#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week
The Center for the New Age is pleased to present your Free Weekly Horoscope for August 16 – August 22, 2020
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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Mercury trine Mars (August 17 – August 23) brings news, thoughts and communications into a most favorable position when it comes to taking action. This aspect activates the world of communications with an energetic punch that often persuades people to take immediate action regarding whatever the subject matter requires.
New Moon in Leo on August 19 encourages our moods to attain a new outlook on our personal image. Some may be strongly touched by the need to get a new lease on life. The desire for new attire and a focus on hair is commonplace for this sort of mood setting. The enhancement of our outward appearance can help reinforce the power of how self-image is personified.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign
Aries: We can’t always have what we want, which is difficult for an Aries to appreciate, as you’re used to getting your way, often through sheer force of will or energy. However, it seems something is currently holding you back, whether your circumstances or your inhibitions. Patience is the likely solution, which again is not your strong point, but if you can recognize that waiting for the right moment is the key to your success, then your time will pass a little easier. In the meantime, you have a wonderful New Moon in your zone of fun, making this the week to work toward living more authentically and with more joy. Your heart is probably prompting you about what to do next. The question is whether you will follow it.
Gifts for Aries
Compatibility Report
Taurus: The New Moon in your family zone on August 19 is ideal for creating new beginnings at home and in your domestic situation. This might be either with where you are living or with your family. Planting new seeds for that which you wish to create is advisable. This could be the time to embrace a new addition to the family, move to a new house, or make changes to your existing home. When we consider that the outside mirrors the inner, whatever is happening at home will likely reflect something going on at a deeper level. Viewed this way, it could be time to acknowledge that something within you is ready for change.
Gifts for Taurus
Love Cards Report
Gemini: New beginnings in life are often preceded by a new attitude or a new way of seeing the world, and this is where we find you this week under an optimistic and sparkling New Moon. You’re ready to let go of an old way of thinking, seeing, or believing that has been clouding your view of the world and, subsequently, limiting you. With this New Moon comes a greater sense of possibility and freedom. On a practical level, this would be a good time to get out and experience that sense of freedom. If you want to make the most of this very favorable New Moon, you could set the intention to communicate differently or examine your belief system. Maybe you’ll decide to act on any ideas that pop into your head. Most of us have ideas every day, but we generally don’t pursue them. This is an auspicious time to welcome, plant and nurture whatever ideas come to you.
Gifts for Gemini
Numerology Report
Cancer: The focus on material matters makes this a good time to initiate change related to money. The New Moon in this sphere on August 19 bodes well for manifesting more income, getting a new job, or changing your beliefs about money so that you can be receptive to abundance. Decide what you want, and then align your intent with the energies of the New Moon. This is a good week to deal with all areas of finance and to sort out as much as you can so that you can be on better financial footing.
Gifts for Cancer
New Age Natal Report
Leo: With a New Moon in your sign on August 19, you have a green light in terms of creating a new beginning or anything you want – maybe a personal project or an activity that you’d like to engage in. It is not the time to give too much thought to what others might think or what the practicalities are. Instead, follow the pull of your heart, and strive to make your mark. Think about this statement from W. H. Murray: “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”
Gifts for Leo
Merlin Report
Virgo: The New Moon on August 19 invites you to release the past and prepare to move on. Something is coming to an end and this could be a small thing or something more significant. Regardless, you will probably feel you’re ready. Alternatively, you could want to hide from the world for a day or so, and any desire to retreat should be honored, as it probably shows a need to stop for a moment and compose yourself. When we’re quiet and contemplative, answers can bubble up to the surface. It’s likely that something is trying to make its way into your conscious mind right now, so watch your dreams, pay attention to the signs around you, and remember that the universe is always speaking to you.
Gifts for Virgo
Indra Report
Libra: The possibility of a brighter future is upon you, as a New Moon brings hope to your wishes and dreams. It is advisable to focu your intent on what you want to manifest in the world around August 19, when the energies are ripe for new beginnings. Friendships also can change and move forward, so getting out and about, meeting with friends or forging new contacts, could prove both enjoyable and beneficial. Basically, this New Moon encourages you to be more involved with the world and to give and share more of yourself with others – your friends, neighbors, community or the wider world.
Gifts for Libra
Child Astrology Report
Scorpio: With a New Moon at the top of your chart, success beckons once again, and this is a good week to turn your attention to moving on in the world. This could mean starting a new project, honing ambition, or changing your direction. Maybe you will achieve a sense of victory in something you’ve undertaken. It’s a perfect time for self-promotion, so get out there and show others what you have to offer. If you wish to begin a new chapter of life or to rewrite the script of where your life is going, this New Moon will help; it could simply be a case of becoming clearer about what success means to you.
Gifts for Scorpio
Astrological Solar Return Report
Sagittarius: It is time to contemplate the seemingly impossible, as a New Moon occurs in your zone of adventure and optimism. It now seems that anything is possible if you believe it, so this is the week to take your ideas and run with them. This is a great opportunity to leave the negativity of the past behind, because this New Moon speaks of a new dawn rising in which the limitations of the past are falling away. Perhaps the old rules no longer apply, or maybe a paradigm is shifting, leaving you with the ability to see life with new eyes. Either way, this is a highly auspicious period of possibility and potential. What will you choose to do with it?
Gifts for Sagittarius
Astro Forecast Report (3 months)
Capricorn: The transformation begins in earnest this week, as a New Moon falls in your powerful zone of rebirth and regeneration. This is the moment you can wipe the slate clean, particularly in emotional or psychological areas. Anything that has served its purpose can now be released to regenerate your spirit and energy. Holding onto that which seems to want to leave your life is the worst thing you can do right now, and it might also help to remember that trying to control the forces of the universe is pointless. True power comes by being willing to trust and to go with the flow, and this is your big challenge this week.
Gifts for Capricorn
Cards of Destiny Report
Aquarius: The New Moon in your relationship zone on August 19 invites you to enliven matters of the heart. This could range from meeting someone new or making or renewing a commitment to leaving behind a relationship that is no longer working. Bear in mind that relationships aren’t just of the romantic kind; we can have business relationships, platonic unions, and so on. How we relate to our neighbors or the supermarket clerk also adds to our relationship repertoire. Basically, this New Moon brings the opportunity to look at how you relate and make the necessary changes for greater fulfilment and harmony.
Gifts for Aquarius
Cayce Past Life Report
Pisces: The New Moon on August 19 invites you to make some changes in your daily life. This could range from aiming to be more organized and efficient to implementing new routines that will support your mind, body and spirit. It’s also an opportune time to implement new ideas in your job. In short, this New Moon will support you in assessing how much room for improvement there is in the overall functioning of your daily affairs and inspire you to make the changes that will help you feel more in control, more productive and more effective.