Free Weekly Horoscope – March 21 – March 27, 2021

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week

The Center for the New Age is pleased to present your Free Weekly Horoscope for March 21 – March 27, 2021

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

First Quarter Moon in Gemini on March 21 is a day of collecting information while we look at both sides of given pictures.. Do not let gossip and idle chatter be of concern. The Gemini Moon puts us in touch with how we feel about our thoughts. If you don’t like how you feel about your thoughts, endeavor to change or alter your way of thinking. Omit thoughts which attempt to defeat your sense of purpose. Encourage thoughts that uplift and inspire your spirit.

Venus enters Aries (March 21 – April 14) where the expression of love and beauty becomes a reflection of the self. Attraction is often impulsive and unpremeditated. Venus represents magnetic draw and attraction, and at this time the planet of love and beauty focuses our attention on the force and fire of Aries related interests. Hot, seductive, impulsive love abounds. This brings sheer love of and appreciation for such activities as competition, rights of selfhood, and initiation into new endeavours. Venus in Aries brings out the warrior and conqueror quality in many people, and a new sense of life and vitality is brought to the surface.

Mars trine Saturn (March 22 – June 1) affects our actions with a sense of good timing. This is a favorable time to apply diligent practice to one’s favorite sport, especially those physical activities which demand precision and perfect timing. For some, though not all, this aspect will be helpful and this may be just the time to favorably put an end to those factors in life which have held us back from a sense of achievement. A gift of strength of will and the rewards of hard work harmonize to bring positive results. To benefit from this aspect, one must be persistent in taking action regarding important matters. It is the action of doing something with the application of energy (Mars) while applying responsibility and awareness of limitation (Saturn) that allows the perfect timely quality of completion as well as new beginnings to occur with this strong but favorable aspect.

Mercury square Mars (March 24 – April 2) is not a time to lose one’s temper (and it could happen so very easily). This is a good time to be especially careful and to watch what you say. Think before you speak as words can easily be taken the wrong way. This aspect is prone to rousing arguments and mental blocks concerning the actions of others. Mercury square Mars makes it difficult for some to justify their actions or explain why they take a certain stand in life. Communications may easily become blocked or misunderstood if one is too caught up in the action of what is going on. This is a good time to hold off on making risky comments, particularly around associates, customers and strangers and to be careful not to misinterpret information as being hostile or personal.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign


The Sun’s arrival in your sign is good news, signaling the chance for a new beginning or a fresh perspective on life. It also suggests that the time is ripe to push forward with whatever steps you feel are appropriate for your growth. Good questions to ask now are: What do you really want? What do you desire? What steps will move you toward greater happiness? Increasing confidence, energy and motivation might all be positive side effects of the Sun moving into your sign, but so too is a propensity toward contemplation and a certain desire to put your needs first.

Gifts for Aries
Compatibility Report


As the Sun aligns with Chiron and Venus, you have a great opportunity to heal some inner pain or dysfunctional aspect of your life, which probably has its roots in the past but no longer has any relevance. This could relate to a past hurt or disappointment or a situation in which you felt wounded or rejected. The key now is to let go with love and forgiveness and turn your pain into a desire to help others who might have similar issues. By healing others, you will heal yourself.

Gifts for Taurus
Love Cards Report


As Mercury aligns with Neptune at the top of your chart, you’re likely to feel confused and inspired or directionless and content just to be where you are. Again, relying purely on logic and trying to figure things out with your head is unlikely to work, but tuning in to the divine and watching for signs and symbols from the universe or listening to your internal promptings will lead you to the answers and direction you need. This is a perfect week to receive inspired communications that you can then channel into your work. This favors artists, writers, musicians, channelers, psychics, healers, meditators and any other work of a spiritual, soulful, or artistic nature.

Gifts for Gemini
Numerology Report


If your work or social activities involves healing or helping others, your personal issues could get clearer in the process. If you want to move forward in life and allow yourself to shine your light into the world, you might need to forgive someone who has hurt you emotionally by putting you down. You can begin by telling yourself that you yourself are good enough, and then release past disappointments and resentments, especially those connected with your childhood/family, career and overall direction in life.

