#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra
#Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces
#Horoscope – overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is pleased to present
your Free Weekly Horoscope for November 6 – November 12, 2016
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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
November 7 First Quarter Moon in Aquarius puts the spotlight on eccentric and unusual breakthroughs of humankind. The eccentric quality of this Moon is perfect for addressing the startling nature of Tuesday’s US presidential election. We are all aware of great shifts of energy and the Aquarius Moon will assist our moods to meet and formally address humanity’s newest challenges.
November 9 through December 19 Mars is in the sign of Aquarius. Activities will emphasize science, technology and computer data banks, as well as humanitarian endeavors. Watch out for the potential for electrical equipment to overheat and fry during this time of Mars in Aquarius.
Venus enters Capricorn on Saturday (November 12 – December 7) bringing out an attraction for the staunch and ardent duty of accomplishing goals as well as a love of predictability. This type of expression creates stable ground for the development of relationships, and the general course of affections will be oriented towards making impressions, with a hard and ambitious drive towards providing well for loved ones.
Saturday Mercury enters Sagittarius (November 12 – January 1, 2017). New perspectives are bound to come up as news is always more philosophical and visionary when Mercury is in this sign. Sagittarius is the challenging “detrimental” place for Mercury, and this is a time when Mercury’s greatest weapon – words – are best communicated with carefully considered diplomacy. Mercury in Sagittarius offers an opportunity to share your vision of a better world with others, and also brings adventure to the world of communications.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra
Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
For more information about your Horoscope and what the stars
have in store for you, order one of our detailed
Astrology Reports!
Want to know the theme of your relationship? This report compares your temperaments and personalities, whether you are married or living together.
Compatibility ReportReveal as much information about you and your partner intention of opening doors of understanding and awareness.
Love Cards Report
Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: This week would be a good time to work toward improving your health – body, mind and spirit. Perhaps the first port of call for such an intention is moderation, as good health can never arise from excess. We all know instinctively what is good for us and what is not, so this week try to eliminate the latter and welcome the former. A good indicator of whether something is good for you or not, is whether you can continue it on an off day. You may also want to look at your work and daily life with a view to making positive changes that will support your well-being.
Discover a personal profile and 1-year forecast based on advanced calculations of your name and birth date.
Numerology Report
Taurus: The focus this week is on your relationships, and the time is ripe to begin an important partnership. Expect a certain amount of intensity with Venus in Capricorn, but any problems can be alleviated or resolved through better communication. Taking the time to listen with your heart will enable the two of you to develop a closer bond, and you might find that the other person is willing to listen to you too. Overall, it’s a good week to create heartfelt connections with those who are important to you.
Need a guide for your growth and personal evolution based on astrological influences upon your personality?
New Age Natal Report
Gemini: If you want to resolve a problem at work, there needs to be better communication. You can make positive changes or even embrace a new start by talking and listening. Once that’s done and the channels of communication are flowing, you can work toward a new beginning. This may be something as simple as clearing your space, setting a new intent or following an idea or a lead for improvements. Whatever the case, it’s time to start afresh in your work, and if you have the time, don’t forget your health. This is another area that can benefit greatly from embracing a fresh perspective.
This interpretation of your birth chart is written in simple language could be beneficial in self undestanding.
Merlin Report
Cancer: This is a week to enjoy, and it could be an ideal moment to make some changes as far as your commitment to fun and enjoyment are concerned. There are times when we realize we are taking things too seriously and what’s needed is a bit of light relief so whether you choose to laugh more or spend more time engaged in activities that make you feel glad to be alive, there really is no need to make life harder than it has to be – nor to feel guilty for enjoying yourself.
Indra reveals your life’s contradictory urges & drives as well as your basic motivation, perceptions, inclinations and character.
Indra Report
Leo: This is a good week to make moves to create new beginnings in your home and domestic life. Sometimes a small change can work magic, and changing your attitude or approach can also work wonders. Either way, a change is what’s needed, and the best change is probably the one you feel drawn to making. You might feel moved to clear out an overflowing closet, or you might feel the desire to introduce a new color scheme into a particular room. Taking a fresh stance will enable an invigorating energy to permeate your home, and taking the time to communicate in a heartfelt manner with your family will be the wisest move of all this week.
