Free Weekly Horoscope – August 2-August 8, 2020

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week

The Center for the New Age is pleased to present your Free Weekly Horoscope for August 2 – August 8, 2020

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Full Moon in Aquarius on August 3 enlivens our senses with the need to apply clarity and definition. The mood of the day is likely to be blanketed in bizarre and unusual occurrences and it’s often focused on modern technological breakthroughs and inventions. People may seem idealistic and generous in some respects or out-of-hand and downright unrealistic in others. This is a good time to investigate, play around with ideas, seek answers, invent and reinvent and celebrate knowledge.
Mercury opposite Saturn (August 3 – August 23) can sometimes create an obsessive coverage by the news media who do an overkill job on reports concerning deaths, endings, a new establishment of control, or any type of important or sensational event. News is easily taken seriously and it is important not to joke about timely matters. Be careful where you choose to draw the lines and what you agree to when you’re involved in your negotiations, or you may be the one to end up feeling as if you’ve been had.
Mars square Jupiter (August 4 – August 17) is a time when various activities are met with the obstacles of economic oppression and shortfall. This is a very difficult time to excel in business endeavors, especially in actively trading markets. This aspect warns us that there will be trouble approaching the job market aggressively and trying to make progress using headstrong attitudes and unwarranted self-confidence might impede progress. The square aspect of these two planets creates a challenging dynamic in the struggle to grow economically.
Mercury enters Leo (August 5 – August 20) putting the focus of information, news and discussions on entertainment and the connection of families. This is the time when many kids are turning to, or away from family in an effort to find answers. They seek answers with which they can live, answers with regard to determining self-identify, as well as survival skills. Mercury entering Leo is a time when the mind establishes, reaffirms and maintains a self-created identity.
Venus enters Cancer (August 7 – September 6). Venus in Cancer generally represents pure love and the expression of deep affection. There is an attraction to the home and the security of home’s comforts as well as a love of nurturing and the maternal expression of care and affection. Venus in cancer focuses our affections on the nurturing qualities of love’s purest expressions.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign


Aries: August gets off to a passionate start with Mars in your sign and the Sun enjoying the pleasures of your house of fun. If ever there was a time to follow your impulses and go for what you want, now would be it. The Full Moon on August 3 adds to the pleasurable vibe, as this is a sociable Moon that encourages you to get out and about and enjoy your connections. Ultimately, though, this week is ideal for enabling you to tap into your desires and make them manifest. But it would be wise to recognize your limits, because the temptation might be to go too far or act in a reckless manner. The message for this week is, don’t risk more than you can afford to lose.

Gifts for Aries
Compatibility Report


Taurus: Everything is on show as the Full Moon on August 3 highlights the most public area of your life. This could work in your favor if you want to promote yourself in your work or business or if you need to take on a public role. However, given that this Full Moon is squaring Uranus in your sign, you might feel somewhat prickly, frustrated, or restless, which could result in a public outburst. Perhaps underlying this outburst of emotion is the need for you to be truer to yourself, to live more authentically, or to follow your own path. There is plenty to think about now, and it all boils down to creating balance between your public and private personas, making sure that these two selves are in alignment with your real self. In other words, it is time to stop suppressing who you really are.

Gifts for Taurus
Love Cards Report


Gemini: Whatever problem you have in your life, whether it’s a recurring or recent issue, this week under the illuminating Full Moon on August 3, there will likely be a breakthrough. This could be a time of insight and revelation that propels you into a new phase of life. Don’t let fear, doubt, anxiety or pessimism hold you back. Keep your thoughts on the right side of optimism. This all boils down to positivity: you can if you think you can!a name=”cancer”>

Gifts for Gemini
Numerology Report


Cancer: A Full Moon on August 3 means that, for a short time, you could feel unable to control things. Therefore, it is better to just go with the flow and to resist as little as possible. Perhaps in your softer, more acquiescent state, it becomes easier to see what is really going on, particularly if there has been a state of confusion. The Full Moon is likely to shine a light on money matters, deeply personal issues, or your inner demons. Whatever your circumstances, the message this week is to let go and then be prepared to make changes.

