Free Weekly Horoscope – January 3 – January 9, 2021

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week

The Center for the New Age is pleased to present your Free Weekly Horoscope for January 2 – 9, 2021

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Last Quarter Moon in Libra on January 6 reminds us of the need to continue working on the imbalances in our relationships. Libra’s adage is simple: “I balance.” This is the time to let the emotional pressure be released and to handle matters with friends and loved ones carefully and congenially. The Last Quarter Moon aspect confirms the need to make amends with others and unite peacefully. If some aspect of your connection to a friend or loved one disrupts your sense of peace, reach within for the answers.

Mercury and Pluto are conjunct (January 5 – January 13). This aspect brings out power issues in our life. The greater powers and struggles in our lives are spoken about and communicated in a wide variety of ways. The areas of our lives are spoken about and communicated in a wide variety of ways. The areas of our life requiring transformation and sacrifice, struggle and challenge, now bring us to the point in our sojourn where we can talk about those hardships that have forged our own characters and inner strengths.

Mars enters Taurus (January 5 – March 4). Mars represents all modes of action. In the fixed earth sign of Taurus, Mars’ action is particularly worked out through the physical realm, making this a primary time to work active energy through the body, or to take affirmative action in the physical world, moving or activating it to change.

Venus enters Capricorn (January 8 – February 1) and now Venus will be grounded in the stoic and serious focus of Capricorn. This brings out an attraction for the staunch and ardent duty of accomplishing goals as well as a love of predictability. This type of expression creates stable ground for the development of relationships, and the general course of affections will be oriented towards making impressions, with a hard and ambitious drive towards providing well for loved ones. Venus in Capricorn will certainly bring out a more serious approach to love matters in general. It is important to have respect and maturity in matters of love if we are to be taken seriously by loved ones while Venus is in Capricorn.

Mercury enters Aquarius (January 8 – March 15), the fixed air sign of the zodiac which represents humanity’s knowledge. As the force of communication (Mercury) travels through the constellation of fixed thought and meditation (Aquarius), there are great opportunities for us to share and to empower each other through our knowledge. This is a splendid time to communicate ideas and investigate the latest in technology, science and the world of invention. Mercury in Aquarius is also a special time to speak out on humanitarian issues and the rights of freedom.

Mercury is square Mars (January 9 – January 19). Those who are undergoing conflict with others may find that such activities as secrecy, verbal abuse and deceptive chatter will lead to certain destruction and complex kinds of discord. Refrain from making risky comments and be careful not to misinterpret information as being hostile or personal. This is not a good time to lose one’s temper. Be especially careful to watch what you say, preferably thinking before you speak; words can be easily taken the wrong way.

Venus is trine Mars (January 9 – January 20). Committed, loyal and reliable expressions of affection will bring very determined and meticulously devoted interactions between loved ones. Venus trine Mars brings love in action. When these two planets are well harmonized by this ideal aspect, there is a greater opportunity for peace and healing in relationships, and often gifts are exchanged. These are gifts which help people to understand how masculine and feminine expressions are harmonized.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign


As the new year gets underway, you might be thinking about the future and what you want from it. Remember that you create the future by your actions today in combination with what you repeatedly imagine. Perhaps the first step to creating the future you want is to picture it in your mind and make sure your actions and choices are in alignment with that mental image. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is in an auspicious position for you, suggesting that your wishes can come true, but first you have to know what you want, and then take action. Try not to let frustrations, impediments, or anything that has held you back in the past, stop you now. Things don’t have to be the way they were before.

Gifts for Aries
Compatibility Report


The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is at the top of your chart and Uranus is in your sign. These are two powerful omens of significant change, so be open to change, and have some idea what changes you’d like to make. You are looking at a new cycle of growth in relation to your career or general direction, which could equate to a new chapter in your life. Your life will not likely stay the same, nor should it, for the universe and your soul are calling you to do new things. Even if you’re not quite sure where things are heading, be willing to embrace uncertainty, and know you are on course for something better.

Gifts for Taurus
Love Cards Report


As 2021 gets underway, the theme of meaning takes center stage as the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction encourages you to move toward things that give you a sense of purpose. It is probably pointless now to carry on with anything that feels empty or meaningless even if the things in question have been big parts of your life. You need a certain amount of faith and courage now to push into new territory and embrace different possibilities. Your ship is set to sail for new horizons, and you’ll enjoy the voyage much more if you can trust that this new direction is exactly where you’re meant to go even if you don’t know the destination. You only need to know that if it feels meaningful and full of potential, it’s probably the right way to go.

