#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is pleased to present
your Free Weekly Horoscope for September 3 – September 9, 2017
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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Mercury and Mars are conjunct in Leo (September 3 – September 9). This conjunction brings the forces of communication (Mercury) together with the forces of action (Mars). This is not a very good time to bluff! This aspect brings words and deeds together, and in this case, the greatest action occurs with communication and is empowered in the expression of the message.
Mars enters Virgo on Tuesday (September 5 – October 22) causing the heat of our activities to be focused on such Virgo-like tasks as communications, accounting, analyzing and nit-picking perfection . Resourcefulness and cleverness are emphasized.
Full Moon in Pisces on September 6 brings out the psychic in everyone. People can be very sensitive and as a result some people express themselves in a very artistic or perhaps even nonsensical manner. Dance, music, art and enchantment set the stage for Full Pisces Moon activity, but beware as extensive drug and alcohol use and the need for escapism are often strong with this Moon.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
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Astrology Reports!
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Compatibility Report
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Love Cards Report
Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: Expect something to come to light under this week’s Full Moon that might be a bit of a surprise. It could be an actual event, but it’s just as likely to be a feeling or emotion that takes you by surprise or a piece of information that proves very revealing. The past could also make a reappearance with old ghosts emerging from the shadows. There could be an initial period of confusion that feels quite dreamlike, when you just can’t get a grasp on things, but this will give way to clarity. This Full Moon is asking you to make a connection with your higher self in order to reconnect with your soul and tune in to the truth. Your psychic antennae will be strong this week (especially around September 6), so trust your impressions, and go with your gut. It is also advisable to let go of the past.
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Numerology Report
Taurus: A soulful Full Moon in your social zone on Wednesday makes this a perfect time to connect with friends and even strangers at a deep level. This is an ideal opportunity to throw a party or partake in a group that has a shared vision. In fact, the deeper purpose of this full Moon is to enable or inspire you to get clearer about your vision and put it out there into the world. If a vision is inspiring or helpful for others, then so much the better. This should be an enjoyable week as long as you don’t stray too far from the themes of creativity, enjoyment, recreation, friends and socializing.
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New Age Natal Report
Gemini: The Full Moon at the top of your chart on September 6 is your opportunity to bang your own drum and engage in a spot of self-promotion, especially where your work and career are concerned. The spotlight is going to be on you anyway, so you might as well step into it and show the world what you’re capable of. You might feel you could do a lot more if it weren’t for the demands at home, whether domestic jobs or family members calling on your time, because you’re likely to be just as busy at home as you are at work, if not more so. A soft approach is called for at work. Perhaps you’ll need to show compassion or tolerance. Conversely, your home life calls for a no-nonsense “let’s get things sorted” approach.
This interpretation of your birth chart is written in simple language could be beneficial in self undestanding.
Merlin Report
Cancer: It’s time to throw back the curtains on your window of the world and expand your sense of what is possible. The Full Moon on September 6 encourages you to have a vision and start believing in it. You might have to dial back an overzealous approach to getting your point across because Mars in your communication zone could generate a certain amount of verbal force or impatience. A little tact and diplomacy will go a long way to ensuring that others take seriously what you have to say. As the old Arab proverb says: “when you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey.”
Indra reveals your life’s contradictory urges & drives as well as your basic motivation, perceptions, inclinations and character.
Indra Report
Leo: The focus is on money and material matters as a Full Moon highlights the financial area of your chart. You can expect clarity where there might previously have been uncertainty as everything begins to come together. Given that Neptune is aligned with this Full Moon, adopting an attitude of nonattachment will serve you very well. This is not the time to allow greed to get the better of you or for material desires to run rampant. Neptune has a habit of dissolving things right beneath our noses, and if it’s deemed appropriate for your soul’s benefit, it might be that you experience some kind of loss around this time. Let go of anything that slips out of reach with the understanding that it wasn’t right for you and that something better and more appropriate will take its place.
