Free Weekly Horoscope – May 12 to May 18, 2019

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week

The Center for the New Age is pleased to present
your Free Weekly Horoscope for May 12 – May 18, 2019

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

First Quarter Moon in Leo on May 12 places our moods in states of playfulness, self indulgence and the need for expression and adoration. Moods reflect on the contest of who has the best, the biggest, the shiniest and the most expensive toys, cars, clothes, house and garden.

Venus in Aries is sextile Mars in Gemini (May 14 – May 22). Mischievous, talkative and outgoing kinds of affection are evident while Venus is sextile to Mars. It is here that feminine (Venus) and masculine (Mars) forces have an opportunity (the sextile aspect) to support each other. The Mars influence emphasizes the awareness and application of action, movement, involvement and also harnesses strength and energy. Venus reminds us to draw towards ourselves the pleasures we desire.

Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces(May 16 – May 19)brings bold, independent messages that inform us of opportunities for spiritual growth in humanity. This is an opportunistic time to cautiously attempt communication with regard to beliefs and spiritual matters.

Mars enters Cancer ( May 16 – July 1). The fiery drive of force, Mars, focuses the spirit of action on such Cancerian activities as nurturing and mothers. Mars in Cancer also emphasizes a focus on the home, household improvement or remodeling – possibly even a move to a new home or making the adjustments following a big move.

Mercury in Taurus trine Saturn in Capricorn (May 16 – May 18) is a good time to make an impression, to teach and to communicate to others those important matters that must be clarified. With Mercury in Taurus, the emphasis of information is placed on the need for practicality in business.

Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (May 18 – May 24) brings greater definition to the meaning of fate and allows us to more easily communicate about the power struggles occurring collectively around the world. Mercury is the communications tower that transmits information. Pluto’s disruptive energy focuses our attention on such issues as contagious diseases, senseless crime, misunderstandings between cultures, facing up to addiction and many other painful realities. This is a good time to express encouraging words with a sense of hope.

Full Moon in Scorpio on May 18 enhances our moods. Intense desires – and what provokes them – reveal a lot about who we are and what we need to appease the satisfaction-hungry inner child. Safe physical exercises and activities are excellent avenues of release.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

For more information about your Horoscope and what the stars have in store for you, order one of our detailed
Astrology Reports!

Want to know the theme of your relationship? This report compares your temperaments and personalities, whether you are married or living together.
Compatibility Report

Reveal as much information about you and your partner intention of opening doors of understanding and awareness.
Love Cards Report

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign

AriesAries: This is the week when ideas are likely to be coming thick and fast, particularly with regard to your material situation. This is a great week to take an innovative idea and run with it. From ideas regarding how you can make or save more money to changing your job, it will certainly help to try out something new or even be a little bit rebellious. No matter how big the dilemma, you have the means to overcome it; all you need to do is follow your inspiration and perhaps utilize your talents better. As the Moon grows full, it could all come to a head. At least any confusion or uncertainty will be cleared and things can start moving forward.

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Numerology Report

TaurusTaurus: This should be an easier week for you as Venus escapes the clutches of the bullyboys Saturn and Pluto. If life has felt rather heavy or draining recently, now you can get back to the business of enjoying yourself and welcoming the opportunities coming your way. And if you feel that the opportunities aren’t coming fast enough or if they’re not to your liking, then don’t underestimate your capacity to create a few of your own opportunities. With Mercury and the Sun in your sign, not to mention Uranus, you are in a perfect position to make things happen. The Full Moon on May 18 asks you to try to strike a balance between the needs of others and your own desires. A part of you may want to break free from a situation, but it might be prudent to just allow things to brew for a while longer before making any rash decisions.

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GeminiGemini: Mars is still in your sign, so use this week constructively to get things done or to make progress in areas that matter to you. However, with a cluster of planets in your soulful zone, it would be prudent to check in with your higher self first before you take action. You are now blessed with a direct line to whatever spiritual deity or higher consciousness you choose to address so make time each day to tune in and ask for guidance to be shown the way or sent a sign. Work and health are the key areas as the Moon grows full On May 18. Now is the time to tie up loose ends relating to your work. Complete projects and be super organized so that everything begins to flow better. Once the Full Moon has passed, life won’t seem quite so inward looking, and you can start to move forward again.

This interpretation of your birth chart is written in simple language could be beneficial in self undestanding.
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CancerCancer: The Full Moon in your house of fun is your signal to take a break and enjoy yourself. The things that you feel you have to do can wait, especially around May 18. It’s more important that you allow your soul to be nourished so take time out for pleasure and recreation alongside a more carefree attitude. Nothing is so important that it can’t wait a day or so. The other good news is that Mars enters your sign on May 16, which will give you the get-up-and-go to accomplish more in a day than most people do in a week, so don’t worry about taking time out to enjoy yourself when the opportunity arises, because you’ll easily make up for it.

