#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is pleased to present
your Free Weekly Horoscope for November 26 – December 2, 2017
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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
First Quarter Moon in Aquarius on November 26 puts the spotlight on humankind’s eccentric and unusual breakthroughs. Waxing Aquarius Moon highlights science, research, charities and humanitarian based causes and issues. This is also a time to seek knowledge. If there is a confused or a gray area in your life, commit to careful study and an open minded examination of the situation.
Mercury and Saturn conjunct in Sagittarius (November 28 – December 3) brings talk about putting an end to the unwanted components of our lives. This aspect also sets a tone of discipline and limitation on our speech and attempts at communication. There is a discerning quality of strategy at work and there is a strong drive to sustain and act on new forms of thought, making this aspect a very good one for speakers and writers to inspire, initiate and capture vital thoughts.
Venus enters Sagittarius (December 1 – December 25) The planet of love and the expression of affection are emphasized with the inspired character of Sagittarius. Venus in Sagittarius brings out a love of the arts, philosophy, travel, cultural exploration, outer space, and sports achievements. With this comes an outgoing spirit of camaraderie among people in general and the effort to take affections beyond the usual bounds is certainly present at this time.
Jupiter in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (December 2 – February 3. 2018). This aspect occurs over a long period due to the rate of motion of these two slow moving planets. Jupiter directs our senses to prosperity and new realms of discovery and fulfillment. Jupiter trine to Neptune provides us with gifts of new awareness and confidence and the imagination may be newly empowered with intuition. This aspect allows us to adopt a more uplifting viewpoint of life.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
For more information about your Horoscope and what the stars have in store for you, order one of our detailed
Astrology Reports!
Want to know the theme of your relationship? This report compares your temperaments and personalities, whether you are married or living together.
Compatibility Report
Reveal as much information about you and your partner intention of opening doors of understanding and awareness.
Love Cards Report
Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: With Mercury and Saturn joining forces, there will be some blips regarding the comfort zone you are dreaming about. You have been in overdrive for a while now and you need to step back a bit to understand what you really need. It won’t be all smooth sailing. Some serious thought will need to be applied to bring it into manifestation so don’t cut corners. If you’re going to do something, you might as well do it properly because the bigger your scheme, the bigger your adventure and the more seriously you need to apply yourself.
Discover a personal profile and 1-year forecast based on advanced calculations of your name and birth date.
Numerology Report
Taurus: Taurus is a sign that likes a certain amount of control, but the current cosmic climate urges you to release that need and to go with the flow of life a bit more. Be prepared for one or two demons to pop up – fear, jealousy, insecurity, anger, obsession – but see them as opportunities to heal old wounds. Transformation is the key to success this week, so don’t hold on to what has been. Instead, seek to move into the unknown, and turn your lead into gold. As the month ends, you fire on all cylinders and there are moments of magic as you ride the crest of sheer genius. You will blossom like a beautiful flower when the time is ripe – a time that is not far off.
Need a guide for your growth and personal evolution based on astrological influences upon your personality?
New Age Natal Report
Gemini: As the Sun moves into your relationship zone, the focus shifts to other people, particularly your key relationships. Since Mercury and Saturn are here too, perhaps you need to have a serious conversation with someone important to you. It looks as though you can’t keep a particular issue hidden from view any long. Chances are that you have been tested and challenged, and at least one relationship has been tiresome. Now comes the opportunity to say what needs to be said and to express yourself with conviction and authority so that people know here they stand with you. Perhaps you need to draw a boundary or lay a few ground rules. Being firm but fair is key to your progress, not just with others, but also with your relationship with yourself.
This interpretation of your birth chart is written in simple language could be beneficial in self undestanding.
Merlin Report
Cancer: With the First Quarter Moon in Pisces you seem to be widening your circle of compassion and it seems the world is calling you to service. Your sensitivities are aroused and you lead your way with your heart. There is no reason your fun can’t become your gift to others, but with Mercury and Saturn in your work zone, there has to be a certain level of responsibility, commitment and practicality about your next steps. It’s not about making major changes. The key to progress now is encapsulated in the words of Swami Sivananda: “Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even into your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.”
Indra reveals your life’s contradictory urges & drives as well as your basic motivation, perceptions, inclinations and character.
Indra Report
Leo: The mood of the last week filters down to this week too. There will always be things that need doing, and taking time away to revitalize your spirit will enable you to return to your tasks with more enthusiasm. As the month ends, you spend time attending to domestic issues. If you are a grandparent, the kids bring you great joy and you cater to their whims. You most probably spend some of your time shopping for others (including the grandchildren) and this giving is a form of receiving for you and gives you a sense of happiness. This is also a creative phase for you and the Moon in Aquarius encourages you to pursue this inspired path.
