#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of weekly astrology
Your Weekly Free Horoscope & Astrology Report
August 18 – August 24, 2024.
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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
You’re learning some surprising news, when Mercury Retrograde in Leo, bumps into Uranus in Taurus on August 18. Conversations can feel illuminating, shocking or unnerving. Your plans might derail today, so try to remain as flexible as possible.
On the same day, there’s also some temporary relief from Mercury Retrograde, when the Sun and Mercury team up at the same point in the sky. You’re finally able to realize what all this confusion and frustration has been about, and you know how you’d like to move forward. This can also help you land on solutions or experience a major breakthrough. Venus and Jupiter, the two luckiest planets in the sky, also meet up today. People are feeling optimistic, generous and indulgent. Go ahead and have fun, but celebrate in moderation!
On August 19, Jupiter in Gemini bumps into Saturn in Pisces. You might experience some disappointment or get a reality check on your dreams. Saturn puts Jupiter in check and asks “Is this plan really sustainable and realistic?”. It may be time to refine your goals or even return to the drawing board. Venus in Virgo stares down Saturn in Pisces on the same day, bringing in melancholy energy to your closest relationships. This is not the best day to profess undying love for someone! Temporary feelings of rejection, disappointment and loneliness may permeate, or you may need to set some boundaries. There’s a Full Moon in Aquarius on the same day, plus the Sun in Leo, clashes into Uranus in Taurus. Shocking, surprising are major themes and important information is revealed under this Full Moon. You may be thinking about which friendships leave you feeling fulfilled.
The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, helping you get organized and make a plan for the weeks ahead. You might find your to-do list is filling up. Consider this an opportunity to refine and edit your daily habits, and set yourself up for success. You’ll be able to accomplish so much more in a shorter amount of time! On the same day, Venus in Virgo collides with Mercury in Gemini, kicking up drama in your relationships. Conflict and disagreements might pop up and you could choose to call it quits on a relationship. On the other hand, this could rev up the passion and chemistry with you and a lover, so maybe you fight, and then you have some hot make up sex.
Mercury in Leo mingles with Mars in Gemini on the following day, August 23, filling your mind with ideas and inspiration. You’re coming up with a plan to reach your goals, conversations move along quickly and you’re ready to take action.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope:
Luckily, good news arrives when the Sun in Leo mixes with Mercury Retrograde in Leo on August 18. Your creativity returns full force and maybe you’re ready to commit to a new idea or project. This energy can also help you experience a revelation about who or what you’re attracted to – go on and try something new in the bedroom. You’ll need to manage your time better when Jupiter bumps into Saturn on August 19. You don’t have to sacrifice fun in favor of your responsibilities; there’s a way to find a healthy balance. You might decide to sign up for a class or spend evenings teaching yourself a new skill. Start small and dedicate some daily time for activities that bring you joy. There’s a Full Moon in Aquarius on the same day, and maybe a dream is realized! You might need an ally who helps bring about some of your goals, or you just have plans to go out and have fun with friends. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, and you are ready for that back to school energy. The next few weeks you’re focusing on getting organized, coming up with plans and streamlining your daily routine to become more efficient and productive. On August 28, Mercury Retrograde in Leo ends, and you’re ready to kick any unwanted stress to the curb. You might also feel the rush of creative inspiration.
Gifts for Aries and Astrology Reports
Taurus (April 20-May 20) Weekly Horoscope:
You might recognize a family pattern that’s got to go on August 19, when the Sun meets with Mercury Retrograde. This can also help you understand the past in a new perspective or reach understanding with family members or roommates. Discernment is the key on August 19, when Jupiter bumps into Saturn, you may need to end your friendship circle. Are your relationships reciprocal? You are realizing how precious your time is; spend it with people that matter the most. On the same day, there’s a Full Moon in Aquarius that puts the year’s life path or career under a microscope. This is a moment of manifestation – maybe you reach your goal you’ve been working towards or make a major life decision like leaving a job, accepting a promotion, moving, getting engaged or going back to school. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, and more luck is headed your way! This is a beautiful time to engage in hobbies and activities that make you feel alive. Put yourself out there in the dating world and share your talents with others.
Gifts for Taurus and Astrology Reports
Gemini (May 21-June 20) Weekly Horoscope:
You’re learning game changing news on August 18, when the Sun meets with Mercury Retrograde. This marks the halfway point of your personal Retrograde journey, and you’re finally starting to understand what all the misunderstandings are all about. You might feel like you have to choose between your goals and what’s practical, on August 19, when Jupiter in your sign bumps into Saturn in Pisces. There’s a heavy sense of duty and responsibility that feels at odds with what brings you joy. You don’t have to sacrifice one or the other – this is a moment to embrace moderation, and pave the path that melds both options together. There’s a Full Moon in Aquarius on the same day, and it’s time to share how you really feel. Ongoing conversations or negotiations reach the turning point and reveal critical information that helps you form the next step on your path. You might book some travel, share your work via publishing or sign up for a class. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, and you’re ready to focus on slowing down. Make sure you catch up on rest.