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LeoLeo: Work and your direction in life are the key areas right now, and it might be time to cut your losses and move on to something new. Saturn and Pluto in your work zone are piling on the pressure and things look pretty difficult there. Meanwhile, the Sun, Mercury and Uranus at the top of your chart are calling you to bigger and better things, but it involves a risk. The risk is that you don’t know whether it will work out. The unknown is always scary, but this is one time in your life when you have to leave the past behind and step into a new future – if only for your health and well-being. The Full Moon on May 18 may add to the conflict and dilemmas currently taking place in your life, but it will likely bring matters to a head.

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VirgoVirgo: This week why not study a new subject (or go deeper into an old subject) or challenge yourself to believe in things that previously might have seemed impossible. Actually, with Mercury and Uranus in your adventure zone, it shouldn’t be too difficult to stretch your mind to try out new ideas and concepts. The Full Moon will have a major effect on you, Virgo. This Full Moon on the 18th will bring all your activities of the last two quarters into sharp focus. You will be taking up new assignments, making new commitments and making a lot of headway in the field of contacts and communications. In reaching for the Moon, there is a good possibility that you might just land on a star!

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LibraLibra: As Mercury joins the Sun and Uranus in your zone of rebirth, you should suddenly be buzzing with ideas and inspiration about how you can facilitate the birth process talked about last week. You might feel inspired to head in a new direction, or you might have a clearer vision of the new self that is emerging. All you have to do is stand back and allow the process to develop. Financially, this also could be a week of developments and the way forward lies in adopting new ways of doing business and dealing with money. The Full Moon in your money zone influences your financial arrangements making the days around May 18 an appropriate time to tie up loose ends, make the final deal, and resolve outstanding issues.

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ScorpioScorpio: Many a relationship rift can be resolved with clear and honest communication. This isn’t always easy in these days of texting and social media, when a few words without a voice or body language can result in misunderstandings and hurt feelings so make the effort this week to actually talk to people and to communicate with your heart and soul. Aim to be present and listen patiently before saying your bit. The Full Moon falls in your sign on May 18 casting the spotlight on you and putting the focus on your personal life. What do you want? What do other people want? Trying to strike a balance between your needs and other people’s is the challenge this week, particularly around the days of the Full Moon. You will need to prioritize your needs; otherwise, emotional outbursts could take you by surprise.

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SagittariusSagittarius: Rome wasn’t built in a day, so rather than overloading yourself, ask for help, or break things down into more manageable hunks. Instead of trying to tackle a ton of jobs in one day, spread them out over several days or even several weeks. There’s no rush, even if you think there is. Pace yourself and make time to relax. You will find that you still get plenty done while managing to maintain your health and mental well-being. If you’ve overloaded yourself with tasks, your body could collapse under the strain. The Full Moon on May 18 calls you to rest and quiet contemplation and urges you to resist the urge to keep busy – all the time!

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CapricornCapricorn: Children and animals are great tonics for the spirit. They show us what we need to do to reclaim our sense of wonder and joy, and it wouldn’t hurt to spend time with either. Art and creative pursuits allow us to reconnect with our free spirit while a dose of comedy can boost our well-being and help put things in perspective. Simply arming yourself with a more playful attitude while pondering Marty Rubin’s quote, “Where would you be if you left all your cares behind?” will help to bring color to your days and joy to your spirit.

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AquariusAquarius: Life looks set to either be unsettled or busy this week, particularly at home, and it may be difficult to feel rooted. You will need to find other methods of creating calm and security. Being in nature will be especially helpful and will enable you to feel more grounded. Yoga and meditation could be helpful too. If it all feels too chaotic, just go with it, because the craziness won’t last long. While things may not quite return to normal, your circumstances will soon assemble themselves into a new kind of ordinary which should feel rather exciting. Meanwhile, the Moon grows full in your career zone, making this a week when you will need to find a balance between your working life and your home life.

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PiscesPisces: As good as things have been for you, there are always times when you could feel like a spinning top – mentally ungrounded, wired or anxious. If it feels that you have a double dose of anxiety on any level, spend some time in nature and let the birdsong soothe you, do some gardening, get a massage, play with clay, make a meal from scratch or do anything that requires using your hands or body in a tactile way. By consciously making time to get out of your head, you’ll become the perfect receptacle for the divine inspiration wishing to download itself into your psyche. What is truly important is that you allow yourself to be fully open to whatever you need to express because it could be quite beautiful.

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Want to know the theme of your relationship? This report compares your temperaments and personalities, whether you are married or living together.
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Reveal as much information about you and your partner intention of opening doors of understanding and awareness.
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