Free Weekly Horoscope – Sunday, August 11 – Saturday, August 17, 2024

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of weekly astrology

Your Weekly Free Horoscope & Astrology Report
August 11 – August 17, 2024.


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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

There’s some drama in the sky on August 14, when Mars in Gemini meets with Jupiter in Gemini. This energy will definitely spark some arguments, but it’s also helpful for speaking your mind and standing up for what you believe in. You may take a big risk or come up with a great idea that you want to pursue. Watch out for ego flare ups and look before you leap!

On the same day, Mercury Retrograde leaves Virgo, and back pedals into Leo, which can make you feel nostalgic. You may consider picking up an old hobby you enjoyed when you were younger or resume projects that you put on the back burner. If you feel currently depleted, trust that you’ll be hit with a wave of inspiration by the time this Retrograde is over! A pause may be necessary before you can push forward.

The most frustrating day of the month is August 15, when Mars in Gemini rams into Saturn in Pisces. Mars wants to go full throttle, but Saturn wants you to hit the brakes. This can feel like push-pull energy, or maybe you encounter unforeseen roadblocks. Don’t expect to accomplish everything on your to-do list today.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign

Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope:
You’re speaking your mind on August 14, when Mars and Jupiter team up in Gemini. You might set some boundaries or dream up an exciting new idea you want to pursue. This cosmic energy can also lead you to booking travel, going back to school or committing to learning a new craft or skill. Mercury Retrograde enters Leo on the same day, and an ex or two or three might re-enter your life. You can feel like you’re on Temptation Island! Has this old flame really changed, or are they just here to remind you that you deserve better! This is also a fine time to return to old creative projects you abandoned for whatever reason. Any temporary bouts of writer’s block will clear up by the end of the Retrograde! The most annoying day of the month is August 15, when Mars clashes with Saturn. Responsibilities are piling up which can lead you feeling exhausted. Something you’ve been excited about pursuing might have a temporary delay. Conversations today are gruff and uncomfortable. People are simply just in a bad mood! Save arguments for another day.

Gifts for Aries and Astrology Reports

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Weekly Horoscope:
You may find yourself taking on a new role or responsibility at work when Mars and Jupiter team up in Gemini on August 14. Maybe you’re starting a side business or launching a big project. You’re ready to make bold decisions and take risks, so you can build a stronger sense of security for your future. Mercury Retrograde enters Leo later in the day, which can pick up some drama at home or in your family. You may be dealing with a petty landlord, considering a move, frequenting your old favorite places, or looking for a new roommate. Reflecting on your past can help you find solutions and wisdom you’re looking for. You might feel like you’ve been investing your time, money and energy into dreams without seeing results, when Mars in Gemini crashes into Saturn in Pisces on August 15. These are the most challenging planets in the sky, and when they run into one another, they can bring temporary feelings of disappointment. You may have to accept a delay or hear No when you were hoping for a Yes. This isn’t a forever No though, give yourself time to regroup before looking for the next solution.

Gifts for Taurus and Astrology Reports

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Weekly Horoscope:
You may have more energy than you know what to do with, when Mars and Jupiter meet in your sign on August 14. This is a powerful day to initiate new goals and take action! You have courage, confidence and momentum on your side. My advice: move through the world with a little more questions because you’re bursting with energy and might be a bit accident prone. Mercury Retrograde enters Leo on the same day, and this will bring some of the cliché Retrograde experiences over the next few weeks: technology issues, traffic, travel delays and misunderstandings. Triple check your text and emails before sending and back up your devices. You may also be pulled into some sort of gossip or drama – use your words wisely. This is a time to speak your mind freely – everything can be taken out of context. You’re feeling frustrated about where you’re headed, when Mars rams into Saturn on August 15, maybe you wish you were further along than you are. Are you feeling disappointed about a situation at work? This is a moment to pursue and reflect, not force things. Everything will come together in time.