Gifts for Cancer
New Age Natal Report


Leo: This week’s Full Moon on August 3 puts the emphasis on your relationships, but there may be some tension that needs careful handling. Uranus’s placement asks for change of some sort, and that might involve your direction or your vocation. Perhaps it concerns the general sense of where you’re going. Frustrations in this area could spill over into your personal life, so before you look to a relationship as the source of a problem, consider that the answer lies within bigger frustrations. In other words, figure out what you want, and then try to implement this without throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Gifts for Leo
Merlin Report


Virgo: This week you may be required to bridge the gap between practicality and dreaminess, rationale and intuition, or order and chaos. The Full Moon on August 3 is likely to illuminate matters connected with your everyday life – work, duties, health or daily routines. You might need to be practical in these areas while allowing your intuition to guide your actions. Therefore, it could be a good week to recognize the personal aspects of your life or to allow your feelings to guide you in your working life. Either way this is a good time to get things done that feel right to you, and do not be afraid to make changes where necessary.

Gifts for Virgo
Indra Report


Libra: The need to be yourself will be extraordinarily strong this week; therefore, trying to conceal your feelings likely will not work. The Full Moon on August 3 will give rise to a spontaneous or passionate release; if this is done through a creative, romantic, or sporting outlet, so much the better, but bear in mind that whatever is expressed probably has been brewing for some time. It could serve the purpose of breaking or releasing a stagnant pattern. Be aware that any inner restlessness or frustration will find its way out this week too, and the way forward is to look at what your emotions are trying to tell you. Ultimately, the need to be authentic and live your life in your own way is paramount.

Gifts for Libra
Child Astrology Report


Scorpio: The Full Moon in your domestic sphere on August 3 will likely bring to your attention matters to do with the home and family. Expect to receive some sort of illumination, but don’t be surprised if things are a bit unsettled for a day or so. There is a chaotic or unpredictable feeling to this Full Moon, which could also involve your relationships and direction in life. This might be an important week for you personally and professionally. The key is to make enlivening changes without impulsive reactions that leave you worse off than before. Take your time before making any decision, and allow the Full Moon to illuminate the way ahead, which will probably involve focusing on your home and that which is dear to you.

Gifts for Scorpio
Astrological Solar Return Report


Sagittarius: All may not be what it seems under this week’s Full Moon on August 3, which could cause you to interpret a situation wrongly or to make a bad impression. It might be wise to think things through in a rational manner, so as not to say or do something impulsive. Look for the truth in a situation. As Mars is at loggerheads with Jupiter and Pluto, there is a temptation to push beyond your limits, act recklessly, take on too much, or believe that the sky is the limit when a more realistic approach would better serve you. Power struggles could also emerge, so overall, this is a week in which you need to keep yourself in check and strive to proceed with caution.

Gifts for Sagittarius
Astro Forecast Report (3 months)


Capricorn: This week’s Full Moon on August 3 illuminates the financial and personal areas of your chart, making this the time when you might need to deal with something uncomfortable. Perhaps the key is not to be too attached to whatever is generating a feeling of fear, loss or insecurity. This Full Moon asks for a spirit of fluidity, especially in financial matters. Can you let go of something that you feel attached to? Is the attachment genuine in the sense that you feel love of it, or is it more about security? When the Moon drifts through your material zone, it’s easy to feel insecure and to cling to that which you think you need. The more you can let go, the easier this week will be.

Gifts for Capricorn
Cards of Destiny Report


Aquarius: There is a little bit of a rebel in every Aquarian, and so long as this is expressed healthily, there isn’t a problem. However, your rebellious streak might rise to the extent that you react impulsively or controversially toward others, rejecting what people say or causing some degree of conflict. Others might think you’re being difficult for the sake of it, but it might be that there’s more to it than that. The key to dealing with any strife or disturbances this week is to identify the emotional instability within you and look at what it’s asking you to address.

Gifts for Aquarius
Cayce Past Life Report


Pisces: Your work, health and daily affairs come under the spotlight now. If you want to keep on the right side of chaos, you need to be aware of what is going on within you at a deeper level. The Full Moon on August 3 could reveal something that you’d prefer to keep hidden, or maybe you can’t keep the lid on an emotional state. Perhaps consider that whatever you hide from others, you also hide from yourself. This can apply to strengths and gifts as much as shadowy sides. It might be worth asking yourself what you are hiding and why. Then see whether you’re courageous enough to let this part of you out into the light.

Gifts for Pisces
Astrology Reports!