#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra
#Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces
#Horoscope – overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is pleased to present
your Free Weekly Horoscope for January 24 — January 30, 2016
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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Life improves as the Full Moon in Leo on January 24 captivates our moods with a wild and instinctual push. There may be an opportunity to enhance and harmonize friendships and family situations in a fulfilling and enriching manner. Moon in Leo brings out the playful, imagination and creative side of our moods. Most of us are easily drawn towards the need to find warmth and affection, or just plain attention.
Since January 8th, Mercury has been retrograde in Capricorn. During this period, we may have had little tolerance for small talk and expressed ourselves only after much deliberation. On January 25th Mercury moves forward in Capricorn providing a good position for processing recent events and ideas and for beginning to look at problems or issues from a new perspective and with a new understanding.
Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (January 30 – February 4) brings the opportunity for us to find spiritual enhancement in the adventure of love, and to spread its healing power around for all to share. This serves as an excellent time to reach out spiritually to those we love as well as to our spirit guides.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra
Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
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Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: The good news this week is that your path will get smoother and your burdens will feel lighter. Mercury turning direct at the top of your chart should bring an end to any problems at work or any glitches that have been holding your general progress back. Life should now begin to move again, although it will be another few weeks before you feel like you’re really making progress. Still, any improvement is better than none, and this week marks the beginning of the end of your troubles.
Taurus: If you’ve been receptive to the Mercury retrograde energies, this could have been an enlightening time. Ideally you’ll be coming out of this transit with a clearer sense of your place in the universe and a stronger sense of meaning in your life. Now, though, with the Full Moon in your domestic zone, it’s time to bring your focus closer to home since this is the engine room of your life. Home is where it all happens, and perhaps you’d benefit from focusing on nurturing, comfort and security. This is what will give you the strength to go out into the world and do what you need to do.
Gemini: Mercury turns direct on January 24, which is good news for you, as it marks the beginning of the end of a difficult phase. You’re not out of the woods yet, but you should find that you are at least back on the right track, which will eventually lead you out of the woods. January 24 though, may feel particularly intense, and you might benefit by breaking from your usual routine if possible. Getting out into nature will help offset the difficult energies, possibly giving you a new perspective. As the week progresses, you should notice life beginning to move forward or return to normal, and the Sun’s move into your friendly sign of Aquarius will do much to lift your spirits. Now is the time to focus on adventure and your plans for the future. Try to drop your judgments of others – especially around January 24 – and focus instead on your own life and where you want to be going.
Cancer: Mercury turns direct on January 24 which is good news for your relationships and personal life. If this area has been troublesome recently, you can now look forward to easier times although the Full Moon could be rather forceful, perhaps highlighting issues of joint finances, intimacy and equality or lack of in your relationships. Aiming to maintain your self-control and not succumbing to fear, anxiety or drama is the best approach. As the week progresses, you should feel a weight lifting. The more you work toward compromise and seeing matters from another’s point of view, the easier things will get.
Leo: The Full Moon on Sunday signals a culmination and brings the potential for illumination and clarity with an issue that has been confusing or difficult to understand, so although the days around January 24 might feel rather intense, they bring the opportunity for a turning point. Mercury also turns direct on Sunday, further signaling an easing of difficulty, especially in your health, work and day to day life. You may not be out of the woods, but at least you now have a map and compass. Ask yourself whether there are any shackles you need to throw off or whether you’ve created a life that is too safe. Do you need to embrace your natural creativity, or is it time to take a risk? There’s no rush to determine the answers, but observe the times when you come alive and the times when you feel flat. Follow wherever your energy naturally flows.
Virgo: Venus joins the Sun, Pluto and Mercury in your house of fun and creativity, adding to the enjoyable flavor of the moment. Capitalize on this by allowing the sensual, indulgent, romantic and artistic side of you to have full expression. See a romantic film, write a love note to someone special, have a massage or take an art workshop. As Mercury turns direct, you should find any glitches or problems in the creative sphere of life begin to ease, allowing you to make progress with your endeavors. If you have a burning need to express something, the arrival of Venus should ensure that you manage to do this in a most beautiful way.
