#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is pleased to present
your Free Weekly Horoscope for April 21 – April 27, 2019
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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (April 27 – May 11) may impede upon our spiritual level of experience. While Mars square Neptune occurs, it is best to anticipate confrontations concerning moral or spiritual issues. As this aspect passes, it will be easier to put spiritual beliefs and practices back on course without much conflict or interference. Meanwhile, stay aware and ready to deal with whatever comes along.
Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius on April 26 inspires intelligence, and brings an open interest in gadgets, novelties, books, politics and scientific experiments. This is the time when many will be making social connections and this Moon encourages our conscience to have compassion for fellow human beings and to assist and guide others, despite what we may perceive as their ignorance. A kind word or sympathetic ear has great healing power and oftentimes promotes peace.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
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Astrology Reports!
Want to know the theme of your relationship? This report compares your temperaments and personalities, whether you are married or living together.
Compatibility Report
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Love Cards Report
Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Recite this like a mantra over the next few days for the temptation may be to overdo things in some way, whether it’s pushing yourself too hard, overreacting in a situation, or taking on more than you can cope with. This is particularly likely to be the case if you feel thwarted in your plans or desires. Something seems to be diluting your power to act, which is never a good place for an Aries to be. An adventurous spirit and the belief that anything is possible are commendable, but scattering yourself so thin that you don’t know whether you’re coming or going is not. The Sun’s entry into your zone of money and resources is asking you to adopt a practical approach to life for the next few weeks, so instead of going over the top, attend to your affairs diligently. Slow your pace so that you can smell the roses, and perhaps you will get glimpses of how you can change your situation for the better. Here’s a clue: it may be time to rewrite the financial rulebook.
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Numerology Report
Taurus: There will be a shift in energies for you this week, Taurus. Prepare for a surge of enthusiasm, confidence and energy and a greater desire to be yourself. Any opportunity that enables you to recharge your batteries should be seized. Also consider what you need to be happy and seek to put those things in place since it’s appropriate to spend some time doing more of what you enjoy. Take a short break, engage in a hobby, or do anything that allows you time out from your usual routine.
Need a guide for your growth and personal evolution based on astrological influences upon your personality?
New Age Natal Report
Gemini: “Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness” (Shakti Gawain). If you experience any of these symptoms this week, it might be time to reconnect with the Source. The Sun’s journey into your zone of soul and spirit alongside Uranus suggests that miracles can happen when you tune in to your higher guidance. Maybe you could make time to analyze your dream’s messages, meditate, pray or simply sit in quiet contemplation. At the very least, interesting things are likely to happen if you slow down long enough to hear the whispers of your soul.
This interpretation of your birth chart is written in simple language could be beneficial in self undestanding.
Merlin Report
Cancer: The Sun’s move into your friendship zone casts a sociable glow over proceedings, making this a potentially stimulating and exciting week. Time spent with friends, in groups, or in organizations – or simply getting out and about and mingling with people – will be a tonic for your soul, but while friends, acquaintances, and new connections prove very satisfying, the same can’t be said for some other relationships. The time around April 25 could be emotional or trying. If someone is giving you a hard time or you are having to weather a storm with someone you care about, the antidote might be to get out and remind yourself that there’s more to life than whatever is oppressing you.
Indra reveals your life’s contradictory urges & drives as well as your basic motivation, perceptions, inclinations and character.
Indra Report
Leo: The Sun’s move alongside Uranus into your career zone signals a time for change with your life’s direction or your ambitions. If your career is a source of concern, then this is the time to start implementing changes. This planetary combination could indicate a new direction, so don’t cling to what has been, especially if it’s not working for you anymore. Instead, embrace new opportunities and dare to be different. When you are able to put your unique stamp on things, life will magically begin to shift. This is certainly a time to focus on success and achievement, and it must be the kind of success that feels authentic to you. Perhaps the best advice now is to not follow the well-trodden path but to forge your own.
Want a detailed report for parents to help with the child’s growth to strengthen the assets and avert possible problems that the child could face in their life?
Child Astrology Report
Virgo: In some way, shape or form this week, you’re being called to do things differently, to take a chance, to believe in the impossible, and to follow your dream. But you’re not going to achieve it by playing it safe so here we have a bit of a dilemma because Virgos, by their nature, are a cautious people who need to risk-assess everything before taking the plunge. This is one time, though, when faith has to supersede security, so believe in yourself, believe in a benevolent universe that has your back, and believe in whatever it takes to get you from where you are now to where you want to be. Then start the ball rolling. The planets are clear in their message: you’ve absolutely nothing to lose.
