Free Weekly Horoscope – October 13 to 19, 2019

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week

The Center for the New Age is pleased to present your Free Weekly Horoscope for October 13 – October 19, 2019

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Full Moon in Aries on October 13 emphasizes the bounty of this new autumn season. This is a restless and impatient time for some people. In everyone is a warrior spirit, allowing them to muster the confidence and fortitude needed to persevere through the endless tests of life, especially the challenging tests of selfhood. Competition may be in the air. Strength and vitality are blessings that Aries Moon energy allows us to tap into, and assists us in handling the mounting tasks of autumn. While the spirit of Aries Moon may seem relentless to some, the necessity to forge our will with precision and expertise brings a better sense of well-being. Taking action to complete personal goals is the most natural way to channel this hard driving energy of Aries Moon.

Mercury in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn (October 14 – October 19) gives many people an opportunity to learn vital lessons regarding boundaries, limitations and responsibilities. This is a good time to discuss where to set up boundaries and how to implement security systems.

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (October 15 – October 20) is a superb aspect for discussing personal philosophies and metaphysical subjects, and also a good time to communicate with the spirit world. Mercury trine Neptune brings gifts of encouraging news from Spirit. Out of the upheaval will come a much needed boon. Communicate about spiritual needs with helpful counsel and receive gifts of renewed faith in your own beliefs.

Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (October 19 –October 22) presents an opportunity to get the message across in negotiations with power. Mercury provides the message at hand while Pluto forces us to see beyond by creating a virtual transformation of our views and how we understand our lives. This is a good time to reach out to those of another generation and make an attempt to communicate something essential.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign


Aries: Life could get a little intense around the Full Moon on October 13, but at least you should soon have a clearer idea of what you want. This is time to take stock of your life – if it isn’t as you want it to be – and make the necessary changes. You might feel temporarily thwarted by your responsibilities and obligations, but these needn’t stop you from honoring your feelings and moving your life along in the direction you want, even if it’s in small steps. Just try to keep a lid on your passions, as it might be too easy to get embroiled in conflict. Finding common ground with others, rather than seeing them as obstacles, should make your personal life easier.

Compatibility Report


Taurus: It’s time to get quiet, tune in, and forget about the demands of the outside world for a while. The Full Moon on October 13 invites you to receive its mystical guidance; it will happily show you what’s next, but you need to be still enough to receive the right insights. Quiet time in nature, contemplation, meditation, and dreaming are all helpful pursuits that can enable you to reconnect with yourself. This could be a topsy-turvy time in general for you as Uranus makes its way through Taurus, so take every opportunity to rest and gather yourself.

Love Cards Report


Gemini: Progress should be easier than it’s been in a while, so if there are things you need to do, this should be a constructive week. That said, it would be a shame to spend too much time engaged in work, chores and duties, because the Sun in your zone of fun suggests you’d benefit from letting your hair down a bit and focusing on more creative and enjoyable pursuits. It might be advisable to strike a balance between work and play, making friendship also an important factor. The words of Alek Wek have relevance this week: “The most beautiful things are not associated with money; they are memories and moments. If you don’t celebrate those, they can pass you by.”

Numerology Report


Cancer: While it’s true that Cancers are happiest snuggled up at home, it’s also true that people born under your sign harbor a quiet ambitious streak. With the Full Moon in your career zone on October 13, this ambition could be realized, perhaps putting you in the spotlight for a short while or bringing about a level of achievement. It’s an ideal time for waving your own flag and generating a bit of publicity and you might find this happens without much effort on your part. The difficulty could be your domestic situation, which calls for more of your time and energy, so the challenge will be trying to split yourself between your professional role and your home life. Perhaps the best way forward is to channel your energy into your home and family while responding to whatever the Full Moon brings your way work-wise. In this area, at least, you shouldn’t need to try too hard.