Gifts for Gemini
Numerology Report


Are you still grieving for the past clinging to something that has gone, or thinking about what could have been rather than what is? This year is likely to get off to an introspective start. There is some value in looking back, as it can help you make sense of where you are today, but just be careful that you don’t get too bogged down in the past. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction offers a new cycle of psychological growth. It’s important to exorcise your demons, but don’t get on friendly terms with them.

Gifts for Cancer
New Age Natal Report


This new year begins with the auspicious Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in your zone of relationships. No matter how important other areas of your life seem, this is where you need to direct a lot of your attention, remembering that the happier your relationships, the happier you will be. This might require some effort on your part, as neglect of any relationship can cause it to wither. You will likely have opportunities to make this area of life flourish. Perhaps you’ll strike up a successful business partnership or meet someone new. Maybe you’ll commit to someone, learn a lot from a professional person, or teach or mentor others. While your focus might naturally be on work and the need to be productive in your daily life, be ready to begin something new with someone who could be very important.

Gifts for Leo
Merlin Report


This new year has the potential to be fun, creative and enjoyable as long as you can let go of your cares and concerns and let a carefree spirit blow through. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction offers a new cycle of growth concerning your work and health, so this could feel like an exciting time if you have identified what you would like to offer to others. (This alignment speaks of service and altruism.) Spend some time thinking about how you can be of greater use and improve your well-being in the process. The start of the year would like you to remember the value of fun, laughter and relaxation.

Gifts for Virgo
Indra Report


The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is in your zone of fun, recreation, pleasure and general enjoyment. This is a clear message to focus on what you enjoy, and make this your mantra for the whole year to come. What do you love to do? Where do you want to be? Who do you want to spend your time with? Although your attention might need to be on your home and family – where there could be one or two pressures – the feeling niggling in the background could be the growing need to follow your heart and live a more creative or carefree life. Without risk or passion, you might always wonder “what if?”

Gifts for Libra
Child Astrology Report


As the year gets underway, it might help to consider that when you judge things as right or wrong and good or bad, you lock yourself into an unhappy position: “If only so and so would change their behavior, my life would be easier,” or “If only I could have the thing I want, then I would be happier.” But how do you know that a situation is bad? What if it has a lesson to impart, or it eventually takes you to a better place? You might have a lot of intense thoughts going on in your head, but the more you take on an attitude of nonresistance, the freer you will be to simply enjoy your life and its mixed palette of delights.

Gifts for Scorpio
Astrological Solar Return Report


The year gets underway with a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in your communication zone, suggesting that your attitude holds the key to your success. This applies not just to this week but to the entire year. Believe that anything is possible, and combine that with a hint of realism and a dose of effort and persistence. This is particularly relevant for your financial and material world, as planets in this region suggest this is a good time to manifest greater abundance. Start by switching your thoughts away from lack and toward a state of plenty, and think of ways you can better utilize your talents.

Gifts for Sagittarius
Astro Forecast Report (3 months)


The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in your zone of money makes this the perfect time to begin a new cycle of growth in your material world. This could relate to business, work, how you earn money, the things you possess, and the things you value. It would be prudent to get very clear on what in life has the most value for you and then make sure whatever you’re moving toward incorporates those values; it would be a mistake to chase after money or success if your heart isn’t in it. For this reason, the start of the year brings an opportunity to ditch all that isn’t in alignment with your heart and begin moving toward what is.

Gifts for Capricorn
Cards of Destiny Report


Since the auspicious Jupiter-Saturn conjunction falls in your sign, we could say that the universe has singled you out for special treatment this year, and what better time to set a positive intent or begin something new than in the first week of this new year? This conjunction is synonymous with a new chapter of life beginning. This could range from big, obvious changes in your outer life to more subtle shifts within, such as a change of attitude or belief. Whether you see your life heading down a positive track or not, you are being granted the tools and opportunities to manifest something new and important, so don’t waste this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Gifts for Aquarius
Cayce Past Life Report


This week provides you with a soulful theme as the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction aligns nicely in your zone of quiet contemplation. Despite all the craziness in the world, you Pisces, more than most, are well placed to step outside the madness and find your place of peace and equanimity. Maybe this is the time to realize that if you have spiritual sustenance you don’t need much else. However you choose to connect with your soul – through art, music, dance, prayer, meditation, yoga, walking or whatever helps you connect with the divine – let this starting week of the year be gentle, quiet and contemplative. This is more a time for going within than for striving externally.

Gifts for Pisces
Astrology Reports!