#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is pleased to present
your Free Weekly Horoscope for March 10 – March 16, 2019
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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Mars in Taurus is sextile Neptune in Pisces (March 10 – March 19). Mars is active and masculine, while Neptune has a very nebulous and passive guise that affects our deeper inner sense of beliefs and spirit. With these two planets in a favorable position to each other, creative personal spiritual breakthroughs can be made. Mars sextile Neptune is a splendid time to act on our beliefs.
Mars in Taurus is trine Saturn in Capricorn (March 14 – March 26). At best, Mars trine Saturn provides a sense of good timing. Cultivate those physical activities that demand precision and perfect timing. Offensive and defensive forces will tend to work harmoniously now. It is always important to pay attention to those aspects of one’s life that hold the potential to receive recognition. To fully benefit from this aspect, one must use the energy (Mars) responsibly (Saturn). This is a time of transition when endings and new beginnings are merged.
First Quarter Moon in Gemini on March 14 promotes changeable and adaptable moods giving us a busy mind set. Covering many details at once becomes the primary objective and processing information becomes essential. This might mean that more detailed explanation is required to ensure smooth transitions will take place. It also could mean that excessive chatter will contribute to a long line of superfluous details. It may be wise to introduce intermittent reality checks to assure that the subject matter at hand is being given the proper focus and that thorough, but succinct, coverage is handled at every turn.
Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Sagittarius (March 15 –March 20) may bring a lot of talk or complaints about the hardship of getting funds or capital to grow. While this aspect is occurring, it may be best to hold off on making a job request, asking for a raise, or signing any binding contracts concerning long term investment and payment schedules.
Mercury in Pisces is sextile Pluto in Capricorn (March 16 – March 20). Communications and discussions are enhanced, with an opportunity to make a breakthrough in negotiations with a strong power. This serves as a good time to reach out to those of another generation and make an attempt to communicate something vital.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
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Compatibility Report
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Love Cards Report
Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: Mercury continues his backward journey through your spiritual zone. Meanwhile, Mars and Uranus begin their dancxe through your house of money and resources while Saturn and Pluto join forces at the top of your chart. Initially this might seem like a conflixct between the need to be still and rest and the need to take action in your material world. For example, your motivation to generate more cash or the responsibilities that weigh on you in terms of your professional life may seem at odds with the need to relax. To reconcile these two needs, find momments in the day when you can tune in to your higher guidance – through prayer, dreams, intuition or meditation – and use the insights received to push yourself forward in your daily life. It is particularly important right now to do things for the right reasons, so check in with yourself and your conscience before taking any action.
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Numerology Report
Taurus: Your hopes and wishes for the future take center stage. Now is a good time to contemplate your role within society. Are you happy with what you’re giving to the world, or is there more you would like to do? While this isn’t necessarily the best time to plow forward, it is a good time to get clear on your objectives, iron out problems, make alterations, and tie up loose ends. This also applies to your social life since the planetary focus at present is very much about your connections with others, whether they are friends, acquaintances, groups or your community. You’re likely to be feeling altruistic, and with Mars and Uranus in your sign, there really is no reason why you can’t achieve anything you set your mind to. The focus of this week is to not rush and remember to make time to properly connect with people and catch up with those you haven’t seen for a while.
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New Age Natal Report
Gemini: As Mercury continues his backward motion through the sky, it may feel as though you aren’t getting anywhere. This will happen if you’re trying to push forward with something new or if you’re trying to run before you can walk. It’s also important to remember that Mercury retrograde will trip us up if we’re going too fast; this is essentially a time to stop, reflect, and then tend to things that have needed our attention for some time. Although this applies to your life in general because Mercury is your ruling planet, it has particular relevance to your career or direction in life so if it feel as if you’re not getting anywhere or if there are blocks and dead ends, perhaps you should stop for a while and consider your options. Ask yourself the following questions: Are you happy with where you are going in life? Are you fulfilled with your career? Do you have any ambitions you wish to fulfill? To benefit from the current planetary configurations, you may need to decide whether you’re heading in the right direction and direct yur efforts and energy accordingly.
This interpretation of your birth chart is written in simple language could be beneficial in self undestanding.
Merlin Report
Cancer: The way to go now is to set sail into uncharted waters. This could be presented literally in the form of travel or metaphorically via new experiences. Mercury retrograding through the adventurous zone of your chart suggests the need to make sure you have a map, a compass and a few other essentials in case things don’t quite go as planned. However, it may be best to not have a plan and instead allow fate or synchronicity to carry you to your destination. It is important to have a degree of faith because the events of this week might bring about doubts or questions. This could be to make sure you’re sure. Your doubts might be unfounded, and you’re heading in the right direction. Be prepared for delays and glitches, but know that these are merely testing your faith.
Indra reveals your life’s contradictory urges & drives as well as your basic motivation, perceptions, inclinations and character.
