Free Weekly Horoscope – Sunday, August 25 – Saturday, August 31, 2024

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of weekly astrology

Your Weekly Free Horoscope & Astrology Report
August 25 – August 31, 2024.


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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

You’re coming up with a plan to reach your goals, conversations come along quickly and you’re ready to take action. Some welcome surprises pop up in your closest connections when Venus in Virgo, links up with Uranus in Taurus on August 27. You could receive a surprising invitation or an intriguing opportunity. My advice: put yourself outside of your comfort zone. Try new things and connect with new people.

Watch out for red flags on August 28, when Venus in Virgo lock eyes with dreamy Neptune in Pisces. People are curating what they show you today, and it’s easy to over-romanticize a person or a situation. Miscommunication can take place, especially because Mercury Retrograde ends today. As Mercury changes directions in the sky, your communication center experiences a surge. You could have a revelation today, but give yourself a few days to think it over before making any important decisions or taking action.

Finally, Venus, the planet of relationships, enters Libra, one of its favorite zodiac signs, on August 29. This next week brings more harmony and luck in all of your connections. This is a lovely time to go on dates or spend quality time with your partner. You might feel like you’re falling fast when Venus in Libra teams up with Pluto in Aquarius on the same day, sparking intimate conversations. Interactions with others can have you feeling empowered and transformed.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign

Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope:
Mercury Retrograde in Leo ends on August 28, and you’re ready to kick any unwanted exes to the curb. You might also feel a rush of creative inspiration. Today can help put you in a more optimistic mood and remind you of everything you have to be grateful for in your life. Venus enters Libra on August 29, bringing luck and love your way. You might consider taking the next step with a lover, making it official with a crush, or embarking on a new collaborative project. New clients and professional opportunities are available to you, so go after what you want. People can’t seem to get enough of you!

Gifts for Aries and Astrology Reports

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Weekly Horoscope:
Mercury Retrograde in Leo ends on August 28, and drama at home and in your personal life begins to clear. You know who you’re willing to take with you into this next chapter of your life and which conversations you need to have in order to establish a strong foundation for the future. Venus, the planet of love and relationships, enters Libra on August 29. The next few weeks encourage you to focus on your daily routine and habits. This can be a fun time to play around with your style and beauty routine too. If you’re working on a professional project that’s been draining, support or recognition arrives. In matters of love, singles can meet people at the gym or running errands, and couples are forced to appreciate the more every day moments they share. You’re feeling grateful for the life you’ve built.

Gifts for Taurus and Astrology Reports

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Weekly Horoscope:
Mercury Retrograde ends in Leo on August 28 and people are finally starting to understand you once again. Technology and car issues clear up, and you can finally draft important emails without 1 million typos. Venus, the planet of love, enters Libra on August 29, giving you more tact, charm and luck. It’s time for you to get in touch with your creative side and explore your relationship with pleasure. Is there a kink or fantasy you want to try out with a lover? Now is the time! People are eager to invest in you and your ideas, so put yourself out there. You may just hit it big!

Gifts for Gemini and Astrology Reports

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Weekly Horoscope:
Mercury Retrograde ends in Leo on August 28, bringing you some financial relief. You’re feeling back on track! The month winds down with Venus moving into Libra on August 29. This brings harmony to your personal life. You can resolve issues with family members or roommates, or maybe you spend some time redecorating or organizing your home. Spending time with your loved ones feels nourishing, and you may be in a more private mood. Go ahead and start social media detox now!

Gifts for Cancer and Astrology Reports

Leo (July 23-August 22) Weekly Horoscope:
Mercury Retrograde ends in Leo on August 28 and you’re ready to debut your new plans, goals and sense of self. Finally, the month winds down with Venus, the planet of blessings moving into Libra on August 29. You’re craving more time with friends, you might feel called to learn something new, and you could even find yourself going viral online. New opportunities and important conversations leave you feeling creative and excited.

Gifts for Leo and Astrology Reports

Virgo (August 23-September 22) Weekly Horoscope:
Mercury Retrograde in Leo ends on August 28, and you’re starting to feel a little less overwhelmed in your everyday life. You’re finding a flow when it comes to managing your work-life balance. Venus, the planet of relationships and finances, enters Libra at the end of the month on August 29. This bodes well for work related opportunities and your self-confidence. A lover might help you feel more secure or treat you with some gifts. Singles could meet someone at work or just know their worth. No one is settling! The next few weeks can help you get back on track with your budget and advocate for the raise or recognition you deserve.

Gifts for Virgo and Astrology Reports

Libra (September 23-October 22) Weekly Horoscope:
Mercury Retrograde in Leo ends on August 28, and you’ve got a new plan to reach your dreams. You’re also ready to decide if old friends or exes are worth your time and energy. The month wraps up with you as the main character, as Venus, the planet of relationships, enters your sign on August 29. New people enter your life and if you’re in a relationship, this is a reminder to put yourself first. You might spend more time on your personal goals or receive support for some of your dreams. Luck is on your side so take a risk – you will be thrilled with what shows up next!

Gifts for Libra and Astrology Reports

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Weekly Horoscope:
Mercury Retrograde finally ends on August 28, bringing an important realization. You could learn important news about your professional life or finally be ready to have a conversation about that’s way overdue. This month ends with Venus, the planet of love, moving into Libra, one of its favorite zodiac signs. It’s time for you to prioritize rest and listen to your intuition. Old lovers may pop up in your dreams and secret admirers could be daydreaming about you.

Gifts for Scorpio and Astrology Reports

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Weekly Horoscope:
Mercury Retrograde in Leo ends on August 28, and you’re full of encouragement and ideas once again! Miscommunications clear up and negotiations that experienced delays speed up again. The month closes out with Venus, the planet of relationships, entering Libra on August 29. This brings more luck and support your way. If you’ve been looking for love, you can meet someone through friends, networking events or online.

Gifts for Sagittarius and Astrology Reports

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Weekly Horoscope:
Mercury Retrograde finally ends on August 28, resolving any financial issues or stress about the past. You’re feeling confident about where you’re headed, and you know you have support from important people in your life. The month winds down with Venus, the planet of love, moving into Libra on August 29. This next week brings you recognition you’ve been waiting for. This is a busy time for making progress on your goals, going after a promotion and a raise, and getting attention from the masses. So launch that TikTok account, pitch that brand or apply for your dream job.

Gifts for Capricorn and Astrology Reports

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) Weekly Horoscope:
Mercury Retrograde in Leo ends on August 28, and you’re feeling a bit more stable in your relationships. Or, at the very least, you know what decision you have to make – even if it’s an uncomfortable process. This may mean cutting someone out of your life or welcoming an old friend or family member back into your inner circle. Venus, the planet of relationships, enters Libra on August 29. This next week brings positive news your way; this is the time to share your thoughts, ideas, feelings and talents with a wider audience. You can quite literally speak your desires into existence, so don’t be shy!

Gifts for Aquarius and Astrology Reports

Pisces (February 19-March 20) Weekly Horoscope:
Mercury Retrograde in Leo ends on August 28, and you have some relief in your daily life. You’re able to find a better balance between all of your chores and responsibilities, and you can make progress on any projects with ease. The month ends with Venus, the planet of relationships, moving into Libra on August 29. The next few weeks can deepen some of your connections and invite you to share your secrets with a close friend or romantic partner. Trust and intimacy are major themes. You may also feel pangs of jealousy or obsession from time to time, or be the recipient of someone else’s projections. Financially, this is a great time for your bank account! You can atract new contracts, negotiate rates, or clear up some debt.

Gifts for Pisces and Astrology Reports