Gifts for Gemini and Astrology Reports
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Weekly Horoscope:
Financial matters start to resolve when the Sun and Mercury Retrograde meets at the same point in the sky on August 18. You might hear news about a job, raise, or a promotion that’s experiencing delays – or you might unearth a new business idea. Today you’re feeling more confident in yourself and skills. You’ll need to find a balance between commitment and losing control, when Jupiter bumps into Saturn. Part of you may want to give in to patterns you’re trying to break, but you’re tasked with finding a healthy medium between pleasure and your responsibilities. On the same day, there’s a Full Moon in Aquarius that brings your attention to your finances. Maybe you make a major investment, pay down some debt or wrap up a project. Today also puts your closest connections in the spotlight. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, and a new, important conversation begins. Important people who can help you support your ideas also show up in your life.
Gifts for Cancer and Astrology Reports
Leo (July 23-August 22) Weekly Horoscope:
Significant personal news arrives on August 18, when the Sun and Mercury Retrograde meets at the same point. Maybe you experience a profound moment of self-awareness or land a new idea you want to pursue. Whatever news arrives, revelations take place, this can help you reconnect with yourself. Slow and steady wins the race, when Jupiter bumps into Saturn on August 19. You may wish you were further ahead on the goal, but it’s time to celebrate how far you’ve come. Today encourages you to get a little more realistic with your goals and the energy you actually have available to pour into them. There’s a Full Moon in Aquarius on the same day, and it puts your relationships in the spotlight. Maybe you get more serious with a partner or choose to go your separate ways. A contract or business relationship might end or evolve. This is an important time for you to put effort into relationships you want to stand the test of time. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, bringing more attention to your finances. You might gain attention and recognition for your work. This can look like a raise or new contract. You might also take on a new project that helps you gain the respect of VIPs and CEOs. This can be a positive time for your finances if you’ve been trying to get on track with your budget.
Gifts for Leo and Astrology Reports
Virgo (August 23-September 22) Weekly Horoscope:
You have an all-access pass to your subconscious mind in the spirit world on August 18, when the Sun in Leo meets with Mercury in Leo. You can feel like you’re in a conversation with the universe; let your intuition guide you. You may also become aware of self-defeating thoughts or patterns that you are ready to release. The ability to recognize it, and be honest with yourself is enough today – you don’t have to commit to fully making a change just yet. Baby steps! You’re revisiting tension from earlier this month on August 19. You’ll have to use your wisdom and maturity to find a balance between the pressure in your personal life and in your close relationships. On the same day, a Full Moon in Aquarius will push you to your limits. If you’ve been learning self sacrificing patterns and behaviors, this Full Moon encourages you to break free. You might also wrap up a major commitment, obligation or project that’s taking a lot of your time and energy. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, and it’s time to celebrate all things you! This Virgo season, you’ll gain more attention and recognition for your authenticity. People are eager to collaborate with you – and Yes, that includes asking you out on dates. In your relationships it’s time to focus on your needs to put yourself first.
Gifts for Virgo and Astrology Reports
Libra (September 23-October 22) Weekly Horoscope:
Fortunately, there is good news worth celebrating on August 18, when the Sun meets with Mercury Retrograde. An important person might show up and support you when you least expect it, or perhaps you land on a new idea you want to pursue. Finding a balance between play and work will be necessary, when Jupiter rams into Saturn on August 19. There may be adventures you want to experience or something new you want to commit to, but it’s hard to fit it all in with your current responsibilities. This isn’t meant to deter you, but it encourages you to find a balance. There’s a Full Moon in Aquarius on the same day, marking a moment of celebration. Maybe you’re attending a party, learning some exciting news or feeling ready to take a romantic relationship to the next level. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, and you are ready to press pause. This Virgo season is all about catching up on rest and spending some time alone. Solitude can help your intuition. Take care of yourself as you let go of what or who you’ve outgrown.
Gifts for Libra and Astrology Reports
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Weekly Horoscope:
You’re ready to make a decision about your life path, goals and professional life, once the Sun and Mercury meet at the same point in the sky, on August 18. This can bring welcome news, big realizations, and necessary, if uncomfortable, conversations. Jupiter rams into Saturn on August 19, bringing you back to the drama that unfolded earlier this month. You may be torn between financial security and pursuing something that brings you joy. This is the day to take measured action – see if there’s a way you can find a balance with both. On the same day, there’s a Full Moon in Aquarius, urging you to make a change in your personal life or living situation. This can be a great day to move, rearrange your living room, or do a purge at home. You could also make a big change in your career or learn some important news about a family member or a loved one. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, and you’re ready to have more fun with friends. This Virgo season is all about spending time with people who make you feel like you’re appreciated and like you belong. This is also a productive time to go after your dreams, craft a plan or brainstorm with others, and watch your dreams take off before your eyes!
