Free Weekly Horoscope – August 30-September 5, 2020

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week

The Center for the New Age is pleased to present your Free Weekly Horoscope for August 30 – September 5, 2020

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Full Moon in Pisces on September 2 brings out the psychic in everyone. People can be very sensitive and as a result, some people express themselves in a very artistic or perhaps even nonsensical manner. Many people become especially spacey, and parts of them may seem to drift off into alternative states of consciousness. Don’t overdo anything as far as trying to accomplish the perfect atmosphere; a very little bit can go a very long way with the Full Moon in Pisces.
Mercury trine Saturn (September 3 – September 10) brings favorable dialog concerning where to draw the lines. This is a good time to make an impression, to teach and to communicate to others those important matters that must be clarified. Important news comes with this aspect. News concerning the end of a long and arduous task brings relief.
Venus square Mars (September 4 – September 20) creates tensions and obstacles between the forces of love and the forces of defense. The archetypal images of Venus and Mars are largely that of feminine and masculine counterparts, and in this sense there could be trouble between women and men in relationships. The square makes it difficult to harmonize energies and letting certain obstacles remain to be dealt with later may be necessary at this time in order for tender egos to mend.
Mercury sextile Venus (September 4 – September 10) brings good news and opportunities concerning love, music and the arts. There are opportunities to sell art or valuables. This is a good time to get the message of love across where it is needed most. This is a time to share love messages and spread them like seeds. Love will come back to sustain the heart and this is a good time to call it to the attention of those people we treasure.
Mercury enters Libra (September 5 – September 27) brings the general course of communications, talk, conversation and discussion into focus on the importance of mindful balance, diplomacy, tact and the need to connect with friends and loved ones. This is a good time for people to converse by gathering and collecting important information, as our decision making process kicks into high gear.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign


Aries: One could describe this week as interesting, and it would be all too easy to let the dramas overtake you. Saturn’s square to your ruler, Mars, suggests an impediment of some kind, and Venus forming another hard angle suggests relationship issues. Take your cue from the Full Moon which is drifting into the area of retreat and solitude and spend a little time thinking things over in quiet contemplation. Deep feelings could emerge at this time, and while keeping things secret might be appealing, the best approach is to share how you feel, as this could prove cathartic. Among the ups and downs of the week is the need to take control of your daily affairs and become more organized and efficient so that your life works better.

Gifts for Aries
Compatibility Report


Taurus: This might not be the best week you’ve ever had. From small things, such as needing to get on with boring tasks when you might prefer to play and have fun, to dramas and conflicts in your relationships, it might be difficult to stay cheerful. But if you accept that you can’t always feel happy and that sometimes you have to face up to the gritty side of life and get on with things, you could switch your mood from somber to practical efficiency. If you get the chance to socialize or have a little fun, especially around the Full Moon on September 2, then take it. The punctuation of color will strengthen your spirits and enable you to better tackle whatever you need to deal with.

Gifts for Taurus
Love Cards Report


Gemini: It’s time to let yourself shine as the full Moon on September 2 illuminates the success region of your chart. On the positive side, you can use this energy to promote yourself or draw attention to the work you do or you could temporarily take on a role that puts you more in the spotlight. On a cautionary note, it will be difficult to hide your emotions, so it might be prudent to think before you act or react. Rather than getting embroiled in emotional situations, it might be better to focus on your ambitions and channel your energy into your work, business, or helping others.

Gifts for Gemini
Numerology Report


Cancer: “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” This sentiment by Marcel Proust reflects the theme of the Full Moon, as boredom with the mundane and the familiar might instill inner restlessness. While you could satisfy the desire for new experiences with a trip or a short journey, if that doesn’t work or if you can’t get away, mental study or higher learning might provide the expansion you seek. This is a great week to explore far-ranging mental ideas or philosophies, learn something new, challenge your thinking or your belief system, and explore metaphysical or spiritual concepts. Whatever you choose, this week’s challenge is to find a way to see the world with new eyes.

