Free Weekly Horoscope – May 3-May 9, 2020

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week

The Center for the New Age is pleased to present your Free Weekly Horoscope for May 3 – May 9, 2020

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Venus square Neptune (May 4 – May 13) is a time when your desires are at odds with your spiritual beliefs, and it may be a hard time for some people to make a personal connection with spiritual teachings. It is best to avoid arguments concerning spiritual beliefs with loved ones at this time.

Full Moon in Scorpio on May 7 brings about intense and very vibrant feelings. It accentuates sexual urges and activities. Scorpio Moon emphasizes passion and doesn’t waste an ounce of strength taking any part of life for granted. This is the time to use your passion for the good of the earth and to revitalize the energy of the people around you who mean so much.

Mercury sextile Neptune (May 7 – May 11) brings old, independent messages that inform us of opportunities for spiritual growth in humanity. This is a good time to attempt cautious communication with regard to beliefs and spiritual matters. Mercury sextile Neptune allows us to verbalize and share beliefs in a way that encourages people.

Mercury trine Pluto (May 9 – May 14) brings hope like a gift, and the myth of Pandora’s box shows us that hope regenerates our senses and fills us with the potential for triumph over difficulties. This is a good time to express encouraging words and reinforce the troubled people of our world with a sense of hope.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign


Aries: If you believe you deserve more than life is currently giving you, it might be time to ask whether you’re doing enough to bring more to you. Sometimes you have to ask for what you want, even when that feels uncomfortable: if you truly believe you deserve something, you will have no problem asking for it. As the Moon grows full, this is an ideal opportunity to bring a situation to a head, negotiate a better deal, or put your ideas to work. The more innovative you can be, the better. Sometimes you have to take a chance, and by thinking outside the box or trying something different, you are likely to be more successful than if you stick with convention.

Compatibility Report


Taurus: The emerging combination of the Sun, Uranus and Mercury in your sign makes this a good time to make changes and bring your ideas to fruition. This is the time to try something new so that you can feel refreshed and inspired. Sometimes changes only need to be small. A new way of looking at a tired old situation can breathe life into it, and breaking a habit or putting a new one in place can breathe new life into you. The Full Moon toward the end of the week is likely to put the focus on your relationships. A partnership issue can be resolved, because it is much easier to see what needs to be done. Before that point, just be open to new ways of doing things and then the Full Moon will enable you to see the way forward.

Love Cards Report


Gemini: As the Full Moon falls in your house of health and work, it’s time to look at how your life is working. There is always room for improvement, and this Full Moon will illuminate any areas that need work. Signs that things might be slipping out of balance are poor health, tiredness, stress and a certain amount of chaos or confusion at work or at home. This is a good week to create some order in your world. Become more organized and efficient, instill some good habits, and get rid of destructive habits that no longer serve you. Opening up to divine inspiration could well be the way forward, so trust your intuitive flashes, dreams and visions to guide you.

Numerology Report


Cancer: This week is not so much about where you belong but who you belong with. What is your tribe? Are you among like-minded people? Do your friends reflect who you really are, or are you running with the wrong pack? There is currently a lot of activity and instability in your social zone, which can mean there might be changes within a friendship or a group, club, or some other organization that you belong to. It can also mean your vision of the future might be changing. This is good, because an experimental approach will work now, whether in your social life or your dreams for the future. Daring to be different and following your dreams will reap far bigger rewards than sticking with the tried and tested.

New Age Natal Report


Leo: This week’s Full Moon spans the axis of your home and career, making these the areas of life currently calling for balance and clarity. In fact, your future might seem somewhat uncertain, or there might be an element of instability. This could be exciting as new opportunities present themselves, but to really know which way is best, you need to be firmly in touch with yourself and your inner needs. This is where the Full Moon can help, especially if you take the time to tune in to how you’re feeling and spend time nurturing yourself. The needs of others might also come into the equation, but this can also signal that you need to touch base and consider what is really important.

