#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of weekly astrology
Your Weekly Free Horoscope & Astrology Report
August 27 – September 2, 2023.
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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
On August 27, Mars, the planet of motivation and anger, enters relationship obsessed Libra, bringing some discord to your closest connections. This can be an important time to name and enforce your boundaries and to address any repressed anger or frustration.
Uranus, the planet of innovation and rebellion, stations retrograde on August 28, and asks you to reflect on our relationship with change. Where are you resisting change out of fear? Which areas of your life, relationship or personal goals, could benefit from a little innovation?
The month ends with a somber Full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces on August 30. The Moon sits close to serious Saturn, illuminating important information about your boundaries and responsibilities, as well as who and what you choose to invest your time and energy in moving forward.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope:
Mars, the planet of motivation and anger, enters Libra on August 27, bringing some drama to your close relationships. This could mean you’re being tasked with naming your boundaries in a partnership or readdressing any tension that’s gone unaddressed for far too long. It may also simply mean that an important person in your life needs some of your support, or that a contract is beginning or ending. The month ends with a serious Full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces on August 30, asking you to turn inward and slow down. This can feel like the end of a chapter. If you’re moving through any grief or loss, take time to honor your body and nervous system’s needs. Resolve to break habits and pay attention to intuitive messages that could inform your next steps.
Gifts for Aries and Astrology Reports
Taurus (April 20-May 20) Weekly Horoscope:
Mars, the planet of motivation and anger, enters Libra on August 27, adding extra pressure to your daily schedule and responsibilities. Protect your time and be diligent with your boundaries. The month ends with a Full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces on August 30, which may deliver a reality check when it comes to your hopes and dreams for the future. While this isn’t the most optimistic energy, it will help you learn how to focus your energy to reach your goal. You may also need to reconsider who and what you invest your time and energy into.
Gifts for Taurus and Astrology Reports
Gemini (May 21-June 20) Weekly Horoscope:
Mars, the planet of anger and action, enters passive-aggressive Libra on August 27. This brings the drama and the passion to your romantic life. On one hand, you’re more magnetic and this is a fabulous time to date. But beware of situationships if you’re seeking something more. It’s important to clearly state your boundaries around sex and romance. It’s also possible that you’re pouring a lot of energy into a personal creative project or with your children or fur babies. The month wraps up with a Full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces on August 30. This Full Sturgeon Moon puts your career in the spotlight. You may take a big step in your role at work, achieve a personal goal or reach an exciting personal milestone. Whatever changes take place around this time will require your dedication and responsibility. You can do it – just remember to pace yourself. Slow and steady wins the race.
Gifts for Gemini and Astrology Reports
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Weekly Horoscope:
Mars, the planet of the action and frustration, enters Libra on August 27, shifting your desires and the way you go after them. Your focus is on your home and personal life. Your family may require more attention. You might be doing some DIY projects, or may be dealing with a roommate drama. The Full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces on August 30. invites you to have important and serious conversations. New information that is reveal today can shift your perspective or long-term plans. This is also a powerful day to set boundaries with others.
Gifts for Cancer and Astrology Reports
Leo (July 23-August 22) Weekly Horoscope:
Words become weapons on August 27 when Mars, the planet of action and anger moves into Libra. You may find yourself in a more argumentative mood or debating with loved ones. It’s also possible that contract work speeds up around this time, as does your schedule. You can feel like your plate is filled, but you’re enjoying the process. You may also be deeply invested in learning a new skill. Tensions with siblings, close friends or extended family members can also pop up. The month closes out with a Full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces on August 30. This can be a raw and vulnerable time that reminds you of the power of leaning on your loved ones for support. You may be processing big feelings of grief, shame, guilt or fear. Don’t panic – by choosing to acknowledge these feelings, you are able to alchemize your pain into power. This can also mark an important turning point regarding your shared finances or contracts with others. You may have to set boundaries around your expectations with others too.