Indra Report
Leo: The Sun’s passage into the underworld accompanied by Mercury retrograde seems to suggest that you’re on some sort of journey, and it might not be the most pleasant excursion you’ve ever undertaken! This is not a flowers and sunshine journey. It is a trip to encounter your deeply hidden self – the place within you where your demons and fears reside. This will tke a certain amount of courage, but courage is one thing that you have in spades. Don’t be afraid to venture into the darkness. Just don’t forget to take your notpad and pen with you, for you are likely to discover some very interesting things – not just about yourself but about life in general.
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Child Astrology Report
Virgo: Forgiveness and compassion are likely to be the solution to any problems in your dealings with others. It’s not just your close relationships that can benefit from greater tolerance but also everyone you come into contact with. Sometimes we are too busy or too consumed with what’s going on in our own lives to properly listen or pay attention to other people. However, other people hold the key to yur success and well-being. They might take the form of a healer, a guide or an advisor. Therefore, this is a good week to ask for help, whether you request an ear to listen or a healing hand to soothe your pains, so aim to connect with others and allow a two-way flow of healing to take place. The results, if not miraculous, could be very uplifting.
Want a birthday to birthday practical guide to help you recognize opportunities and to learn from them.
Astrological Solar Return Report
Libra: When it comes to your health and your work (and the two might be more strongly connected than you might think), the key is to adopt a gentle approach. Punishing regimens are not the way forward right now – be it a heavy and demanding workload, a high-pressured job, or a rigorous exercise schedule. You will benefit more from adopting the practices of a Zen Buddhist. Be miondful of what you’re doing through the day, and be present when you exercise – neither rush nor strive. Softness is the healing balm. Take a soft approach to your work, your chores and your exercise regimen. “Inspiration” is another keyword. You should seek to do that which inspires you rather than putting up with situations that feel monotonous. It seems Neptune is asking you to refine certian aspects of your daily life so that your time becomes a source of inspiration – to yourself as well as others.
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Astro Forecast Report (3 months)
Scorpio: As Mercury slips backward through your creativity zone, you can expect to have one or two hiccups with any of the following: children, animals, creative projects, love affairs or on a more abstract level, the need to be more authentic. Perhaps you’re attempting to do something but problems have occurred. Neptune’s position suggests the need to go with the flow and be more spontaneous. Therefore, if your plans go astray, it might actually not be a bad thing since you might find yourself having a better time. So take any invitation to take a break from work to do something fun. Your inner child will thank you for it.
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Cards of Destiny Report
Sagittarius: We could see the current planetary picture as revealing the need to come home to yourself. Perhaps you have been too busy focusing on the needs of others to really think about yourself, but there comes a time when the soul starts to grumble if we’re not feeding it. Clues that your soul needs attention: periodically feeling down, confused or anxious. This can easily be cured by doing something you enjoy. Also, spending time in contemplative activities such as writing a journal, talking with a counselor, or sorting through your photograph album are all progressive ways of using the current energies. Whether you choose to focus on your home or your inner self, the result will be much the same, so long as you are mindful of what you’re doing. Getting rid of an item that doesn’t feel right or painting a wall a color that really resonates with you can be just as transformative as looking deep within.
Contemplating a move? This report tells how you will react to the energies of the specific locations for relationships, finances, and security.
Relocation Information Report
Capricorn: Although it might appear so, reality is not fixed. You can tell how reality can immediately change when you change your way of thinking. As soon as you drop your resistance to a situation you don’t like, the situation often changes. Usually you’re resistant to something because it brings you pain – illness, financial shortages, relationship problems, or people simply not doing what you want them to do. The more you resist it, the more it persists. It seems that you have a choice to create difficulties for yourself by struggling against what is or making life easier by simply letting things go. This week, try to be soft and malleable in your approach, and then you might notice reality shifting around you as it reflects you new way of thinking.
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Cayce Past Life Report
Aquarius: With Mercury retrograding through your money zone, this is the perfect time to resolve any niggling difficulties with financial matters – from tying up loose ends to sorting out problems. It’s not the best time to make new purchases, particularly large ones, or sign contracts. If you do, be very mindful and check everything carefully. That said, it is a good time to go back over existing contracts and agreements, as you may benefit from negotiating a better deal. It’s also a good time to fix broken or faulty possessions, find lost items, and reconsider how you earn your money. In short, this is a favorable time to review your material world and make the necessary improvements.
Discover your past life connections that can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits, even phobias.
Karmic Past Life Report
Pisces: Whenever you’re trying to create something new – a house, book or baby – it helps to have the foundations in place. A writer, for example, needs to have the bare bones of the plot in mind. a mother-to-be benefits from preparing her body to be the best vehicle for her unborn child. And of course, no one would start building a house without first building the foundation. Whatever you’re trying to manifest or welcome into your world, it will help to apply this same level of preparation. If you feel the desire to run before you can walk or to cut corners, pause and consider whether your preparations are really good enough. Avoid the temptation to take on too much or to rush things. Be realistic in your endeavors. In doing so, you will find that Mercury’s backward motion through your sign will help rather than hinder.
Discover your soul’s intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, services to be rendered.
Karmic Insight Report
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Astrology Reports for Couples!
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Love Cards Report