Want a detailed report for parents to help with the child’s growth to strengthen the assets and avert possible problems that the child could face in their life?
Child Astrology Report
Virgo: If there’s been a period of confusion for you, events will move toward some kind of resolution this week. All in all, this is the time to focus on new ideas and new ways of looking at life and for developing all forms of communication. If you have something to say, this is the time to say it. Just bear in mind the following wise words though, as we sometimes have the tendency to speak without thinking when the Sun journeys through the house of communication: “When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey” (Arab proverb).
Want a birthday to birthday practical guide to help you recognize opportunities and to learn from them.
Astrological Solar Return Report
Libra: This is a good week to focus on improving material matters. It’s an ideal time to generate ideas on how to make more money, better utilize your gifts and talents, or negotiate a more favorable situation. Chester Karass put it this way: “In life, you don’t get what you deserve; you get what you negotiate.” Perhaps first you need to convince yourself that you’re entitled to something better, and after you’ve done that, it will be so much easier to get a positive response from others.
Want to know the actual dates when the energies will influence your life in money, career, relationships, and communicaton?
Astro Forecast Report (3 months)
Scorpio: With Mercury in your sign, this is a week to express your desire for change and to follow up on any lead or act on any idea that could help you to create new beginnings. Looking at your life with a view to being honest about what isn’t working is a constructive alternative to sitting back and just accepting, and the more you can dismantle that which has been causing you problems and then assemble it in a new and better way, the more successful the weeks and months ahead will be.
Want a one year forecast to understand the scope of influence for your personal Cards of Destiny?
Cards of Destiny Report
Sagittarius: Could it be that something in your psyche has been disturbed: a fragment of the past, perhaps, or a suppressed feeling or emotion from something that was never fully resolved or healed? If experience ripples through the waters of your unconscious, know that before long it will all settle again, but to make the process worthwhile, there is something of value to be learned from this. You might need to let go of something or someone and move on. You might have an opportunity to release some pain or sadness, or you might have the chance to learn something about yourself and become more conscious. Whatever the case, don’t run from any discomfort; rather, sit with it to see what it has to offer.
Contemplating a move? This report tells how you will react to the energies of the specific locations for relationships, finances, and security.
Relocation Information Report
Capricorn: Planetary activity in the hopes and wishes area of your chart makes this an auspicious time for you, so long as you can keep your sights optimistically fixed on your goal. Don’t take no for an answer and focus intently on what you want to achieve. Your desire could be a small one, or it could make people gasp at the grandness of it, but the universe has no more difficulty manifesting a mansion than it does a pumpkin. It’s only our mental limitations that determine the scale of things. Think as big as you like so long as you can believe in yourself and maintain your determination.
Discover your character traits, relationship and career potentials – based on Edgar Casey Readings.
Cayce Past Life Report
Aquarius: This week the emphasis is on success and progress in your ambitions and professional life and there could be an opportunity for a new beginning in this area. There is the potential for change now, and it is likely your own ideas or your communication skills that hold the key to your success. Perhaps you need to put yourself out there more, or maybe you need to get your message out to a wider audience. Either way, it’s time to show people what you’re capable of and to begin looking in a new direction if the current one is unsatisfactory.
Discover your past life connections that can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits, even phobias.
Karmic Past Life Report
Pisces: “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes” (Marcel Proust). It’s time to change the way you look at life, be it cooking up a new scheme, planning a big idea, or visiting a new place. Sometimes doing something that you wouldn’t normally do (eating sushi, for example, or going to a city when you would normally head for the hills) can be very inspiring as your mental molecules are rearranged. Push out of your comfort zone this week to see where inspiration takes you.
Discover your soul’s intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, services to be rendered.
Karmic Insight Report
For more information about your Horoscope and what the stars
have in store for you, order one of our detailed
Astrology Reports for Couples!
Want to know the theme of your relationship? This report compares your temperaments and personalities, whether you are married or living together.
Compatibility ReportReveal as much information about you and your partner intention of opening doors of understanding and awareness.
Love Cards Report