Free Weekly Horoscope – November 28 – December 4, 2021

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of weekly astrology

Your Weekly Free Horoscope & Astrology Report
November 28 – December 4, 2021

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

November is winding down. As the Sun conjunct Mercury, Sunday November 28, we feel confident, mentally alert and even eloquent. We’re interested in our children’s education. Writers, teachers and lecturers are inspired. Then on Monday, November 29, Mars trines Neptune as Mercury sextiles Saturn. Our imaginations and creativity are enhanced. This is an excellent time for artists and channels to access what lies on the other side of the veil with greater ease. We will be drawn to spiritual studies, metaphysical research and investigation of secrets.

Tuesday, November 30, Venus sextiles Neptune. Sun sextiles Saturn. Our aesthetic senses are sharpened. Our love relationships are likely to be idealized. We’re also going to be more serious and focused on our goals. Neptune turns direct on December 1 and the veil that has been covering the truth will begin to lift. The fog that has created confusion will dissipate. This is the time to follow our intuition to listen, to our inner view or feelings. Focus on the positive in December.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign

Aries free horoscope & astrology report
Aries: No matter what your current dilemma or how troubling your situation, the Solar Eclipse on December 4 suggests that the key to turning things around and getting what you want is simply to believe it is possible. So many of life’s disappointments and struggles come from mindsets that lack faith. Faith will lead you to turning December into something much more meaningful to you. A big year for you is about to begin.

Gifts for Aries and Astrology Reports

Taurus free horoscope & astrology report
Taurus: The year 2021 hasn’t been the easiest for Taurus folks, so as many of you move into December, you might want to let go of as much as you can psychologically, emotionally, and materially. You can do this by getting rid of all that you no longer need. This runs counter to how things usually play out in December as we gather, accumulate, and consume. However, especially in the first week of December, it might benefit you to purge rather than emass. This isn’t to say you will be feeling like a Scrooge, and there’s nothing wrong with being generous and kind to others, but it will help you to let go of the old if you want to move into new territory.

Gifts for Taurus and Astrology Reports

Gemini free horoscope & astrology report
Gemini: Affection is responsible for whatever happiness we have in our lives. As we head towards the end of another turbulent year, you might want to ask yourself how much solid and durable happiness is in your life. Could you be happier? If so, is this connected in any way to your personal life? It might also be pertinent to ask where the conflict or disharmony is the root of some of your problems. What can you do to improve things? For example, do you need to show affection more freely or not let differences of opinion spoil an otherwise love connection?

Gifts for Gemini and Astrology Reports

Cancer free horoscope & astrology report
Cancer: It’s time to concentrate on raising your consciousness. You can change your whole energy by right thinking, right speech, and right action. When you’re judging no one, you’ll know you’re raising your own consciousness. As a Solar Eclipse arrives on December 4 in your zone of health, work, and service – now is an ideal time to consider changes to any of those areas. Perhaps the bigger consideration is not so much what you do, but why you do it. You would benefit from letting go of your old patterns, particularly if these have been stopping you from flourishing.

Gifts for Cancer and Astrology Reports

Leo free horoscope & astrology report
Leo: Where would you be if you left all your cares behind? All we really want at this time of year is an absence of problems, so it’s good news as a Solar Eclipse lands in your house of fun. This effectively sets the scene for some good times, along with the more carefree spirit that might have been lacking. Let’s face it, 2021 hasn’t been easy for you. You’ve had to contend with Saturn in opposition and forming a harsh angle to Uranus. This puts you under a certain amount of pressure. Now that alignment is beginning to end and the Eclipse marks the beginning of more favorable times.

Gifts for Leo and Astrology Reports

Virgo free horoscope & astrology report
Virgo: It could be argued that the western world devalues the rules of family and home, placing more importance on success, wealth, youthfulness, and other material achievements. As the Solar Eclipse lands in your domestic zone, you are being handed quite an opportunity. Here is your chance to wipe the slate clean of all your past demons that relate to your family, childhood, and other aspects of your life. It also offers you a chance to create greater togetherness and to improve your domestic surroundings.

Gifts for Virgo and Astrology Reports

Libra free horoscope & astrology report
Libra: The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. How is your world looking? Are you pleased with the way your life is going or do you have problems you’re not sure how to solve? The Solar Eclipse on December 4 indicates that a new way of thinking is necessary to change some aspect of your life. You might need to think in a more empowered or provocative way or remember that you create your reality with the thoughts you constantly send out.

Gifts for Libra and Astrology Reports

Scorpio free horoscope & astrology report
Scorpio: In business, as in life, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate. December’s Solar Eclipse on December 4 will likely have you wondering whether you have been settling for less. Are you in some way underselling yourself in terms of prosperity or fulfilling work. With Mars in your sign and the Eclipse bringing the opportunity for a big financial change, there is no reason why you can’t march with confidence towards whatever you want. Perhaps it will begin with a shift in attitude, acknowledging that you are indeed entitled to good in your life. It also might be that your methods for creating prosperity haven’t been working very well. Either way, this is the point at which you will see a way forward and perhaps a way to do things differently.

Gifts for Scorpio and Astrology Reports

Sagittarius free horoscope & astrology report
Sagittarius: Whatever you can dream and believe, you can do. We might be at the end of the year, but the Solar Eclipse in your sign on December 4 marks a new beginning for you. Don’t delay if there’s something you want to do. Now is the time to make a positive change that furthers your growth or begins a new chapter in your life. Communicate how you feel and what you want or what is important, so don’t keep quiet if there’s something you need to say.

Gifts for Sagittarius and Astrology Reports

Capricorn free horoscope & astrology report
Capricorn: When the door of happiness closes another opens. When we look so long at the closed door, we cannot see the one that is opening for us. The Solar Eclipse on December 4 indicates that something is finished and you’re better off allowing a certain door to close, and then wait patiently for a new one to open. All things come to an end eventually and the more you can release the past, be willing to move into a new chapter, the more fulfilling you will find happiness this week.

Gifts for Capricorn and Astrology Reports

Aquarius free horoscope & astrology report
Aquarius: There are two questions you must ask yourself this week. Where am I going? And who’s going there with me? This last month has not been all sweetness and light because much of your year was linked to the tensions between Saturn and Uranus. These are your two key planets as an Aquarian. Perhaps you didn’t always know which way to turn, what to do, or whether you were coming or going. Any tensions, frustrations, and inner conflicts will soon be lessening their hold. The Solar Eclipse on December 4 will signal your opportunity to engage with more fortuitous circumstances.

Gifts for Aquarius and Astrology Reports

Pisces free horoscope & astrology report
Pisces: Once you make a decision, the Universe conspires to make it happen. December waves the banner of success in your direction. Around the Solar Eclipse on December 4, you should feel that you’re heading in the right direction and are on track to achieving something great. All this comes from an inner certainty that you are preparing for something big.

Gifts for Pisces and Astrology Reports