Gifts for Gemini and Astrology Reports

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Weekly Horoscope:
You’re ready to kick a bad habit once and for all when Mars and Jupiter team up in the sky on August 14. Today, you recognize what you need to do to let go of anything or anyone that’s standing between you and your dreams. Later in the day, Mercury Retrograde backs into Leo, stirring up some money issues. Checks or raises may be delayed. If you’re applying for a job, it could take a while to hear back. Old co-workers could also reach out about new opportunities to collaborate again or you may return to a business idea you started to pursue, but never fully committed to. Spend wisely and know this is an aligned time to get back on track with your budget. Mars in Gemini rams into Saturn in Pisces on August 15, and when the two most difficult planets clash, you may feel grumpy or disappointed. It will be hard to see the glass half full today. You might also feel worn out and physically exhausted. This isn’t the best day to lash out, because everyone’s moving through some feelings of melancholy. Remember, this is temporary!

Gifts for Cancer and Astrology Reports

Leo (July 23-August 22) Weekly Horoscope:
There’s no shortage of motivation or inspiration on August 14, when Mars and Jupiter team up in Gemini. You’re ready to go after a new goal. You may form a business partnership, commit to a new group or organization, or sign up for a class that connects you to people who share your interest. Important new connections can enter your life and help you feel a deeper sense of belonging. On the same day, Mercury Retrograde enters your sign, which can have you hitting pause on some of your plans. You might need to rethink some of your current goals – are they actually sustainable and still fulfilling? There may be a few more efficient ways to go after what you want. Beware: this can also bring exes and other people from your past back into your life! You’re feeling torn between going after what you want and conserving your resources, when Mars slams into Saturn on August 15. Maybe a goal will require more time and money than you originally thought. You’re realizing that some relationships wasted your energy and are ultimately not worth it. Whatever shift you’re experiencing, you’re becoming more aware of how fleeting and precious your time is. You might want to make it count!

Gifts for Leo and Astrology Reports

Virgo (August 23-September 22) Weekly Horoscope:
You’re venturing to uncharted territory on August 14, when Mars and Jupiter team up in Gemini. This may mark the beginning of a promising new project at work or even a promotion. Your expertise and talent are also standing out today. Mercury Retrograde moves back into Leo on the same day, and you’ll have to get more serious with your boundaries over the next few weeks. Your time is precious! Here’s a quick refresher and a lesson on learning how to say No. You may have a desire to escape or return to a habit or pattern you’ve tried to get rid of, so keep that in mind if you’re feeling tempted. Mars and Saturn collide on August 15. There may be some sort of push – pull between your professional life and personal relationships. Maybe a partner wants you to work less or a job is demanding more of your free time. Conversations at work and in your love life can also feel disappointing and peoples egos are bruised a bit easier.

Gifts for Virgo and Astrology Reports

Libra (September 23-October 22) Weekly Horoscope:
You’re feeling argumentative when Mars and Jupiter meet up on August 14. You know what you stand for and you’re not shy about sharing it. Your thirst for adventure, is next level, and you’re ready to ditch your comfort zone. On the same day, Mercury Retrograde moves backward into Leo, and old friends and acquaintances might re-enter your life. Some of these people are coming back to make amends and others are here to test your boundaries. Are they worthy of your time now? Have they really changed? Use your discernment! Some goals you’re chasing after may experience some slight delays. You might need to problem solve before you can move forward. Pressure builds as Mars slams into Saturn on August 15. Your to-do list feels miles long and you’re stressed! This may not be the day to take on even more commitments – if anything, you may need to suck up some of your pride and ask for help. Some unexpected and frustrating delays can also pop up, like getting a flat tire or spilling your coffee just as you head out of the house. Fortunately, there’s good news coming up soon.

Gifts for Libra and Astrology Reports

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Weekly Horoscope:
Mars and Jupiter, both in Gemini unite in the sky on August 14 bringing a major breakthrough in your finances. Maybe you’re taking on a contract that could help resolve some of your debt or coming up with a plan to build more security. This is also a powerful day for releasing the past. Mercury Retrograde enters Leo later in the day, and invites you to reflect on your career and current goals. Is what you’re working towards still fulfilling? Is there something else you could do with your time that would make an impact and leave you feeling more grateful? Old employers and coworkers reach out about professional opportunities. Raises and promotions may be delayed. Issues with bosses or coworkers can feel more annoying. You might also hear from some people from your past, like exes or two.

