Free Weekly Horoscope – November 24 to 30, 2019

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week

The Center for the New Age is pleased to present your Free Weekly Horoscope for November 24 – 30, 2019

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

New Moon in Sagittarius on November 26 inspires us to look at life in a whole new way. We should start exercise programs, look into original philosophies and explore new territory in our lives. Sagittarius says, “I see,” so vision and insight are the primary incentives to explore fresh ground so this is a good day to optimistically look ahead and get in touch with an innovative vision for the coming month and year.

Venus enters Capricorn (November 26 – December 20). Venus in Capricorn is most likely to bring out a more serious approach to love matters in general. It is important to show respect and exhibit maturity in matters of love if we expect to be taken seriously by loved one while Venus is in Capricorn.

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (November 28 – December 3) is a superb aspect for discussing personal philosophies and metaphysical subjects, and a good time to communicate with the spirit world. Mercury trine Neptune brings gifts of encouraging news from Spirit. Out of the upheaval will come a much needed boon. Those who are open to communication and prayer will have a spiritual channel now open to their hearts and minds, a place where peace and tranquility can be found.

Mercury in Scorpio is sextile Saturn in Capricorn (November 30 – December 2). Communications occurring at this time place great emphasis on seeing both sides of each story. Controversial issues bring the need to speak out, one way or the other, on personal perspectives. This is a favorable aspect to discuss where to set up boundaries and how to implement security systems, and to teach people about handling responsibilities and disciplines.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign


Aries: Your month ends on a high note as the New Moon in your adventure zone on November 26 brings an increasing sense that something is possible. This is where you see a return of your enthusiasm, as Henry Ford pointed out, “You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes rise to the stars.” Whatever you are hoping for, whatever you want to experience – a journey, a project, an idea, or a far-fetched dream – get to it. Write down your intentions around the New Moon, which will bring more power to your desires. Then tell yourself that anything is possible, and prepare for some kind of adventure.

Compatibility Report


Taurus: As the New Moon appears in your zone of transformation and Mars opposes Uranus in your sign, this is a good week to contemplate the difference between good change and bad change. Some degree of caution is wise, as impulsive and rebellious actions can lead to trouble. Letting go of the old or attempting to rework a difficult situation is in alignment with the nature of this transformative Moon. Focus on raising something to a higher level – perhaps an aspect of you, a situation, or a relationship. You might, then, end the week with something precious rather than a pile of debris.

Love Cards Report


Gemini: It is time to turn over a new leaf in your relationships, as the New Moon on November 26 brings a fresh, new energy to bear on your personal life. Whether it’s a new relationship or a long-standing one in need of refreshment, progress can now be made, either in a romantic or business union. It’s a good idea to forget the past and concentrate on where you go from here. By relinquishing unnecessary baggage, you give the relationship a better chance to thrive. It’s not just your relationships that begin to grow and develop. Your whole life now has the potential to move forward as Mercury resumes its normal motion while making wonderfully helpful alignments to Saturn and Neptune. The brakes are well and truly off, and now is the time to focus on making your dreams a reality.

Numerology Report


Cancer: The focus on fun and doing what you want begins to shift toward work and getting things sorted, as a New Moon on November 26 brings the potential for new beginnings in your work and daily life. This is a great opportunity to turn over a new leaf, particularly where your health is concerned. Any new regime you begin now, from diet to exercise, should have a greater chance of success. It might be wise to look at your habits, ditch any that aren’t nourishing, and implement ones that are. New roles in your work or a new approach to what you do will also be positive now. Your focus needs to be on organization and efficiency. Perhaps ask yourself what you need to do to enable your life to function more effectively. Answers might range from letting go of unnecessary commitments to changing an inefficient working style.

New Age Natal Report


Leo: The seriousness of the previous weeks begins to give way to an easier, more joyous time as the New Moon lands in your house of fun on November 26. You now have permission to play, so immerse yourself in fun activities, indulge in a hobby, start something creative, or welcome a little romance. This is a week to focus on what brings you pleasure. Life is serious enough without overcomplicating things with worries and inner restrictions. Focus instead on childlike simplicity. Spending time with children or animals can remind you how easy it is to have fun if you approach life the right way. Don’t worry about today; be in the moment, and you’ll likely find you have less to worry about and more to enjoy.

