Free Weekly Horoscope – October 16 – October 22, 2022

#Horoscope #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Horoscope – overview of weekly astrology

Your Weekly Free Horoscope & Astrology Report
October 16 – October 22, 2022

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

October is a time of shifting through possibilities. Attempting to force rather than flow with the energies will create frustration. Be with the flow, attune your soul-heart to it, align with your inner destiny, and all will come to be in a smooth easy manner.

Monday, October 17 the Sun trine Mars. Today we feel dynamic, confident, and courageous. Our decisions are decisive. On Tuesday, October 18 Venus trine Mars. This is a day for balancing the masculine and feminine. Wednesday, October 19 the Sun square Pluto, Mars square Pluto. Ultimatums are not advised today as they are likely to backfire. The more we honor solutions that benefit the whole, the more successful we are likely to be.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign

Aries: While this should be a positive time to be engaged with others, the harsh alignment from Pluto to Venus in the Sun in your relationship zone may trigger intensity and drama, as previously buried issues come up for healing. Keep the focus on transformation. Something needs to change, grow and evolve so be prepared to be honest.

Gifts for Aries and Astrology Reports

Taurus: This is a good week to be productive and get on top of things. Your ruler Venus is buoyed by Mars and the Sun, bringing energy and enthusiasm to all that you do. So progress should be fairly easy this week. You will need to watch out for negative emotional states, though, that could underlie physical problems. This week you’d be wise to listen to your body and let it guide you to make the right choices.

Gifts for Taurus and Astrology Reports

Gemini: While there is still a playful, romantic theme, this week could cast a darker edge to matters. However, while it may be easy to succumb to jealousy, envy or power struggles, there is also a potential to transform difficulties, particularly relating to children, creative projects and love affairs.

Gifts for Gemini and Astrology Reports

Cancer: Your home, family, career, direction and relationships are all focal points at present, but with Pluto’s influence, this could be a week that feels a little more intense than normal. Your personal life especially is open for transformation, so if you find that some dark element arises, know that it is something that’s coming up for a clearing. A good use of the Plutonic energies would be to change or transform an aspect of your home or work toward healing a family dynamic.

Gifts for Cancer and Astrology Reports

Leo: A positive loving attitude is something we would all love to have on a daily basis, but few of us are enlightened, so we have to endure the ups and downs and the good moods and the not so good moods of our changeable mental state. On the whole, the Sun – Venus conjunction should ensure a more peaceful and loving state of mind. If you find yourself at the mercy of darker thoughts, recognize these as parts of yourself that can be healed. Don’t resist or judge them as bad; wrap them in love. You’re not always going to feel like Mother Theresa.

Gifts for Leo and Astrology Reports

Virgo: With a cluster of planets in your money zone, you are in a phase in which the material side of life will be ripe for enhancement. This would certainly be a good week to think about how you can improve things, or utilizing an idea to generate more of what you need. But this transit is not just about money: it also askes you to get in touch with what you need in another ways, such as a need for security, love and pleasure. This will be a time when it will be increasingly difficult to deny your needs, so the best approach is to speak up and ask for what you want.

Gifts for Virgo and Astrology Reports

Libra: The Venus – Sun connection reaches its peak this week, putting you in a much more powerful position, particularly when it comes to manifesting what you desire or simply living in a higher vibrational state. Focusing on truth, love, creativity and romance will serve you well. There is however a harsh angle from Pluto, which could lead you down a dark alley in terms of your thinking or emotions. If things get a little intense, try to take a step back and do something light or fun to boost your self-esteem.

Gifts for Libra and Astrology Reports

Scorpio: As the Sun reaches the end of its annual cycle through your solar chart, it is in a sense as though your year is ending and a new one is about to begin. It is prudent to begin with the clearing out process by drawing a line under that which is no longer a part of your life or that belongs in the past. A new chapter is waiting in the wings, so prepare a space for it by being very conscious of the choices you have made in the past and the kinds of choices you would like to make going forward.

Gifts for Scorpio and Astrology Reports

Sagittarius: Love and friendship are themes at present, and it may become evident that a friendship needs love and love needs friendship. To really blossom under the current planetary vibrations, all you need to do is say yes to people, opportunities and invitations, and offer your love when it seems necessary. On a deeper level, this transit may incline you to want to give to people and society, but sometimes just a welcoming smile or a helping hand assists people more than you might think.

Gifts for Sagittarius and Astrology Reports

Capricorn: As the Sun aligns with Venus, you have a golden opportunity to step up into a brighter future. This shouldn’t require much effort on your part, just a willingness to move along your path, which should feel a whole lot brighter and more sparkling than it has in a long time. This could relate to a business or professional door opening. If there is any uncertainty at all, make a conscious effort to step forward toward that which feels joyful and blissful.

Gifts for Capricorn and Astrology Reports

Aquarius: It may now become apparent that you’re not as in control as you like to think, and this may take the form of a bad dream the unsettles you, a dark mood or an outburst that takes you or others by surprise. You now have an opportunity to identify where you might be sabotaging yourself. Sometimes we have to embrace our shady characters so they can help us to live more rounded and fulfilling lives.

Gifts for Aquarius and Astrology Reports

Pisces: It may be difficult to make much progress in the outside world as Neptune Squares up to Mars, but it is a good way to explore and potentially heal your emotional self. This may require you to let go of something that has caused you pain or difficulty, or it may require you to move on from a situation that isn’t doing you any favors. It’s also time when you could find yourself giving birth to something new, for as one door closes another one opens. Although there is an element of intensity surrounding this weeks events, there is also an opportunity of beauty to be found within it.

Gifts for Pisces and Astrology Reports

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