Free Weekly Horoscope – December 16 to December 22

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week

The Center for the New Age is pleased to present
your Free Weekly Horoscope for December 16 – December 22, 2018

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

This week when Venus in Scorpio is sextile Saturn in Sagittarius (December 16 – December 23) and Mars in Pisces is sextile Pluto in Capricorn (December 16 – December 29 ) is the time to be very clear about a romantic involvement. We are able to look at a relationship with realism, a certain degree of detachment, and a deeper understanding of its implications in our lives. This is a perfect time to either end it or lift it to the next level of commitment.

Saturn enters Capricorn (December 19, 2018 – December 17, 2020). As the natural ruler of Capricorn, Saturn is at home in this sign, and enhances the very best that Capricorn has to offer. This is a period when we’ll build solid foundations using our powers of endurance, productivity and fortitude. Is this an easy transit? No, but Saturn in Capricorn teaches us that the tougher the lesson, the bigger the blessing. If we do what this transit asks of us, we’ll be rewarded for years to come.

Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (December 21 – December 30) brings feminine love in harmony with spiritual expressions. When one comes from a place of love, it is easier to draw down a spiritual enhancement of that love and to love unconditionally is a way to acquire gifts of the spirit world. Feminine expression is emphasized and there is a greater potential to create a spiritually enhanced atmosphere.

Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Sagittarius (December 21- December 26) creates expansive talk which spreads quickly with news about the economic state of matters. Thoughts and information regarding some form of visionary breakthrough highlight this aspect. On a more mundane level, this is a prosperous aspect for communicating the need for a job or a financial loan.

Full Moon in Gemini on December 22 emphasizes conversations, talks, sales, discussions, secretarial chores and writing. This is a time of built-up emotional energy, usually brought on by mental stress, while there is a strong need to converse and be heard. The full lunar expression of Gemini is accentuating the reflective awareness that all of us have our own unique ways of seeing things. Find some answers to the questions you haven’t yet anticipated; investigate the imagination for further details. Record your ideas and share them with others.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

For more information about your Horoscope and what the stars have in store for you, order one of our detailed
Astrology Reports!

Want to know the theme of your relationship? This report compares your temperaments and personalities, whether you are married or living together.
Compatibility Report

Reveal as much information about you and your partner intention of opening doors of understanding and awareness.
Love Cards Report

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign

AriesAries: It’s time for you to get to work. Working with a will, can the rewards, recognition, results be far behind especially since on the 21st the Sun crosses your Mid-heaven and enters your 10th house of career? This is a yearly career peak. The beauty of it all is that it’s not the rewards that attract you but an inner satisfaction; the glow that comes from a job well done lights up your life in many ways. The focus has been on the career for many months of course, but now it is even more so. Your challenge now is to make it more fun – to have fun as you pursue your career goals. And that is the gift of the Full Moon for you.

Discover a personal profile and 1-year forecast based on advanced calculations of your name and birth date.
Numerology Report

TaurusTaurus: Though you’re not in a yearly love and social peak, the love life seems active and positive. Venus is moving forward and will spend almost all month in your 7th house of love signaling much social popularity. Pluto, your love planet, is going forward too so social confidence and judgment is good. You’re there for your friends and the beloved and you put their interests ahead of your own, but in money matters, and in family relationships, the Full Moon in Cancer suggests your sense of adventure and your spirit of daring that could be at the back of all your activities will have to be kept firmly in touch.

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GeminiGemini: Finances will be good this week – legacies, inheritances, gifts and windfalls. Venus will give a boost to your career on the 20th and 21st as she makes positive aspects to Neptune. Children and other figures in your life are succeeding themselves and also supporting your career. Keep in mind an appeal to the youth market is helpful career wise. Your health will need more attention being paid to it earlier in the week so make sure you get enough sleep. Don’t allow yourself to get over tired. Enhance your health by restoring harmony in your love and social life (if there are problems) as quickly as possible so that any health problem will weaken and disappear.

This interpretation of your birth chart is written in simple language could be beneficial in self undestanding.
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CancerCancer: You have that desire and the confidence to try to excel in new fields; new challenges will be faced, fresh skills acquired. You are not content to just sit back; you want fresh new worlds to conquer. You want to prove yourself all over again – to yourself and to those important to you. On the 21st the Sun enters your 7th house, signaling the importance of social connections in finance. Who you know is more important than how much you actually have. Often this shows a business type partnership or joint venture. With the Full Moon in your sign, likeability becomes more important for success than personal abilities. Likeability becomes an issue in finance as well. If your customers or business acquaintances like you, that’s all that matters for your success.

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LeoLeo: This week is an especially good financial period and you will gain one way or another (the cosmos has many ways to proper you). The main danger with your financial planet in your 5th house (house of pleasure) is over-spending. One can be unrealistically over-confident so try to keep this in check. Your health and energy are super. You have energy to spare and if there have been pre-existing conditions, they are in abeyance. On Friday, the Sun moves into your 6th house of health and will be there until the middle of January guaranteeing abundant energy for doing those boring, detailed jobs that need to be done but which you usually put off. Starting this week you will have the energy and patience for accomplishing whatever needs to be done.

