#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra
#Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces
#Horoscope – overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is pleased to present
your Free Weekly Horoscope for December 6 — December 12, 2015
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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
December 6 Mars in Libra (December 6 – January 11, 2016) is square to Pluto in Capricorn. Mars emphasizes all forms of action, while Pluto represents the transformational powers of destiny. These two planets in the square position spell out the potential for trouble with regard to our actions. Strong disruption between generations is likely to occur at this time. This aspect does imply that this is a more likely time for an “attack” to occur from power-driven sources. Actions or conflicts concerned with higher powers are likely to backfire. It is best not to bluff those of a higher or unanticipated authority at this time.
The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 11 suggests this may very well be a good time to begin planning a trip. It’s a time to open up to new opportunities in an inspired and upbeat manner. This may be just the time for some restless folks to make a breakthrough and start new exercise programs, look into new philosophies of life, and apply a bolder sense of exploration.
Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (December 11 – December 20) brings feminine love in harmony with spiritual expression. When one comes from a place of love, it is easier to draw down a spiritual enhancement of that love. To love unconditionally is a way to acquire gifts of the spirit world. This has something to do with the old adage – what goes around comes around. Feminine expression is emphasized, and there is a greater potential to create a spiritually enhanced atmosphere. In a time of spiritual turmoil for many, Venus trine Neptune helps to ease our woes with a support network of feminine kindness.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra
Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
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Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: Your theme this week is adventure and expansion, but you might need to rattle your chains in order to break free of whatever is currently restricting you from doing or being more. The days around December 11 look volatile, but this is also a good time to set your intentions for how you want your life to be. This may require you to push out of your comfort zone, say no to someone, or break free from the past. Just because things have always been a certain way doesn’t mean it has to continue. It’s time for change.
Taurus: The New Moon on December 11 offers you the chance for a rebirth and a cathartic cleansing of the old stuff that has previously clogged your spirit. It will help the process, though, if you can pay attention to your inner voice. This is no mean feat during the busiest month of the year, but if you can make space to be quiet and tune into your feelings and your bodily sensations, you will be pointed in the right direction. As Shaki Gawain says, “Notice what happens when you follow your intuitive feelings. The result is usually increased energy and power, and a sense of things flowing.”
New Age Natal Report is designed as a guide for your growth and personal evolution in the New Age.
Gemini: The New Moon on December 11 falls in your relationship zone, effectively spelling the end to any problems in this area and inviting you to turn over a new leaf. Progress, new beginnings and new relationships can be made now, especially if you’re willing to be the wise, sensible one. Trusting your inner voice and trying to focus on common connections rather than separation will help create the kind of relationships you’re hoping for.
Merlin Report could be beneficial in self-help and self-transformation.
Cancer: The New Moon on December 11 brings the chance for a new start with your health or your work, so turn over a new leaf. As far as your health is concerned, this could simply mean being moderate during this season of excess. For your work and daily life, new beginnings need to be measured with practical applications, hard work, and maturity. Such an approach will lead to constructive actions that pave the way for better things to come.
Leo: With a New Moon in your zone of authentic enjoyment on December 11, this is a good opportunity to focus on what brings you joy. What do you need for your happiness? With Saturn in the background, it should be relatively easy to make a plan and take action to bring these things about. Of course, some of what you need for your happiness might take some time to manifest, but at least being clear about what you want and need is half the battle.
VirgoVirgo: The New Moon on December 11 is a great opportunity for you to begin afresh with a home, family or domestic situation. This would be a good time to make changes to your home or turn over a new leaf with a family member. It may also be the time to put the past behind you, to close the door on a chapter of your life and move on. However, if you feel that things aren’t quite going your way at the speed you would like, have patience. Saturn’s presence at the base of your chart implies that good things will come if you wait; sometimes we are tested by situations that drag on and on. Your mindset is the most important factor in all of this, and as you do your best to create new things with positive intent, the results will manifest themselves, but you may just need to give it time.
Libra: Mars in your sign urges you to embrace the sacred warrior within and do what you feel is right, even if it means running the risk of conflict. Perhaps you need to stand up for yourself and assert your right to be you, to be bold and courageous in taking a liberating step forward. Or maybe you must defend the underdog. Don’t let fear of change or conflict hold you back. The New Moon on December 11 occurs in your zone of communication, making this time ideal for getting your message out there and examining how you present yourself. Perhaps this is your time to speak with greater authority and be heard.
Scorpio: What needs healing? It may be your physical self; in which case, try to pace yourself and don’t place too many demands on yourself. Get plenty of rest, and be mindful of blowing a fuse, which could happen if you become stretched too thin. If you’re in a situation that needs healing, be prepared to change it. Don’t allow things to stay as they are, but focus instead on what you can do to transform matters. Make whatever changes are necessary to support your well-being, and call on higher guidance if need be. The New Moon on December 11 is good news for your financial situation and invites you to turn over a new leaf or wipe the slate clean.
Sagittarius: The keyword now is “courage,” so push yourself in some way or make a commitment, trusting that all will work out well. The New Moon on December 11 is your cue to turn over a new leaf, invite new beginnings into your life, summon the courage to change things, or deal with something uncomfortable. Use this New Moon to get clear on what you want, but be realistic. Things don’t come easily when Saturn’s in town, though your hard work and perseverance will pay off in the long run. Remind yourself of that when life is tough.
Capricorn: The New Moon on December 11 offers you the chance to draw a line under the past and move on. Often the past keeps us prisoner, but the planets are giving you a key to escape. Maybe you have been your own jailor, keeping yourself small with restricted thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. If you tell yourself you can’t or that something won’t work, or if you’ve allowed fear to prevent your living life to the fullest, then this New Moon will help you be bolder. You may also need to pace yourself as the festive season gets under way, as your energy levels probably aren’t at their highest. Get plenty of rest and decline anything that you feel isn’t in your best interest.
Aquarius: “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” Reflect on this quote by Anais Nin while you’re being challenged to break out of your comfort zone, confront your inner demons, and become more of the trailblazer that you were born to be. It is important to embrace change now rather than fear it. Focus on adventure, expansion and doing something different. Remember as you edge closer to 2016 that you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.
Karmic Past Life Report examines possible past life connections using astrological methods.
Pisces: “Success is the doing, not the getting – in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard – reaching for the highest that is in us – becoming all that we can be. If we do our best, we are a success.” Zig Ziglar reminds us of an important factor as the Moon and Saturn align at the top of your chart. Perhaps you feel pressure to achieve a certain standard or to make more of yourself, but really, by putting your heart and soul into what you do, you will create a recipe for achievement. So whatever your goals, whatever you are called on to do, give it your best and hand the rest over to the Universe
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