Gifts for Cancer
New Age Natal Report


Important healing rarely takes place within four walls. A journey is often required, whether to a therapist or to another land, and the amount of effort you make often equates to the results you receive. When you travel, you are more likely to receive strong signs from the universe in answer to questions you pose rather than puttering around the house and getting caught up in daily routines. If you need to experience any kind of healing, or you need the answer to a dilemma, the key might well lie in breaking out of your rut and putting yourself into a new or different environment.

Gifts for Leo
Merlin Report


As the Sun aligns with Chiron and Venus in your zone of transformation, this could be a week to experience deep healing or some kind of rebirth. You might normally expect a rebirth to have an element of pain, and with Chiron, it might be difficult to completely escape discomfort. But Venus ensures that whatever you’re going through will contain some kind of beauty, even if it’s bittersweet. Letting go is key now, as is loving your wounds instead of chastising yourself for your failings. You are already perfect as you are.

Gifts for Virgo
Indra Report


While the theme of inspiration continues, the Sun’s arrival in your relationship zone along with Chiron and Venus is likely to bring up a situation with another person that involves healing. For example, a painful issue in a relationship might come up for healing, or someone might be able to help you with your pain or a particular issue. Indeed, other people – particularly healers, therapists and other professionals – could be very helpful for you now, so seek out the help and advice of others when necessary. You might also find much joy in your interactions, and perhaps all it will take is an open heart and your willingness to risk rejection.

Gifts for Libra
Child Astrology Report


In today’s rushed, wired and stressful climate, it can be difficult to be well in all regards – health and well-being. As the Sun aligns with Chiron – the wounded healer – and with the beautiful Venus in your health zone, your challenge is to maintain or improve your well-being. Perhaps you can choose one element to implement in your days. Venus, for example, is a fan of never hurrying; she favors the mantra “slow down and smell the roses.” This one small act of slowing down and being present to life’s sensuous beauty can have an immediate, positive effect on your well-being. Start with small steps and know that whatever you do today will bear fruit tomorrow.

Gifts for Scorpio
Astrological Solar Return Report


It might often be overlooked, but play has great therapeutic value. As your mind relaxes, so does your body, and having a good laugh has a healing effect. Being creative or expressive through artistic means can also be healing, so singing, dancing or painting can release blockages and stagnant energies. This week, as the Sun aligns with Chiron in your creativity and play zone, find a way to unblock yourself through a creative process. Art therapy would be perfect right now, but you don’t need to enlist the help of a trained therapist; you can get your feelings out through writing a poem, free-writing in a journal, creating a mandala, taking photographs, or creating a tune on a piano or guitar. Find what works for you, and let your inner child out to play.

Gifts for Sagittarius
Astro Forecast Report (3 months)


It is time to return to base and tend to your core self as the Sun joins Chiron and Venus in your domestic zone. You have an opportunity now to heal any family dysfunction, whether that’s mending a relationship or an unhealthy pattern or dynamic in your home life. It might be time to assess the integrity of your home and family to see what needs to be made whole again. Love and forgiveness will help, and refusing to entertain bitterness, resentment or any sense of failure will go a long way to strengthening your situation.

Gifts for Capricorn
Cards of Destiny Report


The little rifts and wobbles in your mind, from a dark or depressing thought to a fearful image that you keep picturing in your mind’s eye, can alter your frequency and spoil an otherwise positive attitude. This week, as the Sun aligns with Chiron and Venus in your mind zone, you have an opportunity to heal a particular way of thinking that does you no favors. This might be a tendency to slide into anxiety, guilt, or a need to have everything just so. Whatever it is, try to catch it and question its validity. It might have its roots in the past but whatever its origins or reasons, using your thoughts to heal rather than to harm – whether yourself or others – is your challenge this week.

Gifts for Aquarius
Cayce Past Life Report


This is an important week to trust your intuition and acknowledge any subtle impressions you might receive, as your inner self is likely trying to impart an important message. At the same time, the Sun makes his way through your money zone, making this an appropriate week to turn some of your focus toward the material side of life in your work, finances or other practical matters. As the Sun aligns with Venus and Chiron, you might need to do some healing connected with money. If you focus on gratitude and abundance, giving thanks for all you have, you could experience a breakthrough in your material situation.

Gifts for Pisces
Astrology Reports!