#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra
#Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces
#Horoscope – overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is pleased to present
your Free Weekly Horoscope for August 7 – August 13, 2016
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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Mercury in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces (August 7 – August 12) makes us acutely aware of discussions concerning religious beliefs. Beliefs go beyond the physical to the metaphysical realms, where information is accessed and spiritual fortification occurs. It is wisest to be clear on one’s own beliefs, and not to put oneself in a position of having to defend or expose those beliefs before a pack of merciless critics.
First Quarter Moon in Scorpio on August 10 brings out our moods in a precise and very concentrated manner. All forms of professionalism, expertise and intellectualism are activated under the Scorpio Moon influence. The waxing Scorpio Moon often brings out strong sexual appetites and desires. This is a good time to tap into your creative and imaginative side. Awareness and staying on the ball are very important since con-games, crime, violence or theft may be somewhat prevalent during this period. Being alert and using simple precautions will greatly help to avoid or survive pain and trouble.
Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (August 10 – August 16) brings favorable news and optimistic discussions around issues of control and power. This is an excellent aspect for attempting to communicate with those of another generation, filling the gaps between the two generations with meaning. Mercury is the communications tower that transmits information, and in the case of Pluto, that information usually involves issues that deeply concern us. This is a good time to express encouraging words and reinforce the troubled people of the world with a sense of hope.
Venus in Virgo square Saturn in Sagittarius (August 13 – August 20) creates obstacles and restrictions in love. External responsibilities and restrictions can cause separation, or obstacles in the way of love and nurturing. It may be difficult to engage in romance as these obstacles will seem to be relentless, and the demands of the world may overrule even our own essential needs. Romantic gestures may be misinterpreted or ignored despite our earnest attempts.
Saturn goes direct in Sagittarius on Saturday (August 13) after being retrograde since March 25th. Saturn retrograde often requires us to backtrack on many previous, yet unfulfilled, obligations. This has been a time of implementing, testing and correcting various kinds of security measures in our lives, and many sacrifices were made in order to feel a sense of completion and accomplishment. As Saturn resumes a forward-moving course, we can more freely organize and stabilize our priorities and disciplines; this allows projects to get back on a productive and progressive path.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra
Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
For more information about your Horoscope and what the stars
have in store for you, order one of our detailed
Astrology Reports!
Want to know the theme of your relationship? This report compares your temperaments and personalities, whether you are married or living together.
Compatibility ReportReveal as much information about you and your partner intention of opening doors of understanding and awareness.
Love Cards Report
Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: As the Sun journeys through your house of fun and as your ruler, Mars, travels through your zone of adventure, this is not the time for immersing yourself in heavy stuff like work, responsibilities or problems. It would be much better to focus on what you enjoy and make that your priority. Problems can be lightened by a dose of laughter, and going on an adventure can alleviate stagnancy or frustration. The planetary picture this week is all about expanding your mind, broadening your horizons and pushing you out of your comfort zone. Whatever you do, it should feel like fun.
Discover a personal profile and 1-year forecast based on advanced calculations of your name and birth date.
Numerology Report
Taurus: The Sun in the lowest region of your chart suggests that although this might not be the lightest, most joyful week you’ve ever had, it at least offers you the chance to make progress on an inner level. If you consider that your unresolved issues might be creating your malaise, you have an opportunity to create future joy by releasing some of the built up negativity. In other words, you might experience a rebirth or a transformation of some kind, especially if you don’t distract yourself with busyness or pleasurable escapes. Don’t be afraid of endings, as they will lead to a new lease on life.
Need a guide for your growth and personal evolution based on astrological influences upon your personality?
New Age Natal Report
Gemini: There is a sense of completion about your life now, so if something needs to be brought to a close, this could be the week when you get to heave a big sigh of relief. Relationships could seem tricky, and it could help to resolve any issues involving other people. However, you might need patience. It might help to heed the advice from Joseph Joubert: “A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve.
This interpretation of your birth chart is written in simple language could be beneficial in self undestanding.
Merlin Report
Cancer: As the Sun journeys through your money zone, you are in a good position to make constructive changes to your financial status. For example, you might decide to make more of your talents and abilities, or you might feel that it’s time to ask for a raise or to increase your prices. You could come up with a new idea that feels really good and that enables you to generate more income. Try to break free from any negative beliefs about money and your capacity to manifest it because, ultimately, the purpose of the Sun in the material area of your chart is to enable you to feel more financially empowered. Remembering that you’re not a victim and that you can modify things could be the first step toward positive change.
Indra reveals your life’s contradictory urges & drives as well as your basic motivation, perceptions, inclinations and character.