Libra: As the Sun moves into your house of fun and Mercury turns direct, life should begin to feel a lot lighter. Now is the time to focus on what brings you pleasure and enjoyment and to make that a bigger part of your life, but it’s not all about indulgence. Saturn’s presence in your mental zone reminds you of the importance of discipline, so don’t get too lazy! If you want to accomplish something, you need to keep working at it, so perhaps the best way to approach this week is with a nice balance between work and play. This is also a good week to create more beauty and harmony in your home as Venus sails into your domestic region. In between the work and play, remember that there’s nothing more nourishing than a meal cooked with love and shared with those closest to your heart.
Scorpio: You have more power than you think, so if you feel at all stuck, helpless, or disempowered, remember that the ball is in your court. Even if you don’t feel that you hold the important cards, acting as if you do will instill confidence, convincing others that you’re a force to be reckoned with. The intensity of the Full Moon on January 24 may have a purpose: to help you realize something important. Perhaps with Mercury backtracking through your zone of perception, you’ve been seeing a situation through a faulty lens. As Mercury turns direct, you can look forward to normality being restored – hopefully after teaching you an important lesson.
Sagittarius: The whole area of your material existence – work, money, possessions, and so on – has likely been under the microscope these past few weeks. The good news is that the arrival of Venus in the material area of your chart is likely to act as a soothing balm, smoothing out tension and bringing a more positive feeling of contentment and abundance or appreciation for what you have. While Venus can’t necessarily wave a magic wand and bring an end to all your problems, she is likely to signal the end of the downturn. Mercury’s return to direct motion is further evidence that your troubles should soon be a distant memory. Still, it’s worth looking for the lesson in all this so that you don’t make the same mistakes again and can engage in making changes that will be good for the long term. Sunday’s Full Moon seeks to remind you that anything is possible once you believe in it.
Capricorn: The good news is that Mercury turns direct on January 24 so if the past three weeks have been a bit of a trial, you can expect to feel the beginnings of an improvement soon. There may still be a way to go before you’re out of the woods, but at least you’ll be back on the path that will lead you out. Also, this week there is a Full Moon in your area of transformation. See this as an opportunity for an inner cleanse – literally or figuratively. Either way, it’s a good time to become aware of the toxic stuff you carry around, such as baggage from the past or physical toxins in the air, water and food you consume. Release what surplus you can, and take each day as it comes, knowing that you’re on the road to recovery.
Aquarius: The Full Moon falls in your opposite sign, which could heighten your emotional state for a short while. Conversely, as Mercury aligns with Pluto in your most private ad soulful area, you may feel as if you’re in a black hole. Whatever comes up for you this week – and it may be intense – go with it. The only way we can transform a fear or negative emotion is to go fully into it, to experience that dark night of the soul, even if it only lasts minutes or hours. The good news is that the Sun is now in your sign, which is bound to lift your spirits and plug you into the cosmic battery. Once you get past the Full Moon on Sunday, a more positive state of affairs should resume. In the meantime, consider the following quote by Einstein: “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
Pisces: Mercury turns direct on January 24 and the Sun’s change of signs should mark the beginning of an improvement in an otherwise challenging situation. However, your energy levels may now be compromised, and the planets are giving you permission to rest and recuperate. Another interesting feature of Mercury’s recent transit includes highlighted feelings of isolation or alienation. If you’ve been feeling a bit like an outsider, it’s important for you now to consider whether that is actually true and it’s time for you to move on or whether it is just your own negativity at play. Quite often we feel different because of a pain within us, which makes us feel separate. The gift of Mercury’s recent backtrack through your zone of friendship and society may have been to highlight how you can take yourself out of the frame because you don’t feel good enough. Now is the time to stop playing that tape so that you can join more fully with life.
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