#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is pleased to present
your Free Weekly Horoscope for August 6 – August 12, 2017
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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Full Moon in Aquarius on August 7 will enliven our senses with the need to apply clarity and definition to our actions. The moods of the day are likely to be blanketed in bizarre and unusual occurrences, and people may seem idealistic and generous, or out of sorts and downright unrealistic.
There is a lunar eclipse accompanying this Full Moon. Despite the fact that it will not be visible in the Western Hemisphere, we might feel overly sensitive and situations surrounding our domestic circumstances could become vague, confused and complex. Strange anxiety feelings might arise on Monday, making us wish we could escape a difficult reality, but unusual revelations could also come to us in brilliant flashes of insight, inspiring us to creative works.
Mercury in Virgo sextile Venus in Cancer (August 10 – August 15) teaches us of the necessity to speak up about our feelings around love and attractions. Even with the best intentions, it may be difficult to properly spill out the words, but here is an opportunity to enhance love and the joys of the senses by verbally acknowledging and wooing others with the pleasures that our attractions have brought to us. Keep it simple, but by all means profess your love.
Mercury turns retrograde on Saturday (August 12 – September 5). The shadow period (the time it takes for Mercury to return to its original position during which we mildly feel the effects of the retro-gradation) lasts until September 19. This is a time to revisit our values and our efficiency at work. We should be practical regarding our financial resources and find more creative ways of using our gifts and talents.
Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (August 12 – August 19) brings love into harmony with spiritual expression. This aspect also brings some vitally needed tranquility, which will create more potential for a spiritually enhanced atmosphere.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
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Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: There is a restlessness that is ailing you and you are looking hard for answers. Perhaps the lunar eclipse can lend a hand. Only empirical evidence will help. Till then, all the theory you can get hold of can only assuage you somewhat. If you can’t find anything in particular to celebrate, then find an excuse because the planets favor letting your hair down, discovering your authentic self, and enjoying the good company of friends. If there’s room for improvement with your health, then Mercury’s retrograde motion will help you focus on what needs to be done to alleviate some of the tension.
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Numerology Report
Taurus: It’s time for some self-promotion as the lunar eclipse on August 7 highlights the career and public sector of your chart. Now is the time to promote yourself and to show people just what you’re capable of. It’s as if the spotlight will be on you for a few days at least, so the question is whether you will dance in that spotlight or hide in the shadows. Mercury retrograding through your zone of creativity and self-expression suggest that one or two tweaks are required in terms of being able to express your authentic self and to do more of what you love.
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New Age Natal Report
Gemini: You can rely on the eclipse to present you with an opportunity to step outside your comfort zone, which you should take because the result will be excitement and renewed inspiration. Being social is always important to you as you like to make intellectual connections with others. While you have, at times, been accused of being two different people, it is just because you have so many different interests and projects that you like to work on. The focus now is on your home and domestic life as Mercury turns retrograde in this area. You take full advantage of the bounty that life has to offer, but if there are any lingering regrets about something (or someone) that you allowed to slip through your fingers, then vow not to make the same error and allow Mercury to present you with another chance.
This interpretation of your birth chart is written in simple language could be beneficial in self undestanding.
Merlin Report
Cancer: Every lunar eclipse has an impact on your image and personality and this one is no different. The cosmos is giving you the opportunity to redefine yourself. Your opinion of yourself hasn’t been realistic and needs upgrading. The lunar eclipse on August 7 suggests a turning point relating to your finances – loans, mortgages, purchases, possessions, investments, changes of fortune – as this eclipse brings developments and clarity to your financial situations. You have more power than you realize and perhaps the higher purpose of this eclipse is to take charge of your financial destiny, but Mercury turning retrograde through your zone of travel and communication is a clear message to slow down; otherwise, you could experience one frustration after another.
Indra reveals your life’s contradictory urges & drives as well as your basic motivation, perceptions, inclinations and character.
Indra Report
Leo: The lunar eclipse on Monday might be a turning point for you. This is a good moment to take stock of your life and options and plan your next move. This eclipse occurs in your 7th house of love and tests your current relationships. Generally this testing arises as old baggage – long repressed grievances (real or imagined ) – come to the surface to be dealt with. Mercury turning retrograde in your money zone may raise issues with your finances or other material matters that impact on relationships. Either way, good relationships will withstand the stresses and get better. It is the flawed ones that are vulnerable.