Gifts for Cancer
New Age Natal Report


Leo: Does anything in your life need restoring or rejuvenating? While in some ways this week’s Full Moon is good for letting go of old stuff, it is also appropriate to see what you can rework. The trick is to differentiate between what still has potential and what has outgrown its usefulness. This very much applies on a material level, making this a good week to clear out clutter and put finishing touches on projects or financial matters. This could also apply to your personal life, so if you have a situation that needs to be transformed or released, now is the time.

Gifts for Leo
Merlin Report


Virgo: Your personal life takes center stage as the Full Moon asks you to contemplate kindness, forgiveness and tolerance. Maybe you want one thing, and another person wants something different. This isn’t about putting your needs to one side and giving yourself over to someone else; it is more about striking a balance to ensure your needs are met while ensuring the needs of the other person are also met. This Full Moon will highlight any imbalance or selfishness, and the way forward is to be there for the other person while at the same time being there for yourself.

Gifts for Virgo
Indra Report


Libra: It is time to take greater care of yourself as the Full Moon lands in your health and well-being zone. Do you need more rest? Maybe you just need to stop for a bit, but this might be easier said than done as a feisty T-square with Venus, Mars and Saturn is liable to make the start of September quite challenging. Relationships, your direction in life, and domestic issues could all be featured, and you could feel caught between a rock and a hard place. Perhaps the answer is to take time out, if possible – retreat and allow the quiet voice within guide you accordingly.

Gifts for Libra
Child Astrology Report


Scorpio: Rather than trying to push or force something – which is unlikely to work in your favor – try following your hunches. You often know the best course of action, but you override those feelings with logic, reason or misplaced desires. Sometimes you think you need something, when actually that is your ego speaking. Allowing a situation to be as it is and just going with the flow will work better for you under this week’s Full Moon. “Spontaneity” could be your keyword, so prepare to drop what you’re doing in favor of something that feels more appropriate.

Gifts for Scorpio
Astrological Solar Return Report


Sagittarius: While you might be primarily focused on life “out there,” the Full Moon in your domestic sphere on September 2 is likely to bring developments closer to home. In some ways, you will probably feel a need to return to home base, retreat a little from the busyness of life, and focus more on nurturing yourself and those around you. This is, indeed, where you should be focusing your energies, especially around the start of the month, but life could also feel more volatile or claustrophobic at this time. You might, for a short while, need to escape whatever feels oppressive so honor the need to find your own space, as this is where you will find yourself.

Gifts for Sagittarius
Astro Forecast Report (3 months)


Capricorn: How often do you make judgments about people and situations, often without knowing all the facts or the story behind the event? If you judge a situation as “bad,” you can lose sight of the bigger picture. Sometimes you experience something that you would not willingly choose, but if you look deeper or wait for hindsight to emerge, you can be grateful for the event because it taught you something, moved you forward, or gave you a different perspective. This week as the Moon grows full in your zone of beliefs, don’t be too quick to judge, react or condemn; instead, step back to see whether this week’s events have deeper meaning.

Gifts for Capricorn
Cards of Destiny Report


Aquarius: It could all be about money or the things that are important to you, such as what you value and what you own or would like to own. The Full Moon spanning your material and personal zones might arouse feelings of clinginess or possession. If this appears to be causing you problems, such as wanting what you can’t have or feeling insecure about what you do have, the answer might be to adopt an attitude of nonattachment. Some things in life are right and natural to feel attached to, such as important people and things that have sentimental value or real meaning. The challenge this week is to separate what has true value from what is more illusory.

Gifts for Aquarius
Cayce Past Life Report


Pisces: With a Full Moon in your sign, this could be an emotionally intense week, especially the first few days when your personal life is likely to take center stage. At the very least, your sensitivities will be heightened, which can be a good thing if your work or life involves creative or artistic inspiration or caring for others. You’re certainly likely to be more tuned in, but there is also the danger that you could emotionally overreact and not see things as they really are. Keeping yourself grounded and engaged in practical tasks while telling yourself any emotional disturbances will quickly pass can help you make the most of this week’s possibilities.

Gifts for Pisces
Astrology Reports!