Want a detailed report for parents to help with the child’s growth to strengthen the assets and avert possible problems that the child could face in their life?
Child Astrology Report
Virgo: With the First Quarter Moon on November 26 you take a step back from the fury of life and decide to chill out. You may indulge a lot in comfort shopping and buy things that you don’t need and possibly will never, ever use, but you feel good about it and that is what matters for now. As the month ends, your emotions, drives and energies are at a peak. This is a profitable period for those of you in detailed work and you busy yourself with the deep and profound issues of life in a bid to unravel the mysteries of time and space. This is a powerful phase. Use it well. This is also a creative period and for those of you who perform, you will experience renown and applause to say nothing of pride and satisfaction.
Want a birthday to birthday practical guide to help you recognize opportunities and to learn from them.
Astrological Solar Return Report
Libra: Is there room for more discipline in your thinking? For example, all successful writers, no matter how squashed for time, will be diligent in setting aside a certain amount of time at the same time each day. This consistent effort eventually leads to success and is the kind of approach that you need to adopt now, whether you want to be the next best-selling writer or award-winning cake baker. The same approach leads to successful exam results or winning sports matches. If you want success, or if you want to change your life for the better, a diligent, persistent and committed approach is what’s called for now.
Want to know the actual dates when the energies will influence your life in money, career, relationships, and communicaton?
Astro Forecast Report (3 months)
Scorpio: With the First Quarter Moon in Aquarius on Sunday, you are at your creative best. There is inspiration and perspiration and what you conjure up showcases a most positive energy filled with self-belief. That is the key. Self-belief and a healthy self-image push you to opening new vistas. You are spending time with cultural gatherings that have a positive influence on your network, influential in accolades and applause. However, expenses mount up and there may be domestic concerns toward the end of the month. There could be illness in the family and children (and grandchildren) will have issues that need to be sorted out.
Want a one year forecast to understand the scope of influence for your personal Cards of Destiny?
Cards of Destiny Report
Sagittarius: This week you are in a more creative frame of mind. You are not pushing ahead like a giant locomotive but you do have added intensity and purpose. Whatever you embark on leads to success. You are at your creative best and ideas are flowing in as if Spirit has taken control. You spread your tentacles far and wide with considerable success and acclaim. This is the mood you are in and as a result, there are awards and rewards. The spotlight falls squarely on money and its accumulation. Mercury in your sign brings happy career opportunities. Your skills are appreciated and even your critics now bow to your ability. Success breeds success and this is your gift from the universe to say the least.
Contemplating a move? This report tells how you will react to the energies of the specific locations for relationships, finances, and security.
Relocation Information Report
Capricorn: This week you may prefer to engage in quiet thought and get the rest that you probably need after the busy period you’ve had. Now you can call on divine assistance for the help you need which could manifest in the guise of people, and enjoy a slightly slower pace. Your only potential problem might be a bout of melancholy. Try to turn depressive thoughts into constructive ones, or use disappointments as fuel to be more discerning in the future. It seems you have the choice whether to allow failure to pull you down or spur you on. With the planets so favorably placed, it is advisable to choose for the latter. As the month ends, there are also odd jobs at home that demand your time, including caring for elders. You can take the time off that is needed without worry and still meet the ordinary demands of your life.
Discover your character traits, relationship and career potentials – based on Edgar Casey Readings.
Cayce Past Life Report
Aquarius: This should be another enjoyable week especially if you make it your mission to socialize and remember that the power of the group is greater than the individual. With Mercury and Saturn in your social zone, there could be a serious undertone to events that would be best utilized by engaging in serious conversations with others (particularly within groups, meetings and organizations) that will have constructive results because you may feel lost and without direction. There is some inner disquiet that is bothering you and you cannot put a finger on it. If, somewhere along the way, you haven’t updated your preferences, you could be losing out on big game, but as the month ends, you should be on the path of realizing your dreams.
Discover your past life connections that can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits, even phobias.
Karmic Past Life Report
Pisces: Mercury and Saturn are in your success region, and they cast a more serious light on things, urging you to have the necessary thoughts and conversations that will lead to constructive developments within your working life. As the month ends, you are buoyed by a powerful intensity. This is a good time to get out of the rut and embark on a new and exciting venture. New vistas await you. You want more money and will do whatever is necessary to achieve it. You also realize that wrongdoing will not be pardoned by the laws of life. You sense that something has to give. It might be tempting to head for the hills or jet off to exciting places now, but duty is calling and you have to be present to provide the answers.
Discover your soul’s intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, services to be rendered.
Karmic Insight Report
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have in store for you, order one of our detailed
Astrology Reports for Couples!
Want to know the theme of your relationship? This report compares your temperaments and personalities, whether you are married or living together.
Compatibility Report
Reveal as much information about you and your partner intention of opening doors of understanding and awareness.
Love Cards Report