Free Weekly Horoscope – August 22 – August 28, 2021

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of this week

The Center for the New Age is pleased to present your Free Weekly Horoscope for August 22 – 28, 2021

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Full Moon in Aquarius on August 22 enlivens our senses with the need to apply clarity and definition. The moods of the day are likely to be blanketed in bizarre and unusual occurrences, and often focus on modern technological breakthroughs and inventions. People may seem idealistic and generous in some respects of this lunar expression, or out of control and downright unrealistic in other respects of this full lunar expression of Aquarius.

Venus trine Saturn (August 23 -September 2) brings the timely gift of love. Paradoxically, it also allows for some peace in the closure of a love relationship. This is the aspect to enhance a love vow or oath with the timely application of loving energy, and is also a good aspect to better understand the importance of devotion and responsive caring. Remember when extending love, it is best not to have expectations concerning the need to receive it in return. This will come in due time while one is practicing the application of love’s expression.

Mercury opposite Neptune (August 24 – August 30) brings out an acute awareness in discussions concerning disputes or challenges with regard to personal and religious beliefs. It also brings out strong discussions regarding spiritual matters, and there is often a push for a really good argument to ensue. It is wisest to be clear on one’s own beliefs, and not to put oneself in a position of having to defend or expose those beliefs before a pack of merciless critics.

Mercury trine Pluto (August 26 – September 1) brings favorable news and optimistic discussion around issues of control and power. This is a favorable aspect for attempting communications with those of another generation, and to put the message out there wherever the gap exists. Mercury is the communications tower that transmits information concerning those likely issues that deeply concern us. Pluto’s disruptive energy is focusing our attention on such issues as contagious diseases, senseless crime, misunderstanding between cultures, facing up to addiction and many other painful realities. This is a good time to express encouraging words and reinforce the troubled people of our world with a sense of hope.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign


This week the focus turns to work, health and your need to be productive and constructive in either of these areas. Perhaps it’s time to get yourself in better shape, become more organized in your work, or simply get lots done, which is easily achievable under the current planetary climate. Just be careful that you don’t overdo it, because Neptune’s opposition to Mars suggests that the energy will burn out if you don’t pace yourself. Although it’s good to be constructive, it’s also important to go with the flow if things don’t go as planned.

Gifts for Aries
Compatibility Report


“I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.” If you applied the philosophy of this quote from Rita Mae Brown, what would you do? What changes would you make? Would you stress a bit less and stop worrying about the small stuff? Would you care a bit less about what others thought of you and say yes to more of the fun things in life? Would you take up a hobby or start a creative project that you’ve been putting off because you lack time or confidence? This is a good week to consider what you enjoy (and what you think you might enjoy) from the big things to the smaller pleasures, and see whether you can find ways to make them bigger parts of your life.

Gifts for Taurus
Love Cards Report


As the Sun reaches the nadir of your chart, it’s time to return to base and check in with yourself. Could you benefit from greater self-care? Do you need to nurture yourself or those closest to you? Would your home benefit from a little more of your attention? It’s hard to have a successful life if our foundations aren’t strong, so if something in your world isn’t working, in relationships, work, health or something else, turn your attention closer to home and sort out whatever problems present themselves there.

Gifts for Gemini
Numerology Report


The Full Moon brings a real sense of resolution and a noticeable increase in energy. Whatever the challenge and journey ahead, if we set out with a good attitude, we’re already halfway to success. If, conversely, we feel beaten before we begin, we’re not going to get very far, and the chances of victory are very low. Be mindful of your attitude toward a situation this week, because your thoughts have tremendous power in determining the outcome. It might be as simple as, “You can if you think you can.”

Gifts for Cancer
New Age Natal Report


Jupiter’s presence with this Full Moon suggests that you will be fortunate, so maybe all you need to know at this point – no matter how difficult things might be – is that things will work out much better than expected. If you want to improve a situation, it’s time to get to work. Your material and physical world is highlighted now, so when you focus on money, work, possessions or other practical matters, you can, with a little bit of guile and effort, make great headway. Whatever you choose to do, it might help to keep your focus on the nature of abundance and give thanks for what you have.

Gifts for Leo
Merlin Report


The good news is that the Full Moon brings clarity and resolution to whatever has been uncertain with your health, work or daily affairs, so you can look forward to things advancing in a much more constructive way. As the Sun moves into your sign and joins Mercury and Mars, you are now in a prime position to move mountains and achieve your goals. You might also find it useful to be more assertive and express your point of view authentically and honestly. This could be a case of no more being just a nice guy. You may have to ruffle a few feathers to get things done.

Gifts for Virgo
Indra Report


Your dreams can serve a very important purpose, but in your rush to get on with life, they are often banished to the psychic dustbin. With a cluster of planets activating your subconscious and higher conscious mind, your soul will attempt to give you answers to questions and dilemmas not just through dreams but also through synchronistic events and symbolic occurrences. If a deer crosses your path or you wake with a feeling that the dream you just had was important, pay attention. The universe will be speaking to you this week, so keep your eyes and ears open and get ready to receive an answer.

Gifts for Libra
Child Astrology Report


The Full Moon will help you identify any areas of weakness at a fundamental level, and it will be surprisingly easy to put things right. The theme for the week ahead is connection – to society, the world, or the people around you. Friends, social groups and organizations are a great way to help us feel connected, and social media can garner a false sense of connection and should not take the place of live interactions. If you feel a drive to connect more strongly, then this is the week to get out there and join forces with others. If the whole world is a massive jigsaw puzzle, your task now is to find the space where your piece fits.

Gifts for Scorpio
Astrological Solar Return Report


The Full Moon at the beginning of the week will help illuminate what is needed to resolve matters. This Full Moon might lift the veil between dimensional states, enabling you to access divine inspiration, which you can then implement in your life. In other words, if you have an idea or a eureka moment, make sure you act on it. As the planets move into your zone of success and achievement, it is time to turn your attention to your role in the outside world and what it could mean for you. It could mean that you find yourself in the limelight or more in demand in terms of work or responsibilities.

Gifts for Sagittarius
Astro Forecast Report (3 months)


Every once in a while, life invites us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace new experiences. It could be a positive event such as travel or learning a new subject, or it could be something that we resist because it’s uncomfortable and we want to go back to our old ways. Sometimes, we feel the need to try something new because we realize that we have become stuck in a rut and suffer from a lack of inspiration, but we might have doubts and fears that hold us back. If a new aspect of life is beckoning, take a step toward it with faith that all will go well.

Gifts for Capricorn
Cards of Destiny Report


As the Sun moves into your zone of the underworld, the need to have an encounter with yourself deepens. If you try to avoid it, you might be faced with a situation that brings up an uncomfortable emotion in order to help you see where you need to change, release, or grow. The Full Moon at the beginning of the week helps to provide the energy of the week that could best be summed up as regeneration. Start by looking at where you feel your mind, body or spirit is in need of rejuvenation and take it from there.

Gifts for Aquarius
Cayce Past Life Report


As the Moon grows full in your zone of secrets and all things hidden, you can expect something to come to light that could prove to be healing, enlightening, or inspiring. There is nothing to fear and everything to gain from this reconnection with whatever lies within. Expect a sense of relief by the end of the week. The emphasis shifts to your personal life and dealings with other people, especially significant others. If you find yourself in a place of conflict, communication will be needed to resolve things. A good heart-to-heart talk will most likely provide the healing that you need.

Gifts for Pisces
Astrology Reports!