#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is pleased to present
your Free Weekly Horoscope for October 15 – October 21, 2017
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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Mercury enters Scorpio on Tuesday (October 17- November 5). This is a time when communications are veiled in secrecy, and talk revolves around matters of intensity and sensitivity. Passionate issues are communicated with creativity and intuition. This is also a time to be aware that a sharp tongue may easily cause a violent or challenging reaction.
Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Scorpio (October 18 – October 20) brings good news, optimism and a happy frame of mind. Fortune comes to many areas of life so this is an excellent time for work and play. You should feel broad minded, generous and sociable. Your enthusiasm and positive thinking means that nearly anything you put your mind to will succeed. Many ideas can come into your head so write them down. Social charm, tact and diplomacy make this the right time to settle disputes between you and others, or between your friends or family. Buying and selling should turn a profit and you can negotiate a better deal in any area of life.
New Moon in Libra on October 19 is a time of reaffirming and harmonizing our relationships with friends and partners as well as a time of new friendships as the shift to autumn activities creates a new working environment for many people. New rules also set the standard for how to create a more harmonious environment in the days to come. In addition, the New Libra Moon reminds us to seek peace within.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
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Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: Some kind of change is likely this week as Uranus in your sign opposes the New Moon in your relationship zone. This bodes well for new beginnings in your personal life, and any attempt to recharge your partnerships should be successful. Perhaps this is the moment to let bygones be bygones, forgive and forget, or receive a welcome break from the past. Expect a little instability for a day or two, as Uranus is not known for his normality, but you can be sure that whatever changes or disruption he brings, there is probably a good reason for it. Sometimes we become complacent, relationships seem stale and we take each other for granted. Expect this New Moon to change all that. Perhaps you will see someone in a new light.
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Numerology Report
Taurus: New moons always bring the potential for new beginnings, and for you, the New Moon on October 19 will activate your work and health. If your physical well being is in need of assistance, this is a good point to start a new exercise regime, cut out foods that aren’t good for you, or introduce healthier ways of living. Health isn’t just about what we put into our bodies; it’s also about lifestyle and the thoughts and emotions that we experience. Therefore, this week is a good point to become more vigilant of your mental diets, screening out negativity from others’ ideas via the media or people you associate with. Raising your vibration is the key to good health and this New Moon is the perfect opportunity to purify body, mind and soul while remembering that a little of what you fancy will do you no harm.
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New Age Natal Report
Gemini: The New Moon in your house of fun on October 19 bodes well if you’re in need of more enjoyment, creativity or romance. “Pleasure” is the keyword, and you will be forgiven for taking any opportunity to let your hair down, have a laugh and follow your interests. Modern life, as we all know, is very demanding, so it’s even more important that we take time out to replenish our weary spirits through enjoyable activities. The deeper purpose of this New Moon is that it’s likely to reveal a quest for greater authenticity. We all lose our way from time to time, and with it, the sense of who we really are. If you’ve become unsure of yourself and what you want, this New Moon is a good point at which to begin expressing your true self and rediscovering who you are.
This interpretation of your birth chart is written in simple language could be beneficial in self undestanding.
Merlin Report
Cancer: The New Moon at the base of your chart opposed by Uranus at the top is likely to bring a certain amount of change to either your domestic life or your role in the outside world, and quite possibly both at the same time. Ideally, you could focus on new beginnings at home. This could mean doing a spot of redecorating or making other changes, or it could mean welcoming a new addition or embracing changes with a family member. It is quite possible that external changes are affecting your home life, but if this brings about a new start, then it is probably needed. A fresh perspective might be called for, and sometimes that doesn’t involve major changes. It simply means seeing an old situation with new eyes.
Indra reveals your life’s contradictory urges & drives as well as your basic motivation, perceptions, inclinations and character.
Indra Report
Leo: Around the time of the New Moon on October 18, withy an opposition on the part of erratic Uranus to your ruler the Sun, things are not likely to go as planned. In fact, any kind of normality or stability can go out the window for a short while, so the more adaptable you can be, the better. If you can think outside the box and stay open to new ideas, then this New Moon could work in your favor, perhaps bringing a eureka moment or a mini enlightenment. The purpose of this Uranian New Moon is to shake things up a bit and enable you to see life differently. All this could lead to a change in attitude and a more positive approach to the life you actually have and not the life you think you should have.