Gifts for Leo and Astrology Reports
Virgo (August 23-September 22) Weekly Horoscope:
Mars, the planet of frustration and motivation, enters Libra on August 27. This marks a lively time for your finances. You may be spending more, paying off bills or applying for new jobs. This is an important time to get precise with your personal financial goals and budget. The month ends with the Full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces on August 30, highlighting your important relationships. You may need to set boundaries with a lover or business collaborator. This is also an a fine time to have the uncomfortable conversations you’ve been avoiding with an important person in your life.
Gifts for Virgo and Astrology Reports
Libra (September 23-October 22) Weekly Horoscope:
Mars, the planet of anger and action, enters Libra on August 27, bringing more attention your way. You may be working on your personal goals with tunnel vision or focusing on tending to your physical needs. This can also bring some tension to your personal relationships, especially if others are used to you patronizing them with their needs over your own. Now is the time to advocate for yourself! The Full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces on August 30 ends the month on an exhausting note. You may reach a culmination point in a situation that requires much of your responsibility, focus and dedication. Catch up on rest when you can.
Gifts for Libra and Astrology Reports
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Weekly Horoscope:
On August 27 Mars enters Libra, which can have you overworking and feeling exhausted. You may also be harder on yourself than normal. Conscious and committed self care and rest is necessary over the next week. The month wraps up with the Full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces on August 30, which can mark the end of a creative or collaborative project that took too much of your focus and dedication. It’s also possible that your romantic life gets a reality check. Are your relationships fulfilling, or could they benefit from some boundaries? You may decide to call it quits or have a serious conversation with a lover today.
Gifts for Scorpio and Astrology Reports
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Weekly Horoscope:
Mars, the planet of anger and action, enters Libra on August 27, bringing attention to your friendships or communities. This transit can stir up some competition and jealousy in your field of work. Keep an eye out for haters! The Full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces on August 30 brings a dramatic and serious chapter to a close in your personal life. You may have to set some boundaries with family or loved ones. It’s also possible that you’re taking on more responsibility right now.
Gifts for Sagittarius and Astrology Reports
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Weekly Horoscope:
Mars enters Libra on August 27, putting you and your career in overdrive. You may be pouring more of your energy into work, or perhaps you’re ready to call it quits and move onto another venture. Tension in the workplace can crop up around this time, but it’s also possible to make a lot of progress on some of your intentions. August ends with the Full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces on August 30, which asks you to have serious conversations that you’ve been putting off. Some new responsibilities could land on your plate, or you may need to exert your boundaries with your close connections.
Gifts for Capricorn and Astrology Reports
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) Weekly Horoscope:
Mars, the planet of action and anger, enters Libra on August 27, and you may be actively pursuing a new area of interest. Now is the time to pour your energy into classes or books that will bring you closer to your goals. It is also an argumentative time, and you may find yourself having philosophical debates or defending your opinions. The month ends with a Full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces on August 30, bringing a culmination to an important matter related to your finances. You may decide to become a little stricter with your budget, or perhaps you’re taking on a new role or contract that will require more responsibility, focus and dedication.
Gifts for Aquarius and Astrology Reports
Pisces (February 19-March 20) Weekly Horoscope:
Mars, the planet of motivation, drive and anger moves into Libra on August 27. This can put some extra pressure on your investments, debt and shared resources. If you’re partnered up, are each of you pulling your own weight financially? You may have to have some uncomfortable conversations about money. This can be also be an important time for you to invest in exploring your own psyche. Seeking support from a therapist, healing modalities or a trusted love one can make all the difference. August ends with the Full Sturgeon Moon and your sign on August 30. This can be an incredibly sensitive and raw time for your relationships. You’re reevaluating who you are and how you show up in the world. The good news: the only definition of yourself that matters is the one you know to be true, you can release other peoples opinions and choose to redefine yourself. While this may create some growing pains, you ultimately will feel more in alignment than you have in a while.