Want a birthday to birthday practical guide to help you recognize opportunities and to learn from them.
Astrological Solar Return Report
Libra: Something has to change, and it seems that something is you. At least, there is a part of you that is no longer working. There is some aspect of your life that has run its course and is now outdated, but it’s so difficult to let go! Your soul is calling you toward a rebirth, but you won’t know how good that can be until you’re willing to die, metaphorically speaking. Vilayat Inayat Khan once said: “There can be no rebirth without a dark night of the soul, a total annihilation of all that you believed in and thought that you were.” Whoever you thought you were, maybe it’s time to be someone different.
Want to know the actual dates when the energies will influence your life in money, career, relationships, and communicaton?
Astro Forecast Report (3 months)
Scorpio: While we can at least control ourselves and be in charge of our own lives, the same can’t be said of others now. This week, you might have to get used to the fact that people have their own ideas and agendas, no matter how odd they seem to you. This could go one of two ways: your relationships either become a source of inspiration and excitement or they upset your equilibrium and create a sense of instability. It could also be a mix of the two. Whatever your experience, relationships with other people are likely to be interesting. To make the most of this, be open to the surprises and invitations that others bring. Allow people to inspire or excite you, and be prepared to go along for the ride. It’s bound to be a whole lot more interesting than if you didn’t.
Want a one year forecast to understand the scope of influence for your personal Cards of Destiny?
Cards of Destiny Report
Sagittarius: In some aspect of your daily life, change is calling. It could be your work that is ripe for a change, or it could be the way you spend your days. Alternatively, you may benefit from making a change to your diet or lifestyle so that your health can improve. Sometimes we can get stuck in a rut or we can fall into habits that aren’t serving us. Your task this week is to look at your habits, routines and working life to see where, with a little bit of innovation and a touch of ingenuity, things could be changed for the better.
Contemplating a move? This report tells how you will react to the energies of the specific locations for relationships, finances, and security.
Relocation Information Report
Capricorn: It’s time to kick back and allow yourself some degree of freedom and expression. If you’ve felt inhibited or restricted or you simply have not been allowed to be yourself (sometimes we’re guilty of not giving ourselves permission to be who we want to be), then the Sun’s arrival with Uranus in your zone of fun and creativity will be very welcome. Now is the time to create something, whether it’s a business, an idea, or an artistic masterpiece. Alternatively, you might be craving more fun and enjoyment, so indulging in a hobby or pleasurable activity is encouraged. Whatever you want to be or do, just be resolute and determined.
Discover your character traits, relationship and career potentials – based on Edgar Casey Readings.
Cayce Past Life Report
Aquarius: Whatever is happening at home or in your domestic life, it might be advisable to not resist it too much but instead try to go along for the ride. You’ll probably not be able to create much stability given that the unpredictable Uranus is now settling into your domestic zone. If you’re experiencing uncertainty, change, or disruption, then you might need to find ways of grounding yourself. Then again, since you’re an unpredictable Aquarian, you might get a strange buzz from whatever is stirring, and it may even be time to take a risk, to rebel, or to put your own stamp on things. Do what you feel is right without compromising your integrity.
Discover your past life connections that can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits, even phobias.
Karmic Past Life Report
Pisces: As the Sun moves into your communication zone and joins Uranus, it seems that you have something others would benefit from, whether it’s a revolutionary idea, a new concept, or a different way of doing something that makes it seem so much more refreshing. All we can say for sure is that your mind is going to be a source of inspiration and that it will, from time to time, run counter to the mainstream or the normal way of doing things. The more comfortable you are with this process, the easier everything will be, and you’ll likely find that life is becoming a whole lot more exciting, so don’t keep your thoughts and ideas to yourself. Make good use of them, and ultimately share your best ones with others to see the difference you can make.
Discover your soul’s intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, services to be rendered.
Karmic Insight Report
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have in store for you, order one of our detailed
Astrology Reports for Couples!
Want to know the theme of your relationship? This report compares your temperaments and personalities, whether you are married or living together.
Compatibility Report
Reveal as much information about you and your partner intention of opening doors of understanding and awareness.
Love Cards Report