Merlin Report


Virgo: “Adventure” and “experimentation” are your key words this week, and you would do well to push out of your comfort zone and welcome new experiences. This could mean going somewhere new or simply not limiting yourself. This is the time to say yes to life and all its opportunities, but that isn’t always easy. The Full Moon toward the end of the week will likely show you where you might be overly sensitive or reacting to old patterns and programming. If you can break that programming and stop reacting to old triggers in the same way, this week could potentially see a breakthrough as you burst through an old paradigm into a new, more expansive one.

Indra Report


Libra: The theme of transformation and rebirth takes effect this week,and being willing to change is advisable. You might have a radical breakthrough in some area that previously troubled you. Psychological insights could come thick and fast, but this is also about resources – yours and other people’s – which could call for transformation. Everything could become clear with the Full Moon at the end of the week, when it will be much easier to know what needs to happen. Until that point, don’t be surprised if things feel a bit foggy. It would be wise to avoid making any decisions, as this is less a time of action and more a time of simply being and allowing what you don’t need to fall away.

Child Astrology Report


Scorpio: The Full Moon in your sign is an important moment, as issues around your desires could conflict with what others want. The trick, of course, is to keep both you and others happy, but this is sometimes easier said than done under a Full Moon when emotions run high. Stability might be hard to find, either because of your situation or because of someone else. If someone close to you is causing you stress, there could be a hidden lesson. Perhaps you need to step forward and rise to a particular challenge. Or maybe a change needs to take place in a relationship for you to feel freer. Either way, this could be a topsy-turvy week when black may become white, and everything is all over the place. Keep yourself grounded, take stock of your life, and seek to make changes to your trajectory if you feel there’s room for improvement.

Astrological Solar Return Report


Sagittarius: What is your routine? Do you have one, or is it all over the place? If your routine is subject to change or instability, it could be that your life is in the process of change. When it comes to work and your daily life, it might seem that stability is hard to find. Perhaps it’s difficult to go to bed and rise at the same times each day, or maybe you can’t find the time to sit down and eat healthy meals or do your spiritual practice. Maybe you have to fit things in where you can. This isn’t in itself a bad thing, but the Full Moon toward the end of the week might call your attention to the need for more rest, simplicity, or time to get in touch with yourself and your needs. If life seems a bit crazy, the Full Moon will help you see what needs to change and how.

Astro Forecast Report (3 months)


Capricorn: In what way are you hiding your light or compromising your integrity? Are you trying to be what someone else wants you to be? Do you want to be different or do something different, but you find it uncomfortable? The current planetary picture suggests this is a time to dare to be yourself. Throw caution to the wind, and express yourself in whatever ways feel right to you. This might mean bucking a trend or running counter to what others expect, but you will discover a new level of freedom and happiness if you can be a first-rate version of yourself.

Cards of Destiny Report


Aquarius: If inner stability seems hard to find, either because of what’s going on within you or at home, it might help to remember that Uranus in your zone of home, family and inner self is charged with the task of liberating you from what’s been holding you back. That could be an unhealthy situation or too much self-preoccupation. Uranus brings change – sometimes upheaval and disturbances – but ultimately its job is to breathe new life into areas that have become stale or imprisoned so this week consider how you can work with this planet. For example, this would be a good time to redecorate, clear some clutter, and work with feng shui. It might also be a good time to undertake counseling or psychotherapy to exhume and heal buried wounds. Always remember that your home is an extension of you and if you are not happy at home, you are not happy anywhere else.

Cayce Past Life Report


Pisces: According to Albert Einstein, “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” When you look at your life, what one area would you like to change? What are your usual thoughts about this area? If money is the sticking point, do you often say you can’t afford it? Do you comment on how expensive things are, how scarce jobs are, or do you picture yourself struggling? If your health is an area that needs improvement, does your body respond to guilty thoughts with pain? Or if energy is lacking, do you have thoughts of heaviness or despondency? This week, it’s going to be easier to see how your thinking is at the root of your difficulties. Once seen, they will be much easier to change.

Astrology Reports!