Free Weekly Horoscope – May 29 – June 4, 2022

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of weekly astrology

Your Weekly Free Horoscope & Astrology Report
May 29 – June 4, 2022

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

On May 30 the New Moon will occur within the realm of Gemini. New Moons are a time for rejuvenation in manifestation. If you have lack in your life, then this is the time it will be filled. Whether it’s through a new experience, person, or item, New Moons ask us to make space for beginnings and foolish behavior, we are all fools when beginning something new.

Gemini is a mutable air sign that is ruled by Mercury, the planet associated with communication, short distance travel and thinking. Mercury is currently Retrograde and will remain so until June 3. When a planet is in Retrograde, we are called to dedicate time to reflection, evaluation and review. That’s especially important during this New Moon because Gemini is notable for being a bit of a trickster. Gemini energy isn’t bad, it’s just that it gets a tough reputation because the rest of the world isn’t good at communicating.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign

Aries free horoscope & astrology report
Aries: Mercury Retrograde in Taurus is giving you plenty of time to think about financially what you can afford and what you cannot. This New Moon is an inspiration to refine your expressive self and ensure that your self presentation is in alignment with your values and preferences. Once you make a decision, the Universe will conspire to make it happen. So there should be no stopping you this week, as Mars and Jupiter align in your sign. Now is the time to pursue your personal goals and step out of your comfort zone to see what you’re capable of doing. Reach for the stars.

Gifts for Aries and Astrology Reports

Taurus free horoscope & astrology report
Taurus: Show yourself appreciation and invest some time in nourishing yourself under this New Moon. The focus is on your material situation and now might be a good time to generate a greater sense of abundance. Focus on earning more money or making better use of your talents, this is the time to put your energy into money matters. Welcome to new experiences. If something unexpected happens, go with it because it might be a pathway to creative change.

Gifts for Taurus and Astrology Reports

Gemini free horoscope & astrology report
Gemini: If you have felt particularly lost and in a need of guidance, taking some personal space can be extremely beneficial to you. Focus on replenishing your spirit. This might feel tricky at the start of the week when Saturn Squares in Mercury, which could be a low point. But if you make the effort to see the glass as half full rather than half empty, you might be able to turn things around pretty quickly. Confidence and enthusiasm are the keys to success. Try saying “Yes” when the temptation is to say “No” and see what happens.

Gifts for Gemini and Astrology Reports

Cancer free horoscope & astrology report
Cancer: Mercury Retrograde has helped you recognize where you need to dedicate your energy. You are only one person and it isn’t exactly possible to split your soul for whoever needs a part of it, as much as you may feel the desire to share your care. Your challenge this week is to create a nurturing environment for your intuition. Honor your feelings and notice the signs that appear along your path, and you may find the answer to your problem is right in front of you.

Gifts for Cancer and Astrology Reports

Leo free horoscope & astrology report
Leo: You’re looking for a new reason to dream and to aspire towards something. Mercury Retrograde has you thinking about your legacy. How do you wish to impact the world? Through acting with your community under this New Moon, you’ll find ways to leave your footprint. Given that the current planetary alignments are so favorable for you, there’s really no excuse to keep yourself small, hold yourself back, or wait for circumstances to become favorable. It might be that the most favorable time is now.

Gifts for Leo and Astrology Reports

Virgo free horoscope & astrology report
Virgo: The planetary alignment looks optimistic for you, especially because Venus is now in Taurus. Under this New Moon make sure to take your time when committing to new obligations. Even activities you find fun can take a toll. While you may benefit from making a decision, it may be best to wait until after June 3 because Saturn Square Mercury suggests that you may not feel as positive as usual during the first couple days of the month. If it feels like circumstances are against you, just wait for a few days and you may well find that what seemed like an impasse has becomes an opening.

Gifts for Virgo and Astrology Reports

Libra free horoscope & astrology report
Libra: Currently you are caught in a cycle that is challenging you to become more vulnerable with your relationships. It may be time to push the boundaries of what you believe is possible in a relationship and act with boldness and confidence. Watch out for arrogance. Courage combined with kindness will procure the best results while seeking to break free from the routine, and doing something different could be the answer to any restlessness, boredom or frustration.

Gifts for Libra and Astrology Reports

Scorpio free horoscope & astrology report
Scorpio: How good are you at admitting when you’re wrong? If you’re an expert then great, this New Moon will be easy on you. Sometimes we have to shed our old skin if we want to move on and this week brings such an opportunity. Be ready to let go of anything that has served its purpose, and adapt as circumstances require. If you want to experience the gift currently on offer, you need to be a bit less resolute. It may be time to go with the flow.

Gifts for Scorpio and Astrology Reports

Sagittarius free horoscope & astrology report
Sagittarius: The Sun and the Moon are in your favor, especially in the realm of relationships. The blessed promise that the Universe offers is that “What will be, will be”. Under this New Moon, remain open, and the world will continue to surprise you. Relationships are about give-and-take and you may need to find a balance between giving and receiving. Acting from your heart is especially important now.

Gifts for Sagittarius and Astrology Reports

Capricorn free horoscope & astrology report
Capricorn: Now is a great time to reimagine life and reconsider how you execute your creative projects. This New Moon is providing you with time to get creative. Work and health are your themes this week. This may mean being more organized and efficient in your work, or daily life. Commit to a course of action. Disciplined effort and intending what needs to be fixed will benefit you in the long run.

Gifts for Capricorn and Astrology Reports

Aquarius free horoscope & astrology report
Aquarius: Under this New Moon, keep an open mind and try not to overthink creativity. It’s possible that you’re overlooking art because you’ve become too comfortable. Try thinking in a new way. It may be time to follow a hunch and act more on instinct rather than rationale. Even if things don’t make sense, have the courage to embrace your intuitive feelings. This is a good week to ask yourself what it would mean to live more authentically, and you might be led to stop compromising your integrity. Do something that fills your heart.

Gifts for Aquarius and Astrology Reports

Pisces free horoscope & astrology report
Pisces: You have a heart full of feelings but you seem hesitant to express them. This New Moon is  highlighting the need for you to sort out your emotions at home and with family. It may be difficult to articulate yourself but starting June 3 things will get easier and your thoughts will flow with much more ease. The Sun’s annual journey to the base of your solar chart makes this the time to focus on the integrity of your home. As Mars connects with your ruling planet in your Money Zone there should be no stopping you now, when it comes to generating more of what you need. By believing that you deserve good things, you will find that the world accommodates and responds favorably to your growing sense of self belief.

Gifts for Pisces and Astrology Reports