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Child Astrology Report
Virgo: September is an important month for you and it begins on September 6 when Mars enters your sign. This marks a phase of dynamic energy of pushing forward with your desires. Don’t be surprised if you’re beginning to feel more like a warrior – less inclined to put up with stuff and more determined to make things happen. This is great if you have felt like a victim in recent times, as you’ll be taking matters into your own hands and becoming a force to be reckoned with. Courage, drive and initiative are your key words right now, but don’t forget the importance of gentleness and forgiveness as a compassionate Full Moon in your relationship zone brings the opportunity to forgive and deeply connect with others.
Want a birthday to birthday practical guide to help you recognize opportunities and to learn from them.
Astrological Solar Return Report
Libra: As the Full Moon illuminates your health section accompanied by Neptune, you might need to pay more attention to your physical well being and listen to the messages your body is giving you. This is a good time to treat yourself to some healing, as your energy levels might not be at their best. Quiet contemplation and a little solitude will have a better impact on your health than pushing yourself to do more exercise or sticking to a rigid diet. In fact, an overall softening in your approach could be just what the doctor ordered, perhaps whiling away the hours through painting, music, meditation, day dreaming or sleep. Tune in to what your soul needs and you’ll find your health improves dramatically.
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Astro Forecast Report (3 months)
Scorpio: “Enjoyment” is your keyword as a Full Moon occurs in your zone of fun on September 6. Now is the time to focus on recreation and on being creative and spontaneous rather than being rigid and work orientated. This is a great time to express your feelings through creative means, and if you have an artistic streak, prepare to be inspired as Neptune alongside this Full Moon will enable you to tune in to a higher level. Overall, this is a good time to be sociable, so get yourself out into the world. Also take some time to contemplate how you can allow your creativity to become a gift to all.
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Cards of Destiny Report
Sagittarius: Your direction, purpose and vocation come into focus as Mars begins a six week journey through your zone of success. This puts you in a very strong position should you wish to make headway in this area of your life. Ambitions can be fulfilled, opportunities can be developed and achievements are more likely. Try to balance the desire to get ahead with your home life especially about September 6 when the Full Moon illuminates your domestic sphere. There could be some kind of letting go or forgiveness to be done as Neptune casts his spiritual glow on proceedings. This is a tender Full Moon, so you might feel uncharacteristically vulnerable or sentimental. Nonattachment is the way to go with this Full Moon, so if it’s time to let go of people, places or possessions, do so with gratitude for their existence and an understanding that their time is done.
Contemplating a move? This report tells how you will react to the energies of the specific locations for relationships, finances, and security.
Relocation Information Report
Capricorn: it’s time for adventure as the Sun and Mars urge you to break out of your comfort zone. This could mean going on holiday, enjoying a trip, or having a new experience. You’re likely to find that something happens that either blows the cobwebs away or helps you to see things from a different perspective. Don’t be afraid to do things differently this week, or to accept an invitation or embrace a suggestion that might normally run counter to your way of doing things. If you feel a trickle of resistance or an element of fear, that’s probably a sign that you should say “yes” and see where things take you. Challenging your beliefs about how things should be is the key to your success this week.
Discover your character traits, relationship and career potentials – based on Edgar Casey Readings.
Cayce Past Life Report
Aquarius: The Full Moon accompanied by Neptune in your zone of money and possessions asks you to develop an attitude of nonattachment. Perhaps you’ll embrace the current trend for de-cluttering and living minimally with as little ownership as possible. There is a reason why Zen monks live with very little. The less we have around us, the more we have of ourselves. If you’ve been feeling less than perky, it could help to do a really good clear out. In so doing you might see yourself and your life path in a clearer light.
Discover your past life connections that can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits, even phobias.
Karmic Past Life Report
Pisces: Get ready to shine as a Full Moon in your sign shines the spotlight on you. This is your moment to take center stage and show the world what you’re about. Your only problem might be a certain someone though, since it appears that you might meet conflict in the form of another person. The challenge is to create balance and harmony in your relationships without demanding too much or allowing others to take advantage. You might be in a compassionate, tolerant and forgiving frame of mind, but if you don’t air your grievances, your anger is likely to fester, resulting in problems further down the line. Communicate your feelings honestly, but measure them with compassion, and you will find that other people become sources of strength rather than angst.
Discover your soul’s intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, services to be rendered.
Karmic Insight Report
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Compatibility Report
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Love Cards Report