to be completely honest with yourself and others about what you want. Mars in your sign gives you permission to focus on your needs and on what is important for your well-being. The time for pretense is over, so put your cards on the table, and start be assertive about what you want and need.
Merlin Report could be beneficial in self-help and self-transformation.
Cancer: Cancers have a tendency to live in the past, whether by nursing old hurts and painful experiences or reminiscing about the good old days. This can prevent you from making the most of the present, so as the planets align in your zone of the past, let go of your attachments so that you can capitalize on the new beginnings and opportunities waiting for you in the weeks to come. The New Moon on June 16 is the perfect time to do this, and once you have let go of some of your baggage, you will be able to make huge progress. Concentrate on creating a fresh start and on showing the world what you can do.
Leo: The New Moon on June 16 is an extremely auspicious one for you, as it marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life. For this reason, it would be helpful to draw the line between the present and the past and let go of any negative attachments and baggage. It’s time to focus on the future which looks very bright for you, and the more you can focus on what you would like to attract into your life, the more you will be making good use of the powerful planetary energies. Take a piece of paper and write down your vision for the future. Or, if you prefer, create a collage with images representing your desires. Remember that there are no rules, only the ones we set for ourselves.
Virgo: The New Moon on June 16 holds the potential for a new chapter in your life. It’s time to wipe the slate clean and turn your attention from the past to the future. Now is the time to get busy and focus your energies on an achievable goal, to turn over a new leaf in your work or business, or to head off in a new direction. It could also be time to identify your true purpose and begin living it. Certainly this should feel like a time of new beginnings, and to make the most of it, all you have to do is acknowledge that the past is gone, taking your old mistakes and patterns. June 16 is a great day to become more conscious of your old patterns with a view to breaking them so that you can step forward into a bright new world.
Libra: Your keywords for this week are "adventure" and "possibility" as a glorious New Moon highlights the expansive area of your chart. June 16 is the day to step forward into a lighter, brighter world –a world full of possibility and potential. All you have to do is believe that what you want is possible and to take a small step toward it. At the very least, this New Moon will lighten your load and put a spring in your step. The following are good questions to ask yourself this week: "How can I invite more adventure into my life? Where can I be more experimental? Am I saying yes to life and opportunities? Do I believe that anything can happen? Is it time I took myself off on an adventure?" The planets are lining up in a most favorable way for Libras now with the emphasis on the future and all the wonderful possibilities that are open to you.
Scorpio: This week’s New Moon on June 16 brings the opportunity for a transformation. The past few weeks may have had some uncomfortable moments, but you might come to the opinion that it was worth it as you head now into some kind of rebirth. To enhance this experience, embark around June 16 on a detox, and cleanse yourself of physical and emotional toxins. You’re now at a point at which you can transmute your pain into something positive. All it takes is a little courage, so don’t be afraid of what comes up this week because whatever might be, it is designed to help you rise like the phoenix.
Sagittarius: The New Moon on June 16 is a great opportunity for new beginnings in your love life and your relationships in general. Whether you’re looking for love in a new or existing relationship, or you’re looking to ease conflict with someone, all you need to do is be open, communicative, and honest. It’s vitally important now that you don’t suppress how you feel, as this could prevent new beginnings from taking place. You have the chance to be liberated from something that has held you back for quite some time, so it’s important to be alert to what will enable you to move forward.
Capricorn: The New Moon on June 16 offers you the opportunity to turn over a new leaf in matters connected to your health and well being. It also offers hope and potential for your work and asks whether you are making the most of your days. That’s not meant to suggest you should cram more into a twenty-four-hour period; rather, question whether you are happy in the way you spend your days and whether you are working in a smart way that provides more time for what you enjoy. Is your life balanced between work, rest, and play, or does your life lean too heavily toward work and responsibility? For optimum health, life should have a nice balance, and now is your big opportunity to begin creating that balance.
Aquarius: The New Moon on June 16 brings an element of success to your endeavors, so this is a very good moment to launch a project or develop a creative idea. Perhaps the greatest opportunity this New Moon brings is to realize that you are the artist of your life and as such, you can create the sort of life you would love to live if only anything were possible. When you come to the realization that most of your restrictions are self-imposed –"I should do this; I shouldn’t do that" –you can begin to break free of limiting beliefs and be more than you were before. At the very least, the current alignments of planets should put a spring in your step and make you feel glad to be alive.
Karmic Past Life Report examines possible past life connections using astrological methods.
Pisces: The New Moon on June 16 brings a sense of completion. Perhaps this is the week you get to put the last piece of the puzzle into place. Regardless, it looks like a particular cycle or phase of your life is coming to an end, so prepare to embark on a new chapter, especially in your home or family life. This may require a little courage, so don’t fear what’s next, but trust instead that all that is happening is for your greater good. Focus on new beginnings now as you move into a cycle of greater growth and maturity.
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