Indra Report
Leo: As the Sun journeys through your sign, you are encouraged to consider what you need to be happy. Issues that might link to this theme include money, talent, creativity and children. It might appear that the latter requires some serious thought or restraint while the money and talent seem much easier. Perhaps it’s time to better utilize your talents to generate more money. Ultimately, this is a week in which it might help to consider what you need, to be your authentic self. Once you have the answers, you can begin to make changes.
Want a detailed report for parents to help with the child’s growth to strengthen the assets and avert possible problems that the child could face in their life?
Child Astrology Report
Virgo: Although this might not feel like the most energetic time as the Sun languishes in your zone of repose, the cluster of planets in your sign more than makes up for this. Actually, this week could be a time of possibility so long as you keep your eyes open and your attitude positive. Rest when you can, and take solitude when you need it. In between, remember that the planets are on your side. Anything is possible right now. As Oprah Winfrey said, “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” Regardless of whether or not you have an event to celebrate, make it your mission to raise a glass to something, even if it’s just the fact that you have another day on this precious Earth.
Want a birthday to birthday practical guide to help you recognize opportunities and to learn from them.
Astrological Solar Return Report
Libra: When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey.” This Arab proverb is good advice. However, with the Moon, Mars and Saturn in your communication zone, it might not be easy to refrain from delivering verbal blasts or emotional outbursts. Of course, there are always reasons we feel angry, and it certainly wouldn’t do any harm to look within for the underlying cause, but if you’re feeling angry, frustrated, or low, the best advice is to get out and mingle. Sometimes we have to apply the medicine that works best for us, and for you, an instant cure is socializing. So get out there, and have some fun.
Want to know the actual dates when the energies will influence your life in money, career, relationships, and communicaton?
Astro Forecast Report (3 months)
Scorpio: As tempting as it might be to quit or take the easy route, it’s probably not the answer. In fact, the answer to your current dilemma is courage. Press on toward your goal. If you’ve begun to lose sight of your destination, take some time this week to remember and reconnect with it. Spend some time in nature, and marvel at its strength and resilience, such as the way a tiny flower can push itself through hard soil or grow on barren land. Then carry on along your path, knowing that with faith and courage you will get there.
Want a one year forecast to understand the scope of influence for your personal Cards of Destiny?
Cards of Destiny Report
Sagittarius: “Adventure” is your keyword this week, so make it your mission to try something new, whether it’s heading off to explore a new place or whether it’s trying a new restaurant or theatre. Alternatively, why not study a new concept or examine a new idea. These things will help offset the turbulence this week is likely to bring, so if you find that your emotions are somewhat volatile, you know what the answer is: adventure!
Contemplating a move? This report tells how you will react to the energies of the specific locations for relationships, finances, and security.
Relocation Information Report
Capricorn: There are times in all of our lives when we need to admit that we must let something go. As the Sun journeys through your zone of transformation, it is probably time to stop clinging onto something that does you no good. It could be a person, place, situation or way of being – a habit or a belief, for example. It might be an attachment to the past or the present. When we try to keep things as they are, there is no room for growth or change, and life feels stuck and stagnant or becomes painful as we resist what needs to happen. Let go of your attachment and know that as you do, you are able to move on to your next age of evolution.
Discover your character traits, relationship and career potentials – based on Edgar Casey Readings.
Cayce Past Life Report
Aquarius: As the Sun reaches its midpoint through the zodiac, this is a good moment for you to take stock of where you are in your life and to consider whether you need to adjust your course. Since the Sun makes a helpful alignment with your ruler Uranus, you are well placed to make changes that should seem effortless and refreshing. In fact, this could be quite an exciting and upbeat week; you can engage in new activities and enjoy making discoveries about yourself or the world around you.
Discover your past life connections that can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits, even phobias.
Karmic Past Life Report
Pisces: No matter how much we love something, even the best things can feel stagnant over time. Sometimes all that’s required to liven things up or to trigger inspiration, is to make a modification. Often a small change will do. Look at your daily life to see whether there’s any way you can inject a little difference to make matters more interesting. Perhaps buying something new for your office, changing the furniture around, or putting up a new piece of art will freshen things up. Make it your mission to put your heart into everything you do, and you will find that your day-to-day life will take on more color.
Discover your soul’s intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, services to be rendered.
Karmic Insight Report
For more information about your Horoscope and what the stars
have in store for you, order one of our detailed
Astrology Reports for Couples!
Want to know the theme of your relationship? This report compares your temperaments and personalities, whether you are married or living together.
Compatibility ReportReveal as much information about you and your partner intention of opening doors of understanding and awareness.
Love Cards Report