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VirgoVirgo: Venus is in your third house of communication. This shows the importance of sales, marketing, PR and advertising in whatever you’re doing. It shows financial opportunities right in your own neighborhood – close to home. Neighbors, siblings or sibling figures are playing an important role in your financial life. There are opportunities to profit from trading – from buying and selling. The Full Moon in Cancer enhances the virtues of faith, hope and charity in your heart as you look around this week as well as instilling hope for the future and a better world order. It’s not idle thoughts and hopes though. You’re ready to roll up your sleeves and get ready to work to make it all happen. Avoid unnecessary power struggles with your beloved so that you can participate in what you want to do for yourself and society in general.

Want a birthday to birthday practical guide to help you recognize opportunities and to learn from them.
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LibraLibra: Nothing will seem unattainable this week. You can reach out and touch the stars. Despite these heights seeming to be dizzying, you have what it takes – the capacity to work at full strength. However, your health will need more watching after the 21st so, as always, don’t allow yourself to get overtired. Make sure you get enough rest. Heretofore your siblings and sibling figures in your life have had a tough financial year, but the tide started to turn last month. They are taking on added financial responsibilities, but the wherewithal will be there to handle it and on the 21st, this Friday, they will enter a yearly financial peak that you will celebrate with them.

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ScorpioScorpio: With the Full Moon in Cancer, you will accomplish much, achieve much and acquire much too. These can even be valuables, priceless gems/antiques/artifacts/gold. The lode of gold includes a very large happiness percentage and tremendous spiritual gains. With Venus in your own sign love is passionate, intense and generally possessive. There are no planets in stressful alignment with you but this Full Moon might make for a stressful situation. Passions are high, but if jealousy enters the picture, you’ll have to look out. Things will pass very quickly and even the stressful aspects are overwhelmed by the good aspect. Even though your health is good, you can make it even better by giving more attention to your feet. A foot massage would be a very positive undertaking this week.

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SagittariusSagittarius: You come full circle to the same quarter as at the beginning of 2018 – all set to go into the first year of the new millennium (defined as a hoped-for period of joy, serenity, prosperity and justice) that includes hard work, hard thinking, spectacular performance and scintillating results and rewards. This week you will be involved in family support, warm companionship from friends and exemplify a gambler at high odds that pay off. On the 21st the Sun enters your already strong money house and makes it even stronger. You begin a yearly financial peak. Real estate inheritance, joint finance, collaborations will all thrive with your ongoing Midas touch, but happily, personal relationships will not shrivel and die, as they did in the old fable or last year to be specific!

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CapricornCapricorn: The planetary power is now overwhelmingly in the independent Eastern sector of your chart. You are in the most independent part of your year. At least 80 percent of the plants are in the East so you’re having things your way now. Your social magnetism and enthusiasm will be strongest this week as the Moon, your love planet waxes. Other people should always be respected, but you’re not in need of their approval. This is not a time for people pleasing but about pleasing yourself. You have the power now to create pleasant and happy conditions for yourself and you should take that opportunity this week.

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AquariusAquarius: As the love planet moves into your spiritual 12th house this week, love attitudes shift. Now spiritual compatibility becomes important. With spiritual compatibility almost every problem in a relationship can be worked out. Without it, very few things can be worked out – and not for long either. This is not a time to look for love out clubbing or at night spots. Love happens as you attend spiritual lectures or seminars, at meditation sessions or while participating at charity events. Love is much more idealistic now. Nothing matters – not money, not position, not service – only the feeling of love, the feeling that the relationship is sanctioned by the Universe. If there are problems in existing relationships, counseling and the surrender of your love issues to a higher power is the way to go. If one does this sincerely, miraculous things start to happen. The most complicated situations work themselves out.

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Karmic Past Life Report

PiscesPisces: A lot of your socializing is career related this week. This brings a strong romantic opportunity for singles. This can be with someone with authority in your company, or the authority figure is the instrument through which this happens. Mercury at the top of your horoscope shows the importance of social contacts in the career. You can advance your career through social means (and hard work) and it will be beneficial to attend or even to host the right kind of parties or gatherings. Your likeability is perhaps as important as your professional skills. You will have to work at being more tactful and less neurotic and ready to fly off the handle. Pisceans rarely hold a grudge, and are always willing not only to forgive and forget, but admit their own fault and shortcomings. This, however, does not make for optimum social ability!

Discover your soul’s intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, services to be rendered.
Karmic Insight Report

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have in store for you, order one of our detailed

Astrology Reports for Couples!

Want to know the theme of your relationship? This report compares your temperaments and personalities, whether you are married or living together.
Compatibility Report

Reveal as much information about you and your partner intention of opening doors of understanding and awareness.
Love Cards Report