Free Weekly Horoscope – September 13-September 19, 2020

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week

The Center for the New Age is pleased to present your Free Weekly Horoscope for September 13-19, 2020

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Mercury square Jupiter (September 17 – September 25) is a time when a block of energy flow occurs between Mercury, represented as the salesman, informant and negotiator, and Jupiter, represented as the source that allows wealth to flow: manufacturer, banker, fund raiser, etc. This is the place where one’s value is realized and assessed, and potential for growth is emphasized through the tedious process of trial and error. This is a time to be particularly cautious when looking for a job or changing jobs, asking for a raise, or signing any binding contracts concerning long-term investment and payment schedules.
New Moon in virgo on September 17 is a terrific time to organize one’s life in a new manner. It calls to our feelings a new form of skepticism, a new way of analyzing , and to apply caution. New Virgo Moon prepares us for the changes occurring around us in the physical world.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign


Aries: The New moon on September 17 brings the opportunity to turn over a new leaf in your daily life and implement changes that support your health and well-being. Mars is still stuck in a difficult spot with Saturn, suggesting that your ability to move forward in any real and meaningful way is being thwarted, but if you see this as a time to pause and assess what is going on in your life and deal with whatever needs dealing with, then this could be a productive time. The New Moon encourages you to examine your daily life with a view to becoming more organized and efficient, creating a lifestyle that works for you. That could mean implementing new healthy habits, changing your diet, organizing your paperwork, listening to what your body needs, or creating routines that support your well-being.

Gifts for Aries
Compatibility Report


Taurus: The message this week is to trust your instincts, as a New Moon falls in the sphere of your chart that relates to your heart. Deep down, you know the answers to everything if you access and trust your feelings. This New Moon invites you to follow your impulses and honor your feelings and desires; perhaps that means living more creatively, more authentically, or with more color and passion. Remember that with Uranus in your sign for the next few years, you are on a journey of discovery, and this week you might feel the pull that you know in your heart needs to happen for your greater happiness.

Gifts for Taurus
Love Cards Report


Gemini: With a New Moon at the base of your chart, this is an ideal time to make changes to your home or improve family relationships. New additions to the family or home are favored, as are moving, redecorating and decluttering. In fact, the more you can clear and let go of, the bigger the space you will create for new energies to enter your life. So in the run up to the New Moon, it would be best to do the groundwork of clearing out and preparing your space; then you will be ready to create something new when the New Moon arrives September 17. This is also a perfect time to leave the past behind; there is only so much mulling over things you can do before it begins to sabotage your well-being.

Gifts for Gemini
Numerology Report


Cancer: The New Moon on September 17 invites you to adjust your attitude or begin a new course of study, write, or teach. In fact, anything connected with communication and learning is very much favored now, so this is a good time to stretch your mental capabilities and entertain a new way of thinking – which could mean changing a belief that has previously held you back – or to engage in meaningful communication and express how you feel. A potential downside to all this self-expression is that you could overreact in an emotional way, which could create a negative impression, so think before you speak!

Gifts for Cancer
New Age Natal Report


Leo: As the New Moon passes through your money zone, this is the week to turn over a new financial leaf. This could apply to your work, how you earn money, your beliefs about abundance and how much you deserve, issues of self-worth and entitlement, financial matters that need to be dealt with or initiated, and everything in between. In short, this is a week to focus on your material world and strive to make at least one positive change or move toward some kind of new start that supports you better in the long run. If you focus on constructive, practical and tangible action, you won’t go far wrong.

Gifts for Leo
Merlin Report


Virgo: With a New Moon in your sign, this is the time to start as you mean to go on. This could range from beginning a new chapter in your life to starting something new that feels like a move in the right direction. It doesn’t really matter whether it’s a big thing or something small. What’s important is that you honor any desire for change or brace any new opportunity that feels refreshing and inspiring. On a more mundane level, this is a great week for getting practical things done, putting the finishing touches on projects or jobs, and making a concrete effort to move your life in the right direction.

Gifts for Virgo
Indra Report


Libra: The New Moon falls in your zone of soul and spirit on September 17, intensifying all that was said last week, but now it brings with it the chance to purge what is left so that you can prepare for a fresh start. Do you need to close a door on a situation in your life? Is it time to move on? Do you need to let go of something or someone? A heavy emphasis on the deep emotional and psychological aspects of your personality might not make for pleasant weather, but it serves the purpose for releasing old material so that you can rejuvenate and transform.

Gifts for Libra
Child Astrology Report


Scorpio: The New Moon on September 17 brings an opportunity to turn over a new leaf in your social life, which makes this an opportune time to meet new people, forge new contacts, and start new relationships, particularly with people who could be of mutual benefit. Feelings might run high among close friends, but this is an opportunity to create new beginnings, perhaps by expressing your feelings and wearing your heart on your sleeve. This is also a New Moon of hope and optimism for your future. By thinking constructively about what you want to do, particularly if it would benefit the world, you plant seeds that in time could grow into something very productive.

Gifts for Scorpio
Astrological Solar Return Report


Sagittarius: The New Moon at the top of your chart invites you to embrace new beginnings in the general direction of your life. This could range from a change in direction, starting a new chapter, taking a step toward fulfilling more of your life’s purpose, or a change or development with your career. This is a very important New Moon in which carrying on as you have been will begin to feel counterproductive. Change of some sort is now necessary; just be careful that you don’t rush in where angels fear to tread. Aim instead to take constructive, practical steps, and begin things of a tangible nature. This New Moon could best be summed up for you as productive new beginnings.

Gifts for Sagittarius
Astro Forecast Report (3 months)


Capricorn: Pushing out of your comfort zone and exploring new physical, mental or spiritual territory will be a good use of this week’s New Moon. This is a time of growing possibilities, adventure and expansion, so if you no longer feel content with how things have been, use the energies of this New Moon to explore something new. At the very least, you’re likely to feel more optimistic and willing and able to entertain new concepts, making this a great time to take up a new course of study or learning. At the root of this desire to learn or do more could be the need to experience greater meaning in your life, so wherever your desires are pointing, it’s probably a good sign that this is the direction you need to take.

Gifts for Capricorn
Cards of Destiny Report


Aquarius: This week has a transformative feel, particularly when the Moon becomes new on September 17. This could bring an opportunity for deep and lasting change, so it might help to prepare to let go of what you have outgrown, what is too restrictive, and what is holding you back. As you shed your old skin, a rebirth or rejuvenation of some sort is likely to result, so don’t cling to what has gone – a situation, a relationship, or a way of being. Instead, trust that what is right for you won’t pass you by and that trying to resist change that wants to occur only prolongs the difficulty.

Gifts for Aquarius
Cayce Past Life Report


Pisces: Here comes an opportunity to start fresh in a key relationship or to initiate a new one. The New Moon in your partnership zone bodes well for your personal life, especially if you want to move forward with someone. Things are likely to feel intense for a while, but this will have the result of enabling you to share feelings you might have previously kept hidden. This could be a cathartic week when the old is brought up, analyzed, worked through, and then let go, and the new can come into view, but at the root of any relationship issues is how you feel about yourself, and it’s a good idea to remember that you can only love someone else as much as you love yourself.

Gifts for Pisces
Astrology Reports!