Free Weekly Horoscope-July 17 to July 23

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra
#Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces
#Horoscope – overview of this week

The Center for the New Age is pleased to present
your Free Weekly Horoscope for July 17 – July 23, 2016

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Full Moon in Capricorn is on July 19. The general course of our moods remains focused, even rather serious as well as work conscious. The Full Moon always suggests a time of celebration, and the earthy Capricorn character focuses on the accomplishment of goals through the application of persistence and diligence.

Mercury in Leo trine Saturn in Sagittarius (July 19 – July 26) brings favorable dialog concerning where to draw the lines. This is a good time to make an impression, to teach and to communicate to others those important matters that must be clarified. Timely information and news represents a gift or blessing. Important news comes with this aspect and news concerning the end of a long and arduous task brings relief.

Venus in Leo trine Saturn in Sagittarius (July 20 – July 30) brings the timely gift of love. Paradoxically, it also allows for some peace in the closure of a love relationship. This is the aspect to enhance a love vow or oath with the timely application of loving energy, and is also a good aspect to better understand the importance of devotion and responsive caring.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra
Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

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Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign

AriesAries: The Full Moon on July 19 asks you to get the balance right between your professional and private lives. Are your ambitions in alignment with a healthy and happy home life? If you would like to improve your career or steer it in a new direction, you might first need to do some personal healing, perhaps for something from your past or something related to your home and family. Determine whether you need to adjust your focus on your inner world with either greater attention paid to your personal needs or more consideration for making headway in the outside world. Whatever your situation, the Full Moon will shed light and help you gain greater clarity with your path in life.

Numerology Report

TaurusTaurus: As the Full Moon sheds its illuminating light on your zone of beliefs and perception on July 19, it might seem as though a light bulb goes on in your head, leading to a “eureka!” moment. You might wonder why you didn’t think of something before or why it has taken you so long. It doesn’t matter how long it took you to reach the realization, only that you have. This week could be quite liberating with things beginning to make sense and coming into alignment with your work. All in all, this is a good week for personal progress.

New Age Natal Report

GeminiGemini: We all feel as if we are outsiders from time to time – usually when our confidence has taken a dive – so try not to take anything too seriously this week. It might be just a temporary feeling of uncertainty, insecurity, or alienation, all of which you can alleviate with boldness and pushing forward. The Full Moon on July 19 is likely to bring any insecurity to the fore; explore its source, either on your own or with someone you trust. Financial issues can also be resolved now as the Full Moon illuminates what may previously have been hidden.

Merlin Report

CancerCancer: To manifest anything new, we have to relinquish the old. This is particularly true when trying to manifest a new vision of our lives. It’s very difficult to move forward when we don’t want to lose sight of the shore. The Full Moon on July 19 is likely to challenge your attempts to move forward, but welcome it, for it is useful to test your strength and determination. Treat yourself kindly, but remember that if you want to create or embrace new opportunities, you must let go of the old. If this is difficult, take the Bach flower combination of honeysuckle and walnut while telling yourself that change is good.

Indra Report

LeoLeo: The Full Moon on Tuesday could be a reminder that you need to turn within and find inner peace and harmony. If life is challenging right now, make some changes, the first of which should be to discard a belief that undermines your well-being. Perhaps, for example, you believe you should remain on top of things or that you must always work hard. If so, it’s time for a new vision of life – something softer that gives you more room to comfortably maneuver. Think about what works for and against you, and then begin to make constructive changes.

Child Astrology Report

VirgoVirgo: The Full Moon on July 19 is your call to greater authenticity and creativity. Do you have a creative dream you would like to manifest? Do you feel unsure of how to manifest that dream or vision? If so, you might need to let go of your safety net and take a leap into the unknown. That, of course, is scary for most people but more so for Virgos, being an earth sign. However, sometimes we just have to let go and trust that if we move toward our goals, the universe will step in to help. Stop clinging to your safe structures, and follow your passion.

Astrological Solar Return Report

LibraLibra: The Full Moon on July 19 is set to be the grand finale of everything that’s gone on the past few weeks. If, for example, you’ve felt confused or uncertain about your direction, this Full Moon will do much to bring clarity. If you’ve wanted to leave a situation behind but found it difficult, then this Full Moon should illuminate your next steps. As long as you trust yourself and keep moving in the direction that calls to you, you should find yourself on the right path and in a transformational state.

Astro Forecast Report

ScorpioScorpio: This week will play out similar to last week with the Full Moon challenging your preconceived ideas and habits. We all get used to the way things are and eventually become robotic, not questioning our actions or thoughts. This leads to predictable outcomes. If you want to break free from your habits or restrictive circumstances, the Full Moon will offer you liberation. Of course, it’s up to you whether you take it.

Cards of Destiny Report

SagittariusSagittarius: The Full Moon on July 19 asks you to put the final piece into place to complete the puzzle. This could relate to the dream you had to reconcile last week or to another situation in your life. Perhaps you need to let go of something that simply can’t be. Sometimes we confuse fantasies with dreams, so examine any wish fulfillment scenario you keep running in your head, such as buying the winning lottery ticket or entering a new romance transporting you to a better life. Saturn in your sign suggests that you’re in the middle of a reality check that might initially feel depressing, but as you face the facts, you will be liberated to work with the tools you’ve been given and be thankful for all you have.

Relocation Information Report

CapricornCapricorn: The Full Moon in your sign on Tuesday is your cue to take stock and make any necessary adjustments. Before you can know what it is you need to do, go within to hear your soul’s whispers. Sometimes the best thing to do when you feel confused, overwhelmed or distracted is to clear or sort out a closet or other space. This simple act often brings clarity to the mind and a greater sense of room to think. A little feng shui in your home, car or office might work wonders right now.

Cayce Past Life Report

AquariusAquarius: This week’s Full Moon asks you to break free from a limiting situation. Light will illuminate with clarity where you previously felt in the dark. Your work or health will likely benefit from this Full Moon; you begin to see the way forward. The key to your success right now involves changing your perception to see a situation differently. This week, your challenge is to break out of the status quo or to challenge your preconceived ideas. Choose a role model, and ask yourself how that person would respond in your situation. Then begin to act accordingly.

Karmic Past Life Report

PiscesPisces: The Full Moon on July 19 brings to the fore any sense of alienation. On the positive side, this suggests you can discover answers you need by spending time alone. However, it might mean that you are withdrawing from the world because you feel too sensitive or that you’re in the wrong situation. Now is a good time to question that you’re in the right job, relationship, home, city and so on. Time out will help you determine the answers. You’re also being asked to discover your special gift and offer it to the world.

Karmic Insight Report

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Astrology Reports for Couples!

Compatibility Report

Love Cards Report