Merlin Report


Virgo: Your family and domestic scene become the focus of the New Moon on November 26. This is a favorable time to start fresh in some way, perhaps it’s new house paint, a new addition to the family, or simply a sense of things changing and moving forward. You can help this process by not holding on to the past and being willing to move forward and embrace the new. You might also find stuff from the past coming up to be released. Either way, you should have a sense of old stuff falling away and happier times coming. This is a good week to focus on your home and make improvements. In particular, see how you can make your home a more nurturing and nourishing base.

Indra Report


Libra: Attitude is everything, as the New Moon on November 26 is about to show you. As the Sun enters Sagittarius, you’ll likely feel a surge of optimism and find it much easier to believe certain things are possible. This, in turn, will likely have a positive effect on your recent troublesome financial situation. With Mercury turning direct and Mars shoring up your financial defenses, you can make big improvements in this area. This is more than just a monetary week. The New Moon leans toward communication and connection with others, making this a good time to create or develop new contacts, enjoy being busy, and watch for serendipitous opportunities. Reach for the stars and you might just make it to the Moon.

Child Astrology Report


Scorpio: As Mercury turns direct and Mars settles into your sign, you have a green light to go. It is an opportune time to consider the words of H. Thurman: “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Once you’ve determined what that is, you can set things in motion. Money could be a factor, but here too is good news: the New Moon in this area of your chart on November 26 will enable you to start fresh and see things differently. This is an ideal time to start something new, especially in a material sense so anything work or finance related looks rather auspicious now. This is the week for decisions and action.

Astrological Solar Return Report


Sagittarius: Life begins to perk up as the New Moon falls in your sign on November 26. This is when you get to start over and begin a new chapter, even if it’s only a little one. You can expect better things. Your energy level and general motivation should increase making this week a good time to consider Goethe’s advice: “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.” It might help to remember that Jupiter is nearing the end of its annual visit to your sign, so make the most of any last-minute opportunities to change your life and embrace the new. Throw a party, especially if your birthday is looming. Jupiter loves nothing more than a good party, and it reminds you that part of a Sagittarian’s mission is to enjoy life and be generous to others.

Astro Forecast Report (3 months)


Capricorn: The pace begins to calm as the Sun and Moon enter your zone of rest and repose. Now is the time to take your foot off the gas and enjoy a little quiet time. Solitude is good for the soul, or at least it is when the Sun enters the zone of the soul. The New Moon on November 26 sets off this deeper, more soulful process. This would be a good time to get in touch with your needs. Perhaps your body needs more rest or your mind needs less noise and more peace. You can benefit enormously now from increasing your spiritual practice, because the more you go within, the more likely you are to find the answers to pressing questions. Don’t be afraid to bring something to a close if it’s not doing you any favors.

Cards of Destiny Report


Aquarius: You now have a green light to go, as Mercury turns direct at the top of your chart. Just be careful that after weeks of feeling stuck or held back that you don’t ram your foot down too hard on the gas pedal. Drastic change isn’t what you need right now, so take your time and avoid rash decisions and actions. The New Moon on November 26 bodes well for your future. Thinking things through carefully and planting positive seeds are more constructive than suddenly trying to break free from whatever frustrates you. The line between freedom and rebellion is thin, and your best course of action this week is to focus on making creative rather than destructive changes.

Cayce Past Life Report


Pisces: With a New Moon at the top of your chart of November 26, this is the week to contemplate success. What does success mean to you? How do you know when you are successful? Does success mean a sense of creative fulfillment, or is it an increase in recognition and material benefits? There are no right or wrong answers, only what feels right for you. Turn your answers into intentions so that the New Moon can give them extra energy, and in time, they will bear fruit. Get ready to welcome new beginnings in your life direction or career.

Astrology Reports!