Free Weekly Horoscope-Oct 12 to Oct 18

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Overview of this week

The Center for the New Age is pleased to present your Free Weekly Horoscope for October 12 — October 18, 2014

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Venus in Libra sextile Jupiter in Leo (October 14 –October 21)leads matters concerning love and attraction to a favorable opportunity to allowing for advancement to more prosperous realms. This serves as an excellent time to shower loved ones with gifts and compliments. A lover’s get away may be just the ticket to recapture some romance. Keep those gifts of love flowing. This is the time to allow expansion to occur in love matters, and to take the next step towards enlivening and enhancing a love relationship. A greater opportunity for advancement at work, or towards increasing your skills or enhancing your livelihood is available, especially if you focus on doing what you love.

The emotional concerns surfacing at the Last Quarter Moon in Cancer on October 15 require that extra bit of nurturing and understanding. This is a good time to practice patience and to lend a listening ear. However, don’t get caught up in allowing others to bend your ear if you feel like they are being manipulative or wasting your precious time. In group situations, it is wise to be patient, and to practice kind and cool composure.

October 17 to October 22 Mercury and Venus are conjunct in Libra. The energy suggests an emphasis on the need and ability to communicate love. This is the time to articulate our needs, to speak out on what we want and need to have, particularly when it comes to sharing love. Any words of love or adoration uttered at this time may come across more easily and with better reception, so long as this expression of love is actually very sincere and genuine in nature.

Full Moon on October 8th is marked with the burning and willful force of Aries Moon activity. A warrior spirit touches us all, particularly with regard to the personal challenges in our lives. Be prepared for headstrong attitudes and potential rudeness. Avoid hastiness and impetuosity. There will also be a great deal of confidence, enthusiasm and a pioneering spirit. This is a good time to celebrate and to enjoy the fruits of our labors reflected by the total lunar eclipse. At a total lunar eclipse, the earth’s full shadow falls on the Moon. The Moon won’t completely disappear, but it will be cast in an eerie darkness that makes it easy to miss if you were not looking for the Eclipse. Keep in mind, all lunar eclipses are powerful Full Moons that are course correctors and are meant to change your life. This lunar eclipse has an edge to it that forces us to start making necessary changes. Stay calm and make arrangements to simplify your life by month’s end.

Mercury enters Libra October 10 aligning us with diplomacy, tact and the need to connect with friends and loved ones. Libra is the autumn sign that emphasizes balance and adjustment. Through the 8th of November, Mercury in Libra brings us a mental focus on the acts of harmonizing and adjusting to the changing season. This is a good time for people to converse by gathering and collecting important information as our decision making process kicks into high gear.

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

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Free Weekly Horoscope for your Sign

AriesAries: With Mercury retrograde in your relationship zone, it’s likely that your attention will be directed toward at least one relationship, and it’s a good time to air grievances and sort out any niggling problems. Sitting down and communicating honestly with the person in question should produce positive results, especially if you’re conscious of the need to let go of the past. Remind yourself that the past only exists as a memory, and what matters is the here and now. If you can do that, there is enormous potential for you to experience love and happiness.

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TaurusTaurus: The best prescription for health is to live a life of joy, to follow your passion and to fulfill your mission. People often get ill when they either lose their way or allow the past to taint the present. Your chart currently suggests a need to break free from the shackles of the past so that you can live more fully in the present. By doing so, you will find that your day to day life becomes much more enjoyable. If the past is a theme you recognize, if you know that you could do with letting go and moving on, and if there’s something you need to put to rest, then try taking the flower essence honeysuckle. This will work wonders in helping you to stop dwelling on the past, and it will liberate you from anything that you find difficult to move on from. In the meantime, put your conscious awareness into your daily life, and put love into whatever it is that you’re doing. "Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even into your smallest acts. This is the secret of success."

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GeminiGemini: You are blessed this week by a glorious conjunction of planets in your house of fun, thus giving you permission to focus on pleasure and creative expression. Take every opportunity to bring joy and lightheartedness into your days, especially if life has been a bit of a grind recently. This would be a great time to explore your creative gifts or enjoy the artistic creations of others. You don’t have to be an artist to be creative. At the simplest level, you could just make this a time to enjoy yourself and focus on pleasure and relaxation. Or you could ask, "As the artist of my life, what do I want to create?" This is a week to follow your heart and let your impulses show you the way forward.

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CancerCancer: Are you comfortable in your abode? Do you like coming home? Maybe now is a good time to change your color scheme, do a little feng shui, or generally make your living space more beautiful and nourishing. At the same time, be open to receiving guidance about any necessary changes in your life, especially regarding your direction. Mars in you work zone suggests that this is a busy time for you, and you can certainly get a lot done, but your greatest joy and contentment will come from curling up with your loved ones in a cocoon of domestic bliss.