Gifts for Scorpio and Astrology Reports
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Weekly Horoscope:
A revelation arrives on August 18, when the Sun and Mercury Retrograde team up in Leo. You’re able to see a situation from a new perspective and your intuition is at its best. This is a great day to engage in divination practices for guidance, so get out that tarot deck. Some relationships are expanding while others are ending when Jupiter rams into Saturn on August 19, this can stir up mixed feelings. You’re ready to invest in certain connections, but you also need to face the fact that others have run their course. On the same day, there’s a Full Moon in Aquarius that brings important news your way. A piece of information you’ve been waiting for is revealed. This can also mark an important moment in your educational journey, or maybe you’re sharing your skills and talents with the public. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, and you’re making progress on your goals. Virgo season can bring a moment of manifestation – something you’ve been wishing for finally arrives. This is also a great time to ask for a raise, put yourself out there and start dating, or even propose to your partner! You’re ready to make major decisions regarding your life path and you feel excited about where you’re headed.
Gifts for Sagittarius and Astrology Reports
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Weekly Horoscope:
Your Mercury Retrograde story is finally starting to make sense, when the Sun meets with Mercury Retrograde on August 18. You could understand something from your past from a new perspective, or feel ready to break free from fears and insecurities that have been weighing you down. Financial news that you’ve been waiting for may also arrive. You might feel exhausted when Jupiter rams into Saturn on August 19. Responsibilities feel more like burdens today; Do you need a balance between carrying the weight of the world and asking for help? There’s also a Full Moon in Aquarius on the same day, which brings the shift in your finances and the way you support yourself. Maybe you’re closing out a big project or a contract is ending. Maybe you’re collecting your first paycheck for a side business or recent launch. This can also mark a moment of nurturing your own self confidence and feeling grateful for the skills you possess. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, shifting the cosmic scenery and putting you in an optimistic mood. You’re feeling inspired and craving adventure in this Virgo season. You might travel or sign up for a class in the coming weeks. Important mentors and figures can also enter your life. New important conversations and projects begin, and this is a productive time to brainstorm and reconnect with your voice and mind.
Gifts for Capricorn and Astrology Reports
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) Weekly Horoscope:
The Sun and Mercury Retrograde in Leo join forces on August 18, giving you realizations about your important relationships. Should you stay or should you go? This energy can give you the courage to have conversations you’ve been avoiding. There may be a creative project or a new hobby that you can’t get enough of. You feel like your time and resources are limited, when Jupiter in Gemini collides into Saturn on August 19. This is an important day to develop a strategy. You don’t have to ditch fun forever, but you will need to be more thoughtful with how you choose to spend your free time. On the same day, there is a Full Moon in Aquarius making you the main character! You’re releasing the old parts of you that you’ve outgrown and embracing a more authentic sense of self in the process. Personal goals may still come to fruition, and this can also spell shakeups and new developments in your close relationships – business, romantic or platonic. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, bringing your attention to your finances. This Virgo season, you may need to have some conversations about shared finances and expectations with a romantic partner, roommates or a business partner. You might also learn about new work opportunities. Virgo season invites you to get back on track with your self-awareness and healing journey. What part of yourself and your past have you been avoiding? Some relationships will grow stronger, while others will reveal an imbalance of power.
Gifts for Aquarius and Astrology Reports
Pisces (February 19-March 20) Weekly Horoscope:
The Sun and Mercury in Retrograde join forces on August 18, revealing new information. Maybe a family member pushes against a boundary you set or disapproves of one of your goals. While this energy isn’t the most supportive, it can help you get realistic expectations about who is genuinely rooting you on on. On the same day, when Mercury Retrograde in Leo, bumps into Uranus in Taurus, this can iluminate an ending that needs to take place. As you wrap up this particular cycle, you might feel more tender and emotional. Taking time for rest is key. Pay particular attention to your dreams, because important, intuitive messages and insights may come through. On August 19 the Full Moon falls in your healing 12th house, bringing big change to your sense of well-being. If you’re willing to let go of an idea that just isn’t cutting it, you’ll be amazed at what arrives to take its place. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, bringing more attention to your important relationships. For some, Virgo season can feel like cuffing season or others may find themselves reconsidering a relationship all together. This can also be a busy time to collaborate professionally. You may even find yourself attracting new haters!