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Virgo: The New Moon on October 19 is good news for your financial and material situation, so if you need to turn over a new leaf, October 19 onward is perfect. With Venus in the same area, you could be blessed with a little good fortune, or you will simply find it easier to appreciate what you have. That could be the key to your happiness this week, since we’re all conditioned to want more, which leaves us feeling dissatisfied, whereas feelings of gratitude switch the focus from lack to abundance. The more abundant you feel, the more you become a magnet for things to make their way to you. Whether you see your fortunes rising or falling this week (and it could be a bit of both), the simple act of gratitude could be the magic key you need to change your situation for the better.
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Astrological Solar Return Report
Libra: The New Moon in your sign on October 19 brings change and new developments to your personal life. Perhaps it’s time to shake things up a bit. Maybe you’re ready for a new approach in your relationship, or maybe you’re bursting with ideas about how you can generate more money, feeling more confident and optimistic than usual in what you’re capable of. This is all good and the key thing to remember is that you’re now in a position to remove any limitations. Uranus in opposition to this New Moon suggests some kind of change with a partner that will in some way be liberating or refreshing. At the very least, this is a week when you should embrace change, especially if it feels exciting.
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Astro Forecast Report (3 months)
Scorpio: As Jupiter begins to settle into your sign you can look forward to a period of expansion in your life. It might not happen immediately, so don’t expect changes to be imminent. This week might feel important as a New Moon in your zone of endings is eager to bring something to a close so that you are in a better position to make the most of Jupiter’s expanding influence. If there’s something in your life that really needs to go or if there’s a matter in which you need closure, October 19 is a good day to release the past. The more you can let go of (and it looks like work or your physical well being could be key areas), the better placed you will be to benefit from Jupiter’s intention to bring about growth inducing change.
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Cards of Destiny Report
Sagittarius: The New Moon on October 19 bodes well for not just your future but your social life as well. Here is an opportunity to turn over a new leaf and leave the past behind where friends and groups or organization are concerned. Perhaps it’s time for a change. Maybe you need to break free from something or someone, especially if doing so will allow you greater freedom and autonomy. You might make a new friend or acquaintance this week, or you might feel it’s appropriate to change a friendship or to break free from a group that you belong to. Whatever is happening in your social life, it most likely mirrors a shift in your consciousness and as such, any developments should be viewed as steppingstones to a brighter future.
Contemplating a move? This report tells how you will react to the energies of the specific locations for relationships, finances, and security.
Relocation Information Report
Capricorn: The New moon on October 19 occurs at the top of your chart, bringing opportunities for success and new beginnings in your professional world. It’s an ideal time to make some changes and break from the past. Disruptions at home could influence your future or career, but things should mostly feel exciting and inspiring, or at least they will once the dust has settled. Basically, whatever goes on at a deeper level, whether it’s at home or within you, fuels change in your outside world, most notably in your career and direction in life. Even if things feel a bit unsettled, remind yourself that it’s all exactly as it should be. It’s time to plant some new seeds for the future.
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Cayce Past Life Report
Aquarius: As Jupiter settles into your zone of success, preparing you for bigger and better things, a New Moon occurs in your adventure zone on October 19 making this the perfect point to challenge any preconceived ideas and obliterating old notions that might have been holding you back. While this New Moon could relate to physical adventure in the form of travel, its main purpose is to enable you to broaden your horizons. Travel is, of course, a wonderful way to do that, but you can get the same result by mixing with different kinds of people, reading inspiring literature, or deliberating breaking out of your comfort zone by trying something new. Whichever form it takes, be alert to opportunities to push yourself and expand your sense of what’s possible.
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Karmic Past Life Report
Pisces: As Jupiter settles into your adventure zone alongside Mercury, the chances are that you’re likely to be gripped by a big idea or an optimistic plan. Perhaps you think the world is your oyster, and you’d like to see more of it. Maybe you can feel your mind stretching to embrace higher knowledge or new concepts. Perhaps you just want to feel free to go wherever your fancy takes you, or maybe you feel inclined to take up a new form of study that fires you up. This is all wonderful stuff, but to make the most of the expansive opportunities likely to be coming your way, you first need to let go of something that could be holding you back. The New Moon on October 19 suggests a need for transformation, and much like a snake shedding its skin, you too have to relinquish an old part of yourself so that you can move unencumbered into a new life.
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Karmic Insight Report
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