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Child Astrology Report
Virgo: The lunar eclipse on the 7th seems to affect you strongly. It impacts on Mars, your planet of transformation. This eclipse brings financial dramas and important changes will have to be made. Since the eclipse occurs in your 6th house, there can be turmoil at the job or in the workplace. Job changes may be likely, or health scares and a need to change your health regime. As Mercury turns retrograde in your sign, now is the time to contemplate your place in the world and to consider what, if any, changes you’d like to make to your life. If you are of an appropriate age, you may consider making changes to your will and insurance policies. But take a nice easy approach: work in an offbeat manner and use the path infrequently trodden.
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Astrological Solar Return Report
Libra: This lunar eclipse impacts on your love planet, Mars, so a current relationship will get some testing. Sometimes this kind of eclipse signals a change of marital status and singles often marry or get engaged under this kind of eclipse. You are in the throes of creative triumph, winning peer group approval, accolades and applause. This is a powerful phase and if you tweak it to advantage, there will be windfall gains. On the flip side, you may also exhibit some kind of eccentric behavior with Mercury’s backward motion through your zone of endings culminating in your feeling the need to let go of some baggage – physical belongings or emotions like anger or sadness.
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Astro Forecast Report (3 months)
Scorpio: The lunar eclipse on the 7th affects you strongly. Reduce your schedule over that period and spend more quiet time at home. This eclipse occurs in your 4th house and affects the home and family. If there are hidden problems in the home, this is when you find out about them and can make the corrections. Family members (and especially a parent or parent figure) are more temperamental now and need more patience. Often this shows that they are experiencing life-changing kinds of events and they may need you to assist in dealing with such matters. Where friends and your social life are concerned, however, it’s more a time to think and reflect, as Mercury retrograde in your social zone marks a point where you might need to review your friendships and associations. This is a good time to make improvements and revitalize old friendships.
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Cards of Destiny Report
Sagittarius: If you believe in your hope or dream, then you’re halfway there, and since Sagittarius is naturally optimistic with a strong sense of faith, you’re definitely being given a signal for a happy ending. With Jupiter currently in your hopes and dreams area and a lunar eclipse on August 7 in your zone of ideas, there should be absolutely nothing stopping you when it comes to fulfilling your dream or executing your big plan. Mercury retrograde will help you to determine where to go and help you see the way to get there. Whether your plan is to have a great time on holiday or to fulfill a lifelong dream, the result will be much the same. Go for what you want with the faith that all will be well, and it almost certainly will.
Contemplating a move? This report tells how you will react to the energies of the specific locations for relationships, finances, and security.
Relocation Information Report
Capricorn: The lunar eclipse on August 7 highlights the need for some kind of transformation. It occurs in your money house indicating the necessity of financial changes. However, finances are good so most likely your strategy has been too pessimistic. Mercury backtracks through the section of your chart relating to your beliefs. There comes a point in life when somewhere along the line, a change becomes necessary if we are to avoid stagnation and decline. We see this in nature when we see the snake periodically shed its skin, the caterpillar become the butterfly and the lizard grow a new tail. Take a cue from these creatures and be willing to release an outmoded aspect of yourself or your life so that you can emerge new and refreshed.
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Cayce Past Life Report
Aquarius: “A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve.” It could help to pin this to your bathroom mirror during the lunar eclipse on Monday, as the tempo rises in your dealings with others. Whether it’s your nearest and dearest or the driver that cuts you off, you might find that other people are more of a source of angst than normal. In addition, Mercury’s backward motion through the deepest area of your chart will contribute to this way of thinking. This might be a good opportunity to practice the Buddhist philosophy of loving compassion and forgiveness and to rise above the discord that naturally happens between people. As you do, you will find that conflict is replaced by progress.
Discover your past life connections that can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits, even phobias.
Karmic Past Life Report
Pisces: We’ve all met cheerful people doing the most mundane of jobs: the happy, smiley bus driver who makes your journey that much more enjoyable or the cheerful, chatty shop assistant who goes out of their way to help you. These enlightened souls offer the key to happiness. As most of us chase after bigger and better things that we think will make us happy, these people show us that happiness begins with a humble acceptance of what we already have. As Mercury moves retrograde through your relationship zone, it might be timely to turn your attention to matters of the heart. Reviewing that which makes you contented is a valuable use of the Mercury energies.
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Karmic Insight Report
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