Gifts for Scorpio and Astrology Reports

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Weekly Horoscope:
It’s a make-it or break-it moment in your close relationships, when Mars and Jupiter link up in Gemini on August 14. For some, you might take a big step with a romantic partner. For others, you’ll need to address what you’re avoiding. It’s up to you if you want to stay or go. New connections, contracts or collaborative projects could also begin around this time. On the same day Mercury Retrograde enters Leo, and you wanna put in some extra time for your commute. Traffic and travel delays can get the best of you. Misunderstandings are more likely to occur so do your best to over explain when necessary. You might also return to an old writing and speaking project, like a podcast, or writing poetry, or choose to go back to school. There’s tension in your close relationships on August 15, when Mars bumps into Saturn. A partner, friend or family member, may press buttons in a way that’s hard to take back. You may reach a breaking point itching to end a relationship or contract. Set boundaries and make sure people don’t take advantage of your kindness.

Gifts for Sagittarius and Astrology Reports

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Weekly Horoscope:
A new cycle begins with your daily responsibilities and schedule on August 14, when Mars and Jupiter meet in Gemini. You could take on a new project that requires consistent effort or decide to help out a loved one. Whatever this commitment may be, you know that it will be worth it in the long run. On the same day, Mercury moves backward into Leo, kicking up frustrations with your finances. Maybe a partner or roommate isn’t carrying their weight financially or you need to address power struggles regarding your resources. If you’re in negotiations for a contract or project, you might experience a delay or reconsider it all together. Emotionally this is a powerful time to confront the past. Mars in Gemini clashes with Saturn in Pisces the following day on August 15 and this can kick up tension in your daily life. You could hear a No when you were hoping for a Yes and you might need to get stronger with boundaries with coworkers, family or friends.

Gifts for Capricorn and Astrology Reports

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) Weekly Horoscope:
You’re ready to commit to a new creative pursuit, when Mars and Jupiter, both in Gemini, team up on August 14. Maybe you’re finally certified to teach yoga, you’re writing your novel, or you’re starting a new social media account. On the same day, Mercury Retrograde moves back into Leo, and brings exes and old flames back into your life. It’s time to revamp your close relationships and be sure that you’re feeling supported. If your ex pops back up, it’s up to you to decide if they’re worth your time and energy again this time around. You might hit a temporary financial speed bump on August 15, when Mars in Gemini rams into Saturn in Pisces. You have the urge to overspend, but your responsible side is screaming. If you’ve been investing your energy into a creative project, you might feel unmotivated or disappointed. Know that this stagnant energy is temporary and try to look at it as an opportunity to brainstorm new avenues.

Gifts for Aquarius and Astrology Reports

Pisces (February 19-March 20) Weekly Horoscope:
It’s time to make a major decision in your personal life, when Mars and Jupiter team up in Gemini on August 14. You could consider moving or finding new roommates. Maybe it’s time to finally address some simmering resentment with a family member or you learn important news about someone you’re close to. This could also coincide with a change at work – maybe your commitments are shifting in some way. On the same day, Mercury Retrograde moves back into Leo, and your routine and responsibilities are about to get a bit more hectic. If you’ve been overworking yourself, you might also catch a cold – try to stay on top of your immune system! You might feel like you’re drowning in work; it will be key to set boundaries and ask for help. This is not a time to self sacrifice, and say yes to everyone’s requests. There might be tension between you and a loved one, when Mars in Gemini rams into Saturn in your sign on August 15. Maybe a family member pushes against the boundary you set or disapproves of one of your goals. While this energy isn’t the most supportive, it can help you to set realistic expectations about who is generally rooting you on.

Gifts for Pisces and Astrology Reports