Free Weekly Horoscope – July 12-July 18, 2020

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week

The Center for the New Age is pleased to present your Free Weekly Horoscope for July 12 – July 18, 2020

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Last Quarter Moon in Aries on July !2 requires letting go of intensified emotional energy – unless of course, the energy creates a desired and positive response in which case, go for it! Dropping problems with the ego becomes the key to this Moon, and this is a decision that can only be determined for one’s self. One cannot change the stubbornness and selfishness of others, but one can make a difference by setting the right example individually.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign


Aries: If your domestic life has been a focal point recently, Mercury’s change of direction is good news. It means that things can get back to normal. The issues raised were trying to show you something, and hopefully what you have learned has been of value. Now there is a greater sense of forward movement and productivity in matters to do with your home, family, and inner self, making this a good time to renovate. Redecorate, make home improvements, mend bridges with family members and take time to nourish yourself and those around you.

Compatibility Report


Taurus: Do you have a message you wish to impart to others? It could be as simple as needing to have a conversation with someone so that he or she better understands where you’re coming from, or it might mean sharing knowledge or information for the benefit of others. It could also be time to catch up on your emails or enjoy chatting with friends and neighbors. This is a week when communication needs to be the focal point. What you say has a huge impact on others for better or worse. It is important not to underestimate the power of words. What you think and say is going out into the universe with greater power, so choose your words wisely.

Love Cards Report


Gemini: As Mercury turns direct in your money zone, any blocks or issues in your material life, such as work, money, possessions, business and so on, can move toward resolution. This is a good time to be productive and to utilize your talents to your best advantage so that you can manifest more income or whatever you need. In fact, the current planetary picture has much to do with identifying your needs – which might be monetary, but could also be other things – and working toward meeting those needs. If, for example, you feel you need more time to enjoy life’s simple pleasures, then make that your priority. This week has a lot to do with negotiation and is summed up by Chester Karrass: “In life, you don’t get what you deserve; you get what you negotiate.” Decide what you want, and then go ask for it.

Numerology Report


Cancer: Mercury is now turning direct in your sign, which is good news for you as it means that you can start to move forward again. Recent times have been trying. Although you might not be fully out of the woods yet, life feels a bit easier. With all the heavyweight planets in your opposite sign, you might not be very far – but at least try to move forward with your own agenda. The Sun’s journey through your sign suggests that you need to recharge your batteries and replenish your soul, so do whatever works for you within your current constraints.

New Age Natal Report


Leo: Although the Sun is in your zone of repose, implying the need for more quiet time and rest than usual, Mercury turning direct in this same area will help in terms of tuning in and deepening your intuition as to what is right for you at this time. Perhaps you feel the need to be quiet and contemplative, or maybe you need to trust a message in a dream. Life should feel less confusing than it has been lately. This would be a good time to contemplate what your soul needs to facilitate well-being and good health. If your soul appears to be tugging you in a particular direction, it would be wise to follow.

Merlin Report


Virgo: If life has been frustrating in recent weeks, you can celebrate Mercury’s return to forward motion on July 12, as this should correlate with an easier flow for you. However, be aware that Mercury’s square to Mars could mean that you’re more prone to haste or feelings of frustration, restlessness, anger and impatience. This would be a good week to meditate or schedule free time so that you can feel more relaxed. Aside from this little glitch, there is much to enjoy, articularly time spent with friends or in social engagements. This quote might help you to prioritize: “There are two questions that we have to ask ourselves. The first is, Where am I going? and the second is, Who will go with me?

Indra Report


Libra: The path ahead of you might have felt confusing or irritating in recent weeks. Mercury retrograding through your career zone made it more important to stop and think about where you’re going rather than trying to move forward. Now, as Mercury turns direct, it should be easier for you to make progress in the outside world. You can move forward with a project, aim, or ambition and start putting your ideas into practice. This is a good week to engage in self-promotion or embrace opportunities to do more in your professional life. It might be time to step into the limelight and focus on the future rather than on the past. What do you want to do? Where do you want to go? What’s your bigger purpose? These are good questions to contemplate, and the answers are likely found in the things you feel passionate about.

Child Astrology Report


Scorpio: Travel and adventure form the key themes of the week ahead, so prepare to exit your comfort zone and be more daring. This is a time to explore uncharted territory and discover new horizons, which could mean learning something new or heading off to a place you’ve never been before. The purpose of all this exploration and learning is to discover what has meaning for you and what gives you a sense of connection with the universe. Once you’ve found that – and it could be something as simple as realizing you love eating Thai food or being by the sea – you can start to apply it to your everyday existence. Ocean lovers, for example, could bring coastal themes into their homes, andThai food gourmets could sign up for courses in Asian cooking. Be creative in your response to what emerges from your heart.

Astrological Solar Return Report


Sagittarius: Whether large or small, some kind of transformation is now necessary in a particular area of your life. Maybe your body would benefit from a cleansing or your home would feel much better if you declutter or slap on a fresh coat of paint. It could also be that a relationship needs to change or your work needs an overhaul. When energies become stale, they can hold you back, and you become stagnant. Use this week to clear out what is no longer needed while reworking and renewing whatever requires your care and attention, bringing new life and vigor to any aspect of yourself or your life that is waiting.

Astro Forecast Report (3 months)


Capricorn: We might not always realize how we contribute to problems in our relationships, because we have a natural tendency to see where the other person is at fault, blind to our own foibles. Relationships are strongly affected by personal countenance. Do you offer your partner a smile and a “good morning,” or do you act as if he or she is part of the furniture? Do you take the time to make your friends feel good, or do you regale them with your woes? As Mercury turns direct in your zone of others, you now have a good opportunity to enjoy the company of other people and to value the connections you have. It’s also a good opportunity to cultivate a more cheerful disposition.

Cards of Destiny Report


Aquarius: Your work and health are the key areas right now, and improvements can be made in either of these as Mercury turns direct. This is a great week to get organized, be productive and see how you can make your life function more efficiently. Sometimes it’s simply a case of making one or two tweaks to your routine. If there was one practical thing you could do that would make your life function better, what would it be? Once you have your answer, you can begin to implement it.

Cayce Past Life Report


Pisces: On a scale from 1 to 10, how much are you able to be yourself? Are you doing what you want to do when you want to do it, or are you confined, restricted, or somehow unable to express your true self? Let your answer guide you to make changes. For example, if you feel you need more color in your life, you could throw out your drab clothes, paint over the beige walls, or sign up for an art class. If it runs deeper than that, consider what it would take to feel that you were truly being yourself, and then make the necessary shifts.

Astrology Reports!