New Age Natal Report


Leo: Would a more adventurous frame of mind help your current situation? Would it help to think of possibilities rather than keep yourself limited by the problem? The Full Moon on October 13 suggests that optimism and a willingness to look at a situation differently reaps the best results. To help break the intensity and broaden your perspective, why not go on an adventure or try a completely different approach? As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Don’t be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.”

Merlin Report


Virgo: The Full Moon on October 13 brings financial matters to a head, so at least now you can resolve things. The answer might lie in knuckling down and doing what needs to be done. It might also be that your creativity is the solution to any financial issue. If you want to create a better situation, you might need to apply the effort and make the most of your creative abilities, whether that’s mentally in the form of ideas and solutions, or physically in the form of artistic talent. Either way, it could help to focus on transforming a leaden situation into gold and healing any insecurities and fears that are holding you back.

Indra Report


Libra: Prepare for a little excitement as Uranus opposes your ruler Venus while the Moon grows full in your opposite sign. Whether this is good excitement or not remains to be seen, but try to remember that the purpose is to shake things up and remove any stagnancy from your situation. This could affect your personal life and relationships and have relevance on the material plane, potentially affecting your working life, finances, or things you own or would like to own. Perhaps a little detachment would help, as would the ability to roll with any changes and embrace uncertainty. Concentrate on the factors that you have control and power. With Mars and the Sun in your sign, you probably have a lot more control than you think; you are not a powerless pan in someone else’s game. Instead of saying, “I can’t,” try posing the more empowering question: “How can I?”

Child Astrology Report


Scorpio: The Full Moon on October 13 is likely to bring matters connected with your work or your health to a head. If either of these areas is a cause for concern, the Full Moon should bring resolution, making this a great time to put the finishing touches on work-related projects or focus more on your health and well-being. Just watch your thinking, because it could be easy to become down about a situation or forget that approaching something positively is more likely to work in your favor. Instead of allowing cynicism, doubt, or anxiety to set you back, use your mental abilities to communicate in a positive way that brings the results you want.

Astrological Solar Return Report


Sagittarius: It’s easy to lose sense of who you really are. As the years roll by and you become immersed in your various roles, being yourself and maintaining your individuality can be a challenge. Whether it’s a big loss of self through too much compromising, resulting in feelings of depression or loss of purpose, or whether it’s more minor and easily remedied by having some time for yourself, the Full Moon on October 13 can help your realize what you need to do to regain the essence of who you are.

Astro Forecast Report (3 months)


Capricorn: You have every opportunity to be successful right now, whether that’s emerging victorious from a challenge or making impressive headway in your career. Now is the time to fulfill an ambition or to at least take the first steps. Be aware that the Full Moon on October 13 could derail you for a short while, bringing more personal and domestic issues to the fore. Trying to find a healthy balance between work and home – between ambitions and family – is a challenge worth working on, as it can ease any tension and frustrations that might be brewing. Decide what needs more of your care and attention, but at the same time try not to let your passions and negative emotional states get the better of you. If you’re not careful, you could be the source of your undoing around this Full Moon. Try to break old patters and leave past behaviors behind so that you can focus on the future.

Cards of Destiny Report


Aquarius: Attitude is everything this week as the Full Moon on October 13 challenges you to keep your thoughts positive. It would be easy to see life through gray-tinted glasses and believe things aren’t possible when they are. Take a look within to see what might be making you think despondently and see whether you can leave behind an old mental pattern, an anxiety, a fear, or a compulsion. This week might feel a bit odd, especially on a personal level. The best thing to do when you feel out of sorts or subject to strange thoughts and fancies is to go out and experience some adventure. That way, you’ll soon forget your troubles and return to your normal, healthy self.

Cayce Past Life Report


Pisces: Transformation is the theme this week, so it might help to dig deep with a particular issue and see if you can turn it into something better. This could apply to the material plane, as the Full Moon illuminates your finances. For example, could you refurbish something rather than throw it away? Could a situation in your life be rejuvenated with a little love and care? Sometimes you are too quick to jettison things because they have lost their shine, but they can easily regain their former beauty with a little polishing.

Astrology Reports!