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LeoLeo: As Mercury backtracks through your zone of mind and communication, you probably need to slow down so that you can be more present. You may also benefit from asking whether you could participate more, either in a particular situation that you may have become withdrawn, or life in general. The world needs you and although you need to spend some time getting to know yourself better so that you can create supportive changes in your life, you also need to be sharing your gifts and talents with the world. This week it’s all about your attitude, and as Earl Nightingale once said, "A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change."

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VirgoVirgo: The financial theme continues as Mercury travels back into your material zone. This may signal the need to go over something that wasn’t sorted before, and it’s also a great time to get down to paperwork and financial matters that need sorting or reviewing. What you must try to avoid is a feeling of dissatisfaction based on comparison. There’ll always be others who have more than you, just as there’ll always be people who have less. The trick is to be appreciative of what you do have while you’ve got it, because you never know when your future might change, not that your fortunes look like changing for the worse. In fact, the opposite is true, which is why you need to avoid negative thoughts about scarcity and instead focus on abundance to be in harmony with the planets currently in your money zone. Like a tuning fork, you need to be resonating at the same frequency as the Sun and Venus: the frequency of love, joy and appreciation!

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LibraLibra: It’s time to focus on balance and harmony, on putting yourself and your life together so that you have a greater sense of integration. The question to ask yourself this week is, "What can I do to create wholeness?" What areas of your life (or within yourself) do you think are out of balance? Which parts of you need bringing back? The shamans speak of soul loss: when a piece of the soul gets lost or broken due to trauma or too much conditioning. If you don’t feel whole, happy and fulfilled, chances are that you need to do a little soul retrieval. Make some time to focus on you; after all, this is your time of year when the Sun returns to your sign and therefore gives you permission to tend to your own needs. This would be a good time for some inner work or therapy that heals, transforms, inspires and reunites you with your true self.

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ScorpioScorpio: This week is a time for less activity and more focus on experiencing whatever is going on in your world. Most of us rush through our days not seeing or noticing what is going on around us –the birdsong in the morning, the sunset in the evening, or myriad other potential delights in between. Make time to truly connect with the people around you, with your environment, and with what you’re feeling deep down inside. Notice your dreams and the small signs the universe uses to communicate with you. The more reflective you can be, the deeper and richer your experience of life will be.

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SagittariusSagittarius: There’s a lighthearted sociable feeling to the week as the Sun, Venus and Mercury align in your zone of friends and groups. However, with Mercury heading backward, there may be one or two issues to resolve in this area. Perhaps there is something with a friend that needs sorting, or you may be unhappy with an issue within a group or organization that you belong to. Besides being a good time to catch up with old friends or to resolve problems in your social life, this combination of planets asks you to think about your future. Where are you going, and whom do you want to take with you? Is there a way in which you can make a difference to society, perhaps via an involvement with a group or organization? Or is it time for a change? How much of your time and thoughts will you give to your life in the outside world? Deciding these issues, Sagittarius, will result in the manifestation of a new vision for your life.

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CapricornCapricorn: With a glorious combination of the Sun, Mercury and Venus at the top of your chart, this is your opportunity to shine. Although Mercury is retrograde (which is suggestive of a need to spend some time rethinking your direction or your career), there are still a lot of positives here. If you’re not quite sure which way you want to be heading, then use your creativity to show you the way forward. You could choose, for example, to draw a Mandala, create a collage depicting your desires, wishes and intentions for your future; or dance your way toward the answers. By tapping into your creative juice, your unconscious will illuminate the way forward.

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AquariusAquarius: With a lovely array of planets in your zone of adventure, this is a great time for some travel, whether it’s a week-long vacation or a day out. What’s important is that you subject yourself to new experiences, such as trips to art galleries and the theater or a jaunt to the city or the beach. Spread your wings a little this week, and you will feel better for it. Seek out stimulation, such as seeing new faces and different places, learning something new, or challenging your assumptions of what you’re capable of or what’s possible. In allowing your mind to soar, you are likely to have a realization that is very valuable for you.

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PiscesPisces: There could be some element of fate or destiny in all of your financial dealings, but as long as you pay attention to the details and scrutinize everything before you sign or send off, the outcome should be good. On another level, the planetary combination of Mercury conjunct Venus challenges you to work toward greater intimacy, especially if you’re feeling a little like an outsider. Usually, we only feel like this when we can’t truly connect with others, and the fault can easily be corrected by stripping away the masks so that real and genuine communication can take place. It’s yours for the taking, Pisces; you merely have to make the first move.

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